Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back, and Limbaugh

Sorry it's been so long since I've fought the good fight, but I am back. (I've been on "vacation" because of fun personal changes... good ones ^_^)

Now to Rush Limbaugh who is now out of the running for being an owner of the Biggest losers in the NFL. (Everyone should know the story already - so onto my commentary about it.)

This is sick, sick, sick.

A monster like VICK who tortured dogs, electrocuted them, ripped off their limbs while they were still alive, kicked them, beat them, starved them, bought small dogs specifically to feed them to the fighters…

he’s more of what the NFL is looking for right?

So, They’re going into private businesses, taking over, and firing people who own the businesses… they’re taking over our banks and our bank accounts, they’re taking over our Health Care…

Now they are taking it to the senate floor to protest a PRIVATE CITIZEN with the money, buying a FOOTBALL team. Seriously? That is something that needs to be protested on the senate floor?? A private citizen becoming an owner of a non-political sports team?

Say what you will about Rush (and most of what these liberals are saying they KNOW to be false or misquotes… like ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ which the liberals intentionally forgot to mention, wasn’t a Rush term as they were claiming, The Magic negro was a term coined by a fellow black liberal from the LA Times… (Thus the line where he says… The LA Times they called him that)

but he loved football, he has the money… and who else would really want these losers who couldn’t win a game even if the other team tried handing it to them as a gift, complete with a pretty bow.

Sure they’re all protesting now, but when it comes down to it, would the players really quit?

Fine, let them… who else would pay MILLIONS of dollars for a bunch of losers who can’t pull themselves together during the game? They wouldn't be able to find another team to even hire them as waterboys let alone pay them millions to be the same losers they are now.

Then they bring up Rush’s drug use…

TED KENNEDY ANYONE? didn’t the drunk KILL a woman, and hide the fact until AFTER her body was found? No one seemed to care about that, but god forbid Rush should have to check into rehab for a drug problem that didn’t end up with someone dead.

This is becoming a sick world. Our nation is going to pot. this is the worst case of hypocrisy.

Freedom of speech? not if you’re conservative
Peace love and tollerance? Only if you’re a brainwashed liberal

Don’t think like the liberals, they will DESTROY you. Not just argue with you or take you to task in a debate or get on their little liberal shows that no one watches or listens to... and go to town on Rush and conservatives… they will ruin your life, they will take you down and wipe you out. They will crush you.

So much for tollerance.

This is beyond wrong. This is turning into a conservative witch hunt.

by the way... you want to talk about what Rush has said over the years? how about this from Chris Matthews... (who will be hailed as a hero.)

"You guys see Live and Let Die, the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big? In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up. I have to tell you, Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody's going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he's going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet. But we'll be there to watch. I think he's Mr. Big, I think Yaphet Kotto. Are you watching, Rush?"

how mature... if not somewhat threatening of you Mr. Tingle up my leg Matthews.