Tuesday, November 25, 2008

# of promises already broken

1. Tax cuts - according to latest news, turns out that in this economy 95% of Americans getting taxcuts isn't as doable as Obama promised. It seems that they will try to focus on the most needy 35%, though according to the AP, tax payers are willing to wait, so there's no pressure on poor Obama if he can't fill his promise.

2. Tax hikes - taxing the rich to benefit the poor and middle class is also on the back burner.

3. Change - With almost an entire cabinet of Clinton era members, possibly including Clinton herself... where's the change? Seems we keep looking back rather than looking ahead.

These broken promises come to you before he even has officially taken office.

Really looking forward to seeing what the count is afterwards.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

anti-war activists have buyers remorse

Anti-war activists worried Obama is Betraying them with Hawkish Cabinet


Not only will he throw the activists under the bus as he did his mentor Wright, friend Ayers and beloved aunt and half brother...

but rumor is he is already thinking of pulling troops from Iraq and instead of bringing them home, putting them in Afganistan.

Have I mentioned what a great job Obama supporters did, electing him?

We have a great man of change. we're changing one war for another, we're changing from one Cabinet to a Cabinet from the 90's, we're changing from the dow being down 8,000 and some to 7,000 and some, we're changing from tax breaks to tax hikes and bailing out banks so their CEOs can spend millions in "much needed spa retreats"...

we are making some great changes aren't we?

Monday, November 17, 2008

How Obama got elected - one word - idiots

People this stupid shouldn't vote.

At the end of the video in the above link one African American woman said, "I realize now I wasn't as informed as I should have been... but I don't think I'd have changed my vote." (Gee really? like the other 98% of African Americans voting based on skin color rather than policy?)

One youtube video watcher said, "I won't lie I use the internet for stupid stuff, I don't really find the internet to be a reliable source ALL the time. I think it mostly had to do with watching my mom cuz as dumb as it is, I think parents really do influence more than we think. But still I wish I had known more about Obama b4 I voted for him. lol it seems like he was just a celebrity, not someone to fix our country."

gee, you think? isn't it a shame when idiots smarten up when it's too late???

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lies exposed that can't be ignored!!! >:(

I know I said this blog was closed, but two news articles have been brought to light that just can't be ignored.

Obama's campaign lied on two MAJOR issues (shock, horror.) I'm sure this surprises no one, not even his supporters.

Bill Ayers says Obama is family friend


Obama states he attended Wright's church weekly, despite his campaign's claim.

So he IS friends with a terrorist
he DID sit for all of Wright's hate speech

Just like he spends millions of dollars on infomercials while his aunt sits (illegally) in the slums of Boston, then he throws her under the bus and won't fight her deportation.

Just like democrats are already cooling off on the 95% taxcuts.

Just like the DNC wants supporters to bail them out for overspending.

Once again I'd like to thank all the libretards who made this destruction of America possible, and all the African Americans who selfishly voted for skin color rather than policy and experience. Who put color before country.

This blog is now closed

There have been concerns raised over privacy issues of google and their products such as gmail, google search and Blogger. Out of all search engines, email servers and web hosts, Google rated at almost the very bottom as the worst threats of privacy.

From this moment on, I am no longer using google. It's hard enough to voice opinions that go against the new administration without feeling as if anything you say, even if it happens to be legitement concerns, is being scrutinized.

So this blog is officially closed. Thanks to all of those who have been reading. Keep the faith.

So the Change Obama promised IS coming from our pockets


He's the fellow who raised way more than $605 million and, would you believe it, won the presidential election campaign to bring real change to Washington.

As an important part of changing the money culture of Washington he was asking for another $30 donation from everyone on the e-mail list.

It seems that in addition to his 6/10ths of a billion dollars to move into the White House, the Democratic National Committee spent way more than the $100 million in cash it had raised.

In fact, it took out "substantial loans."

Well, it turns out now, the DNC's debts are far worse than originally imagined. Today, Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe sent another urgent e-mail to supporters seeking at least another $30.

Here's what he said:

"We'll get to work transforming this country. But first, we need to take care of the DNC."

Did we hear that right? Now that Obama's the president-elect, the top priority is the Democratic National Committee?

To drive home the point elsewhere in the same e-mail Plouffe adds: "Before we do anything else, we need to pay for this winning strategy."

Don't worry, you still get the Victory T-shirt for this $30. But it sounds like pretty much everything else is on hold. This change stuff is looking to be an expensive process, even before it gets started.

--Andrew Malcolm

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A taste of our new Democratic run country

1. Socialist spread the wealth still in the works

2. national civilian task force currently used in marxist regimes has been promised

3. Now instead of bailing out morgage companies and banks the GOVERNMENT is BUYING OUT the banks so if you need a loan, YOU'LL NEED TO GET THE LOAN FROM THE GOVERNMENT. Does that ring as "uh-oh" to ANYONE?

4. Taxcuts... what did I tell you? They are already backing off. AP has released a new article that says, "S'okay. Taxpayers say they're willing to wait for taxcuts for a few years."

no one asked me. I freakin want more money NOW. Where's my promised tax cut? Where's the money the rich are suppose to be spreading to me?

5. Our DOW is dropping and dropping and dropping.

We were starting to recover before the election. we had finally made it back up to 9324.69 October 31st, 2008. That was up big time from the crash.

however, shortly after the election, we took a nosedive. today alone we lost another 411.30 points to make our average 8,282.66.

So we've lost 1042.03 points since Obama took office, and now that the governement is buying banks making us indebted to them, and with spending drastically down, and with taxcuts looking like an idle dream... I don't see us recovering.

6. Oh and let me see... NOW we're suppose to bail out the auto industry too.

have I thanked the libretards yet for what they've done for our country?

The liberals are the cause of the economic colapse (fan and fred)
The liberals are the ones who championed this supposed bailout
The liberals (Polosi especially) is championing the auto bailout
The liberals were the ones who wanted socialist change and marxist task forces

great job. You've pretty much accomplished what you want. Thanks for ruining what once was a free country full of promise.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thank you retards who voted. we're screwed

Obama wants to overturn anything Bush inacted.

For example, he wants to overturn the limit on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, a position championed by opponents of abortion rights who argue that destroying embryos is akin to killing a fetus.

Not only that, he wants to lift an international gag order that prohibits the use of our taxpayer dollars being sent to international family planning agencies to support abortion clinics and pre-post abortion counseling.

I'm against abortion. I'm pro-life... yet he wants to take my tax payer dollars and ship it overseas to help non-americans get abortions too?

He wants to stop drilling on US soil for oil and gas (which I'd love to know how that's going to effect gas and oil prices.)

and finally, Obama wants to create a civilian security force...

"Loving your country shouldn't just mean watching fireworks on the 4th of July," he said. "Loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it. If you do, your life will be richer, our country will be stronger."...

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." (as the military)- Barack Obama

the problem for America is Obama's security plan is already in act... but not in America... in Marxist regimes.

First Spread the wealth socialism, now a national civilian security force as strong and well funded as the military???

Obama also wants to re-appoint the pro-fairness doctrine commissioner to the FCC.

So let's review.

Obama wants to stop searching for oil and gas on our shores
He wants to send our money overseas to help foriegners kill their babies on our dime
He wants to spread the wealth
Fairness Doctrine means bye-bye freedom of speech
He wants to start a marxist type civilian security force

And he's not even president yet.

yeah. Thanks a whole lot there morons who voted for this guy, not that you care that you just destroyed America all in the name of a skin color.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Diantha Harris - she should be fired

Ashville, NC teacher and Obama supporter brow beats 4th grader because she said she would vote for McCain (if she were old enough that is.)

Her name is Diantha Harris

here's contact information.

Diantha Harris works in Fayetteville at "Mary McArthur Elementary".

Principles name - Lola B Williams - school phone number is -(910)424-2206

Go to their website you can email Mrs Harris or the Principle.

Email of the principal. Write to her and demand accountability.


School Superintendent William C. Harrison


The Mainstream Media

The MSM are NOW starting to talk about Obama.


they're all FINALLY starting to talk about Obama's shady associations.

They're now saying "we really don't know who this guy is..."

Newsweek's Evan Thomas (an Obama supporter) called Obama creepy...

He pointed out how Obama gave his victory speech by himself:

"...[H]ave you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid -- he is the message." Thomas went one step further in this vein: "There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this."

disturbing Catholics voting for Obama

Lets start with the bad Catholics.

As a Catholic... you believe in heaven and hell, in the teachings of the bible, in Jesus and God and the blessed virgin Mary.

So, if you are a GOOD Catholic, you know that things like Abortion is a mortal sin, and voting for a pro-abortion president for the selfish reasons of taxcuts that you now know will not happen based on Obama's post-election statements... is just like saying, "I don't care as much about life as I do about money." that is a sin.

You also know the ten commandments which includes "thou shall not murder"

So, it is very disturbing that the man over 50% of catholics voted for is so radically liberal he is pro-late term abortion, pro-allowing the murder of living babies to not overturn Roe V Wade, Pro-liberal extremist ideals like the fairness doctrine...

all for the hope of taxcuts that will never see the light of day.

you are NOT good Catholics. You put yourselves before the teachings and laws of the church, you threw aside the right to life for selfish reasons that you now know will never come to fruition.

You either need to leave your church and join obama's racist, America hating church, or pray for forgiveness for trading your souls for a few extra bucks.

The Left's buyer's remorse

Here’s the problem with Obama.

He’s suppose to be the president of change, yet he’s bringing back all the old Clinton people. This is going to be the Clinton administration with Obama as president. Instead of going into the 2000’s, we’re heading back to the ‘90’s.

I Actually had to laugh at a few of my very liberal friends who say “well I’m a little worried now.”

“About what?”


“why? You voted for him.”

“Yeah, but I’m seeing some of his choices in who he’s going to hire… and he’s staying away from the center and going way left. That’s not a good thing.”

“You’re surprised? This guy who never stood up to his party… who is pro-late term abortion, pro-letting babies die if they’re born alive after a botched abortion? A guy who is so radical he sees nothing wrong with Wright, Ayers, Kahlidi and so on? And you’re surprised he’s surrounding himself with the far left?”

“Well I didn’t expect that. He was suppose to reach over the isles and reach out to the people.”

“Well, hate to say it. You voted for the guy. You’re not getting what you want but you’re getting what you deserve. Should have thought about all the evidence I put before you long before you voted… and you wouldn’t be in this situation. You knew long before the 4th about his radical beliefs, his shady associations and his insane tax promises he’ll never make good on except the spread the wealth part… you chose to voet for him anyway. Don’t cry to me.”

You got to feel somewhat bad for people like my friend who only saw the color of his skin and thought “wow I could be part of history electing this guy.” instead of looking at what he was saying… and what he WASN’T saying. There are a lot of people on the left feeling buyer's remorse.

Obama is already double talking all the promises he’s made. Mr. I’m going to bring troops home in the next 4 months (Which turned into 16 months), and lower the taxes for 95% of the American people became “Well it could take several years, maybe well into my 2nd term.”

There’s the other issue. Instead of talking about the first steps he is going to take as President to fix our nation, he’s talking about his second term. Small businesses are already starting to cut back, whether it’s laying people off as a pre-emptive strike, or not using profits for charitable purposes as they use to. One small business owner in my area use to donate thousands of dollars a year to children and animal charities out of profits. Not only has she turned those charities away this year out of concern over Obama’s spread the wealth promise, she has also told her employees there may not be enough money in the budget for their regular raises should obama raise taxes as he has promised.

Those who voted for him elected a freakin moron.

Our DOW started dropping the day he was elected and he’s worried about his second term? How about this… DO SOMETHING and you’ll get re-elected… MAYBE. Worry about our country NOW and not about promises you can make to get you re-elected.

I still feel American made the biggest mistake. But they’ll learn their lesson soon if they’re not already learning it by how he is talking nothing is going to get done until his second term. He’s saying this before he’s officially sworn in to be president… and he’s saying this 4 years before it’s even time to campaign for his 2nd term.

It’s just too bad we’ll all have to lean their lesson for them too. Good luck America! We’re SERIOUSLY going to need it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vote early, Vote often worked. All hail the dictator

thanks to those who tried to make sure good conquered evil. We did all we could. Even though it wasn't enough to over power voter fraud, and morons... we did our best.

Shame on those who voted for a baby killing, pro-late term abortion, anti-free speech, spread the wealth socialist. You sold out our country for promises that will never even be kept.

Well, this has cinched it for me.

Instead of looking for a new job when I move out of state next month, I'm going to apply for disability or go on welfare because of my blind eye, nerve damage in my leg and back problems.

I won't pay anymore taxes, and I'll let the morons who voted for Obama carry me with the higher taxes they'll have to pay.

As for the lower than $250,000 obama said were safe...

It became $200,000

then 150,000 according to Biden (which screws my brother since he and his wife make a combind income of $160,000)

Last year it was $95,000 and before that $70,000.

It will probably be in the 40's by the time he makes his "tax cuts" if they happen. The guy I WILL NEVER call president, is already talking about running for his second term rather than discussing what we do next for our country in his first term.

So good luck with the lesson you obama backers are about to learn. Too bad everyone else has to learn your lesson with you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Get out and Vote tomorrow!!

Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...

Women for McCain protest

It is a proven fact that Obama pays the women who work under him 83 cents to every dollar he pays the men. He SAYS he's for equal rights / equal pay... but like everything else (Taxes, middle class, socialism) he has a double standard for himself.

McCain on the other hand... pays the women that work under him $1.04 (at minimum) to every dollar made by a man.

These are not debatable theories... these are provable facts. Tell Obama we don't need his 2cents. Equal pay for women now!

Vote McCain

All the woman at the protest filled baggies with 83 cents... which equals the amount a woman makes to every man's $1 in Obama's nation and a small group of us took the money down to the nearest Obama headquarters.

We made our case... We told them how women made less than the men in Obama's campaign and that we wanted to give the donations to make up the difference as a point to Obama. One man who was there angrily said "Yeah? Well how much does McCain pay his women then huh?" When we told them $1.04 or more to every man's $1 and that both claims are provable facts...

he shut up pretty quick.

The Obama volunteer said she couldn't accept our "Donation" unless we filled out a donation form to which I chimmed up... "Since when has Obama turned down illegal donations? Only because the press is here?" I mean... dude, does she even know about the illegal credit card donations being taken at Obama's site... or how he took $270 from his destitute Illegal aunt?

Anyhoo. We had a blast at the protest. Afterwards, the carpool I joined to Obama's headquarters were sticking their heads out the windows and shouting "Save our country, vote McCain!" Lol. They were a fun bunch.

It was suppose to be 83 woman to represent the 83 cents, but we had at least 100+ at the rally, and only 5 were suppose to go to Obama's headquarters, and 7 of us went in while others stood outside. It was a great turnout.

We did meet one African American man walking past the Obama office and he started chanting "Obama Obama"

When he was asked by one of our protestors why he supported Obama he said "Cause that's the way it is. He be my man". Well thought out and articulate reasoning there. God help our country.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama's aunt living in slums is illegal

Not only is Obama a creep for living in a million dollar mansion while his aunt lives in the slums walking with a metal pipe as a cane... he is also a US Senator who didn't even know his aunt (Who he writes about lovingly in his memoirs) is an illegal immigrant he could have helped obtain citizenship.

Yes, she is here illegally, and he didn't even know it. I'm surprised we know it considering she was told (we can guess by whom) she wasn't allowed to speak of anything until after the elections.

AP Article

Obama didn't know

She's getting government assistance thanks to our Taxpayer $$, here illegally... and what does Obama do?

Spends millions of dollars on infomercials. Very presidential.

Obama's middle class definition is getting cheaper and cheaper