Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama won't accept resignation

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is having a tough week. It's caused Obama to come out and say he wouldn't accept Geithner's resignation even if he submitted it.

It came ahead of a critical week for Geithner, who is expected to unveil his much-anticipated bank bailout plan and flesh out the administration's proposals for financial regulatory reform when he appears before the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

While political class praise Obama for sticking behind Geithner... the average joes aren't as kind.

according to Rasmussen, a national telephone survey found that America’s Populists see things from an entirely different perspective. Just 12% of Populists have a favorable opinion of Geithner. Not a very good review from voters.

Rasmussen continues: The findings are especially telling as calls increase for Geithner's resignation following the disclosure that American International Group (AIG) paid its executives $165 million in bonuses after receiving a $170-billion taxpayer bailout to stay in business. Geithner was aware of the bonuses and did little or nothing to stop them.

Why Obama's rating is as high as it is, is still surprising to me. He can't pick a decent cabinet, he makes gaffes that Bush would have been crucified for, according to a gallup poll, Forty-two percent of Americans now say the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Afghanistan, up from 30% earlier this year and establishing a new high... on the heels of rumors Obama will be sending MORE troops (while the percentage of people who thought Iraq was a mistake falls.)
73% of Americans recently polled are unhappy with the state of the nation... after a high on the 20th, Those who believe the economy is getting worse has gone up by a point while those who believe it will get better whent down a point, so the high is starting to go away, the public support for the spendulus bill dropped considerably this month...

yet Obama still seems to have favorable ratings? Are people THAT afraid to speak out against Obama? I mean, his main cabinet picks were people who dodged their taxes, his spendulus bill is officially adding an extra 4 TRILLION dollars to our already large deficit, he and his new administration KNEW about the AIG bonuses back in October... and once he became president he did NOTHING to stop it... He promised to be a President of "Bring em home" peace... yet he's leaving 50,000+ troops in iraq, and putting more troops in Afghanistan...

he has shown the inexperience everyone was worried about...

I mean, COME ON PEOPLE! If this were Bush... he'd have been impeached like yesterday.

Anyhoo... I love the show red-eye on fox news, so when I found this clip thanks to Right Wing Wacko Mom I thought I had to post it here. They're saying exactly what I said about the double standard there is for Obama, especially in the MSM.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama and Biden BOTH open mouth and insert foot.

Biden offered us this wonderful quote recently when talking about how governors spend the stimulus money.

He said he and Obama can't tell governors what they can and can't do with the money, but he CAN tell them if what they're doing is stupid.

He followed it up with this remark.

"the ONLY thing Obama has gotten right is when he said, 'you don't mess with Joe'."

The ONLY thing Obama has gotten right?

Obama has taken a page out of Biden's book it seems. When talking to Jay Leno (I don't know if it was the Tonight's show, or Leno's new show...) when talking about how he bowled a 129 on the white house bowling lanes.

"That's very good Mr. President" Leno remarked.

"It's like the special olympics or something." Obama replied trying to crack a joke at the expense of the mentally handicapped.

As the LA Times' Robert Lloyd said...

Now this is the sort of remark that, sadly, has become commonplace in contemporary humor. But it's nothing you'd want your president to say, or even to think.

Mr. Obama, please stay home and work on our economy, and leave the jokes to the comedians.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stem cell ban lift now what Dems expected.

So Obama lifted the ban on Embryonic stem cell research last week. Bush's executive policy additionally had limited researchers receiving federal aid to just 21 stem cell lines created before August 2001. Obama's reversal allows them to use hundreds of other stem cell lines already in existence.

This is despite the scientific evidence that Embryonic stem cells have no more value than stem cells you can get from a living adult or from the umbilical cord of a new born... which has been proven by many treatments on adults who have used their OWN stem cells in those treatments.

However I digress.

Even though Obama lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research... on Wednesday he signed a bill that BANS the federal funding for said embryonic stem cell research called the Dickey-Wicker ammendment.

the Dickey-Wicker provision still prevents federally backed researches from creating their own stem cell lines, blocking their access to hundreds of new embryonic stem cell lines, usually from embryos left over from fertility treatments that would otherwise be discarded.

This has left a bad taste in many democrats mouths.

This could be why Obama's approval rating has fallen to be almost even with Bush's approval rating around this time in 2001.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Brits don't like Obama - but I like Huckabee

First Obama insulted the Brits by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill, given as a gift to the Bush administration... when it was offered to stay in the white house for 4 more years, Obama sent it back.

Now, the British Prime Minister gives Obama a very respectful gift... a pen holder crafted from the wood of a british ship that served on anti-slavery missions in Africa.

In return Obama gave the Prime Minister DVDs, including ET, Starwars and the Wizard of Oz... all of which can be purchased at Walmart for under $20.

It is to be noted, the Prime Minister is not known for being a movie buff.

The Brits are insulted, which is understandable... we'd be insulted by the same treatement. The British media have called Obama arrogant and rude.

I mean seriously? DVDs you can get off of for ten bucks as a gift to the Prime Minister?

that's just plain stupid. I thought he was suppose to heal relations with other countries. Instead he goes around insulting them.

Kind of how he promised No more earmarks and that he'd go line by line to erase any wasteful spending from bills... yet we're spending over a billion dollars to study swine gas. You heard it right... we are researching pig farts.

if that isn't the very meaning of pork...

They blame republicans for all the earmarks... yet Obama is willing to sign the bill without challenging it.

I just can't find the words anymore.

however, one thing I can say is... I love Mike Huckabee! He was on Sean Hannity tonight, and guess what he said?

"Everytime Obama talks about helping our economy, the DOW crashes"

SEE? SEE? I'm not the only one who sees it after all!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I shouldn't be so giddy about the DOW... BUT...

Remember since early February how I've been saying, whenever Obama stays out of sight, the dow rallies, and when he talks the DOW plummets thus meaning it's Obama, not Bush causing our economy to make poopy?

Time and time again I've proven this to be the case. I have documented every day "dow is up, no Obama." "dow's down today, Obama had a speech."

I have a lot of nay sayers who insist one isn't related to the other, that the DOW has nothing to do with Obama, the stimulus plans, the budget bill, the nationalization of banks and health care reform.


Again, the DOW was up yesterday to the joy of average joes like my mom who has 50% of her pension wrapped up in stocks...

Obama did not have any meetings/speeches, at least none that were heavily reported by the media.

Today the Dow ended almost 300pts down... Obama had a healthcare reform speech today.

THANK YOU Obama for proving my point. THANK YOU for vindicating me and proving that everytime you talk the DOW plummets, everytime you stay out of the media, the DOW Rallies or doesn't lose AS much as it would otherwise.

Now you can stop proving my point for me and do something to fix this already!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dow Rallies, Obama relatively quiet.

Obama has been quiet today, at least... if he has given a speech today it hasn't been covered.

so of course, the DOW has rallied.

Further proves my point, it's when Obama signs a document, or makes a speech, or comes up with a new earmarked piggy bill... that the DOW drops.

When Obama is relatively quiet... the DOW rallies.

See? All we have to do to get back to good is not allow Obama to make any speeches or sign any bills.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Libretards need to get over Rush Limbaugh

I laugh my ass off whenever I turn on MSNBC, CNN and such over the last few days. All they talk about is Rush Limbaugh being the head of the republican party.


ok. look.

I always say "Rush agrees with ME" not the other way around.

I can't listen to Rush every day... yet when I do listen to him, he's usually reitterating things I've already said to other people myself.

That must mean, Rush Limbaugh agrees with ME.

Look, Rush is a conservative talk show host on the radio. Occassionally he's asked to speak at Republican functions since he's one of the more popular talk icons.

People listen to Rush either because they share the same points of view, or because they're masacistic and love to be infuriated.

Not because he's "their leader" LOLOLOLOL

That does not make him the leader of the Republican party. He's just A voice of the conservative movement stating his opinions. He may be the most popular voice, but that doesn't make him THE voice... just A voice.

You put a conservative and liberal in a room and turn on Rush... the conservative will agree with him and cheer for him, the liberal won't agree with him and will jeer him.

that's how things work. A conservative has values and morals and a liberal is a liberal. It would be that way with or without Rush.

We just like having Rush around to remind Rhinos what it means to be conservative, and because its fun to listen to a like minded person talking about truths in an entertaining way.

and because he REALLY pisses liberals off. That's the best part.

Bush's Economy or Obama's economy?

"Someone put it best when they said we were in Obama's economy since he won the election.

Firstly, the DOW was at 9,000 when the final election votes were tallied. that was considered the last look at Bush's economy.

Secondly, the DOW is anticipitory, not based on the present or past.

People buy and sell stocks based on the anticipation of what they'll do. If the stock shows a likelyhood to be successful, They will buy. If there is anticipation that the stock is losing value, they will sell.

since this is anticipitory and not based on now or the past... it shows that there is little faith in Obama's economic plans, they are anticipating that his economic plans will not be good for the country and will not do enough to stimulate the economy.

So there is little reason to blame Bush, although he will continue to so long as it works... and people will continue to believe it for another month or so. (The die hard liberals will believe it forever.) But others will quickly wise up until Obama starts making decisions that doesn't put a big red zit on the forehead of his inexperience that voters were warned about

- as explained by a local talk show radio host during an interview with a wallstreet journal editor.

Again... DOW was up a few points today... Obama spoke, and now the DOW is currently down. How many times have I pointed this out now?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oops, he did it again

Obama broke the promise to reach across the isle once again by nominating Governor Sebelius... the most radically pro-abortion politician next to Obama.

She is FOR late term abortion and she is AGAINST parental notification when a minor has an abortion.

(A parent will go to jail if a minor skips school, a parent is responsible for damage caused by a minor, yet if a minor has an abortion it's not a parent's right to know about it?)

She has received money from Tiller the Baby Killer who is currently under investigation and being tried for several counts of illegal "any term" abortion for $5000.

So much for trying to reach across the isles. His entire non-taxpaying, porno loving, baby killing cabinet are basically the most extreme of extrimist liberals.

at least they've stopped blaming Bush.

now they're blaming Rush Limbaugh.

I'm sorry, but just because conservatives love Rush, doesn't mean he's our "leader". Rush isn't telling us how to think or what to believe. He's loved by conservatives because he speaks what's on our mind, and he reaches more people than things like this little blog can. I always say, "I don't agree with Rush... Rush agrees with me!"

Hope and change sounds like the same old, 'place the blame' whining it's always been in the liberal party.

I know the bell hasn't rung... but I'm not optomistic

We are now in the 6000's.

We've gone through a stimulus plan that was suppose jump start the economy.

We've gone through the nationalizing of banks

We've gone through the nationalizing of health care (where Obama basically tells patients like my late father, that they have to wait LONGER between hospitializations than the normal 60 days before you're covered, because hospitals should cure them the first time they're there... cause you know, there's a cure for cancer now that Obama is in office.)

We went through the down fall of Fan and Fred... that the LIBERALS said NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH when they were warned by republicans since 2006 that a downfall is imminent...

And what have WE gained?


Except the liberals ability to CONTINUE to blame Bush.

If it's Bush's fault... why did the stimulus plan that was suppose to be our miracle have a bad reaction from the country instead of being welcomed with praise?

If it's Bush's fault... why did Obama go back on his earmark ban promise, as he's about to sign the budget bill despite 7.7 BILLION dollars worth of earmarks!

If it's Bush's fault... why do people have no faith in the government's ability to handle our money or health?

If It's Bush's fault... why didn't the liberals listen to republicans before Fan and Fred went down?

Bush is no longer in office... Obama has put his OWN plans into action... Obama has written his OWN policies, Obama has hired his OWN cabient (None of which seem to know how to pay their OWN taxes.)

Things are getting WORSE instead of getting better.

Our president of hope and change has only managed to change our hope to hopelessness.

We are at 6000 for the first time in over a decade...

And our president who is suppose to look ahead at a brighter new world... is constantly looking to the past administration to place blame.

Sorry, I can't see how Bush can be blamed for this one. It's not Bush's policies, stimulus plans, budgets and speeches anymore... It's not Bush who talks right after the DOW Rallies, and then the DOW Plummets right after the talk.

You just can't keep blaming Bush. he's gone. He's out. It's your game now. So instead of placing blame... DO SOMETHING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! My mom's pension desparately needs you to!!! So grow up and stop whining like little babies about the past... As Obama so politely put it to republicans... He won... we need to get over it.

Then fine. DO YOUR JOB and get over the past administration. Anything that happens now is ON YOUR Administration.