Sunday, May 17, 2009

Notre Dame and Catholics should be ashamed

The one truth that is infallible in the Catholic church is that life is precious, and life begins at conception.

Today thousands of graduates cheered, changed "yes we can" and honored Obama with an honorary degree at the Catholic institution of Notre Dame.

These loose moraled, baby killers should not be allowed to call themselves Catholics... and yes they are baby killers. Anyone who supports Obama is.

Obama is for embryonic stemcell research - stem cells taken from aborted fetuses.
Obama refused to sign the born alive infant act protecting babies born alive after a botched abortion attempt. The refusal to sign has led to many living babies being forced to die lonely, and long deaths.
Obama reinstated a law that sends our taxpayer dollars overseas to fund abortions in other countries on our dime.
Obama has hired a woman to his cabinet that is pro-late term abortion (the murder of babies old enough to survive outside the womb.)

Not to mention - when this supposed Christian man spoke at another college, he made them cover up all Christian religious symbols.
this year's national day of prayer was silent at obama's request. He's obviously ashamed of his Christianity.

He also hired a pro-gay marriage sympathist to his cabinet, and homosexuals are not recognized as a couple that can enter the holy sanctity of religious marriage.

So Obama has done EVERYTHING he can to spit in the face of God... and these supposed Catholics at this supposed Catholic church started chanting "yes we can" in defense of Obama when one graduate yelled out "abortion is murder."

Shame on those who support Obama, who voted for him, and support Notre Dame for their decision to have him speak and honor him with a degree.

The pope should come down hard on these cathlics (who are only Catholics by name, not deeds) and Notre dame demanding the college to remove their Catholic identity from their title, and to tell these obama supporting Catholics they need to repent or face being outsed from the church.

There are a few infallible laws of the church that have not changed since the time of Christ... and one law is the sanctity of life.

In the bible, unborn children are referred to as sons and daughters as if they are already lives...

"They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18).

Notice that this practice was a religious ritual. Not even for "religious freedom" can the killing of children be tolerated.

This is not something you can say, "Well abortion is never going to be stopped, and this guy is promising me more money in my check." You can not trade your Catholic morals and beliefs for greedy purposes, otherwise, what good are morals and beliefs if they can be so easily thrown aside like trash?

besides, look... today the job rate is the lowest it's ever been, it's getting lower as more and more business close, file bankrupcy or need bailouts. I haven't seen a reduction in taxes... in fact... we're getting slammed with more taxes where I live which is why I'm moving out of this state. I don't see him reaching across the isles... the only thing he's done is hire a republican to be the embassador to China. Basically someone we'll never hear from who has little to no power. He's broken promises on peace, recently a US Led airstrike in Afghanistan killed more civilians than enemy combatants. Obama tried to deny it, but it was backed up by the red cross and the UN. He also promised we'd be out of Iraq. We're still there, and now he's talking leaving 50,000+ troops after pulling more out. The ones he pulls out will likely be sent to afghanistan instead of brought home.

Wow, we really did a great job going against what we believed in for a few selfish reasons that never came to be. I hope you "Catholics" sleep well at night knowing every day a baby is murdered on your tax dollars in some other country.

The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

US airstrike in afghanistan... where are the antiwar people?

An Airstrike in Afghanistan kills 100... here's the key...

according to the red cross...

the majority of victims


U.S. officials initially disputed Afghan claims of large numbers of civilian casualties. Later, the United Nations and Red Cross backed up the higher tallies.

where's the outrage, the cries of "Bring our troops home", the cries of "Our soldiers are baby killers" that there was during the Iraq war?

Where's the protestors outside of the whitehouse with signs that say "War is murder"?

I'm not saying what we're doing in Afghanistan is right or wrong... I'm saying that the liberal double standard is absolutely hilarious.

if this were Bush who sent our troops to afghanistan and civilians were killed... they'd have called for his impeachment by now.