Saturday, February 28, 2009

People still don't understand what they did to our country electing Obama

People still think they made the best decision voting for Obama.

1. He has lowered the definition of "rich" once again. It's no longer 300,000, 275,000, 250,000... it's not 200,000.

2. He has proposed to nationalize banks, which means the government will be even more in charge of our money

3. every time he talks, the DOW drops. when he's silent it rallies, or drops slightly. When he talks it plummets. People scawf at me and say that has nothing to do with Obama. Really? As soon as Obama started talking stimulus, the DOW started dropping. When he was quiet, the DOW rallied 300pts. when he started talking nationalizing banks... the DOW dropped.

you really don't see a pattern there? I mean, REALLY?

4. The housing market was hot when I first put my house up for sale. I had 2 or 3 viewers a day, I even had an offer... that fell through after Obama started talking about Nationalizing the banks. Litterally the next day.

now... I'm lucky to get one viewer every week to every other week.

5. NOW Get this.

Obama wants that nationalized health care... well right now, under certian plans you have to wait 60 days between hospitalizations. (meaning if you were hospitalized for a certain time, you'd have 60 days before they'd cover you for hospitialization again. Which was hard for me because towards the end, my father would be hospitalized from complications to his cancer more than he was out of the hospital.

NOW Obama wants to make that waiting time period LONGER. He says if you go to the hospital, they should make you better before you go out, this would be an incentive.


So obama found a cure for cancer then?

Give me a freaking break.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama ticks off thhose on his of the isle, and wallstreet, after Iraq speech today

The left is po'ed because It's taking Obama LONGER than he promised, and that he is not withdrawing ALL the troops. (He's leaving a good number in Iraq.)

What I think is semi-funny is

A. where were they when Obama sent of more troops to his Iraq? (Afghanistan) They're mad that he's taking so long to pull out of Iraq, and that he's leaving troops behind, but they're ok with the troops being sent to Afghanistan?

B. have the asked what will happen to the troops? He didn't say troops were coming home by 2010... he just said he was withdrawing them.... no one asked if they'd be out of iraq only to go right into afghanistan.

But no one cares about that... because Afghanistan is Obama's idea. Iraq was Bush's, so Iraq is the worst offender. LOL

of course, Obama had a speech today, and our DOW ended down. Once again proving my point... Yesterday Obama didn't have much to say, and we lost a measley 80pts. Obama gave his Iraq speech today, and we lost almost 100.

We are now 60pts away from 6000.

Under Bush... in March of last year, we were 12,000.

Liberals can't seem to get it through their small beadie minds.

1. the DOW started dropping when Fannie and Fred crashed. why did F&F crash? Because DEMOCRATS REFUSED the republicans requests for Fan and Fred reform. (One dem said the republicans wanted to fix something when there was NOTHING to fix.)

well lah dee freakin da... fan and fred went under just like the republicans said they would... and still it's the REPUBLICAN'S faults, even though the DEMOCRATS were the one who allowed fan and fred to continue as they were.

2. Just when things were looking up, when OBAMA'S (Not Bush) OBAMA'S stimulus plan was introduced... can we say plunging like a fat man in really cold water?

3. Everytime Obama gives a speech, the DOW seems to dip. That's not Bush, that's a lack of faith in Obama's ability to wisely run the country. that's a lack of faith in government, and fear of the government they don't trust being in control of EVERYTHING.

Yet, it's still Bush's fault somehow.

I love how the small minds of liberals work.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Showbiz tonight has to be kidding!

I love how Showbiz tonight are calling Michelle Obama a fashion Icon. Fashion icon? The ball dress with the heavy cave man sleeve? the Butcher's dress? come on. then they called her the coolest first lady in history. Seriously? She's only been in office for less than a month. Give me a break. Then of course they talk about her and Obama's love story.

No one's love story could touch Nancy and Ronald Reagan's.

Then they are gooing over how Americans NEED to see such a happy couple in the white house.


How many of you are "SO GLAD" to see a rich and happy family passing bills that cost us money when we're already broke, so many have lost jobs, the DOW drops everytime that happy family open their mouths, and we're spending a trillion dollars on things like studying swine stank?

Yeah, I feel peachy. I can't stand liberal media.

thank GOD the senate got one thing right when they backed the ban on the fairness doctrine.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DOW Rallies, Obama speaks, Dow drops...

Like I said in my last blog...

Everytime Obama opens his mouth, the DOW drops... as does my mom's hopes since half of her and my late father's pension is wrapped up in stocks. (so much for hope and change, right?)

This was proven today.

Yesterday... Obama had been fairly silent on Monday... the DOW rallied almost 300 points. Obama gave a speech last night, and the DOW ended down today.

Can't blame this on Bush.

Bush didn't talk about Nationalizing banks, which is one of the reasons blamed for the DOW being down. That's Obama's big plan to let the government run privately own banks so they are completely in charge of our money.

Lack of faith in Obama's spendulus plan is also a reason for the DOW.

Also to note... the Gallop poll said Obama's one month approval is about average to other presidents, but LOWER than Jimmy Carter who was 71% by the end of the first month.


That says a lot.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thank for our Economy Obama

Obama annouced the nationalization of all banks.

immediately after, the DOW plummeted almost 300pts.

Tomorrow we should be down into the 6000's, 5000 is said to not be far behind. People have no faith in the government running the banks.

there are plenty of schlubs like my mom whose pension is wrapped up in stocks. when she and my late father first started their jobs as teachers, their pensions were divided 50/50. 50% is a straight payment, and 50% is in the stock market... so when the dow drops, so does my mother's pension checks.

So much for stimulating the economy. The most he's doing is destroying it everytime he opens his mouth about a new plan he has for us.

he's going to go down in history as the first black, but WORST economical president in history, unless he does something soon! (let me clarify.) Unless he does something GOOD soon.

You CAN'T blame Bush any longer.

December 31'st 2007, under Bush, with the war going on, no stimulus plan, no talk of the Nationalization of banks and insurances...

the Dow was near 13500.00

Wisconsin violated by Jim Doyle

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle is a sneaky little creep.

My brother called me today about something Doyle just put into the 2009 budget.

1st... those with car insurance will be FORCED to buy MORE insurance at higher premiums. That means, those paying for car insurance in Wisconsin, who can bsrely afford it... will have to buy more insurance they can't afford... and they don't have a choice. You know what will happen? There will be a massive swing in the amount of people NOT getting insurance on their cars because they can't afford it.

In this economy, he's begging for stimulus money on one hand because the state's constituants are in dire straights, and in the other hand he's going to force them to pay more for car insurance...

Liberal way of getting people to use the public transportation they keep pushing? A way of getting people out of their gas guzzlers? The only thing he's succeeding on doing, as I said, is causing people to just not get insurance.

He also entered the legalization of Gay marriage into the budget. Why would he do that when Wisconsin overwhelmingly voted that Gay Marriage went against the state constitution?

because it will now go to the Madison court, the most liberal court in the country really, in a city where the gay coupling is high... so he can over turn the people's vote legalizing gay marriage against the will of the majority.

Now that liberals have taken over, we have officially lost our voice. thank god I don't live in Wisconsin anymore. I feel bad for those still living under Doyle.

but I don't feel THAT bad. The majority of the idiots voted for him despite the fact he always tries to screw over the voters on a regular basis.

no one except Wisconsin state conservative talk radio is talking about this... so spread it around.

and contact Doyle to voice your disapproval!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Careful to conservative bloggers

the Fairness doctrine is starting to rear it's ugly head depsite the fact that the majority of Americans still do not favor it.

They are already trying to go after shows like Hannity and Limbaugh. They're also talking about policing the internet.

You know... you guys have PMSNBC. It's not our fault FOXnews generally gets better ratings.

You guys had Air America... it's not our fault it failed big time.

if people were interested, they'd listen. But they weren't. Who wanted to listen to washed up nobodies like Janine Garofalo and Al Franken? Al Franken can't even win an election without rigging votes. I mean... more people voted for him than exist in Minnesota? come on.

It's not conservatives faults that people don't care about hearing the same drivel of doom and gloom 24/7 in an unentertaining way.

Get over it.

again, this proves democrats are depressing people.

They won the election, they go their way with the stimulus, they're pretty much in control of the government...

yet they still have to find things to whine and bitch about.

It's pathetic.

More forces to Afghanistan

Obama is sending more troops to Afghanistan. 17,000 more troops to be exact. Where are the anti-war people who were protesting Bush now? Where's the "Bring the troops home!" People? He hasn't brought anyone back from Iraq yet... basically Obama has just been sending more troops to Afghanistan.

Libs are already defending this.

It comes down to one quote with them.

"It's Bush's fault."

How? Bush is no longer in office... and Obama promised to pull troops and bring them home. Instead he's redirecting them to Afghanistan, then ordering more troops here in the US to head out to Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was always Obama's Iraq. This was something the anti-war idiots were warned about. But they didn't listen. They just heard the promise of pulling troops out of Iraq, and that was enough for them.

I know you'll all probably ask me what my personal feeling is on the troops. I'm not going to say because how I feel about it is not the point of this blog. My point is this.

Where is the anti-war people now? Where are the "bring them Home"ers now? Where's the MSM's critical overview of the situation like they were there for Iraq?

That's my question.

Civil rights groups miffed at Messiah

Civil rights groups are concerned that Obama isn't keeping his promise about being completely open and readable...





by the way... Obama signed the stimulus into existance today.

The DOW plummeted almost 300pts shortly after.

Hope and change.

Hope and change.

Hope and change.

Monday, February 16, 2009

How will you spend that $13 a week?

Everyone made fun of President Bush's $600 tax stimulus check everyone got. "Oh ho how is that Stimulus check going to help anyone long term? ha ha ha what a stupid idea."


Obama's stimulus plan? give everyone an extra $13 per check per week.

$13 x 4 = and extra $52 a month.

$52 x 12 = drum roll please...

$625 a year.

Wow, his stimulus plan is a whole $25 better than Bush's!! WOW! Thanks Obama!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ah, can you smell the hope... or is that cow poop?

The stimulus has passed the senate... pork, earmarks and all. Yay for a bunch of spending on items that will not create jobs! Yay for more spending than tax cuts.

and the stimulus is already helping our economy! the second it passed the senate, our DOW plummeted almost 400pts, ending at 7888.88.

wait... did I say help? I meant the opposite of help.

I sure hope those Rhinos who sided with the stimulus know what they're doing, however, after today's DOW, I'm starting to SERIOUSLY doubt it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

what's in the spendulus, I mean, stimulus bill?

US in Danger Part I

Let's forget for a moment Obama is inexperienced, has no voting history as he voted no opinion more than he made a decision, and never did anything in the senate other than name a day after someone no one knows.

Let's forget his first few cabinet picks were a tax evader, a tax evader, a porn star, and a spouse of a tax evader.

let's forget that he says abortion is a choice, yet he forces those who CHOOSE to be AGAINST abortion to send taxpayer dollars overseas to help foriegners get abortions.

we'll forget the several hundred billion dollar stimulus plan that calls for higher gas taxes, an increase of pay for the senate, and the millions of dollars for programs that will NOT create ANY jobs.

we'll forget all about that for a moment... and focus on this.

Obama wants Club Gitmo closed.
He said in a year there will be no Guantanamo Bay.

Where will suspected, or admitted terrorists go? He still doesn't have a clue. (I do though. The ones released went back to terrorist organizations. One is even the leader of one cell of AlQuida.)

well, because of Obama's "stay" on all trials for suspected terrorists...

the victims of the USS Cole have been dishonored. A judge in the case against Saudi national Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri have been dismissed.

granted they say charges are dismissed without prejudice so they can be reinstated... but do you think the bleeding heart liberals who want terrorists to have American rights, and who want the closing of Gitmo... do you think they will reinstate the charges and make sure he goes (Safely) away if convicted?

I will believe it when I see it. Until then, I will continue to worry for my country.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New President, same old Liberals. Where's the change? and Ashley Dud... I mean Judd.

I can't stand these outspoken actors and actresses who are so hypocritical and two faced.

Recently a woman went to an abortion clinic to have a late term abortion, but instead went into labor and delivered a living, crying, breathing baby. That baby was put into a plastic bag and thrown in the garbage by the abortion doctor who delivered it.

where's Dudd's outrage at the murder of a living baby?

How many newborn babies do you know come onto someone's property and attack pets, livestock, and cause damage?

right now we have a major problem with wolves where I live. there've been several reports of pets getting attacked (some killed), people's property damaged, livestock have been killed...

it's not the wolve's fault... their population is on the rise, and food source is spread pretty thin, and there is more fighting over territory between packs. That is why there needs to be population control, to protect the safety and health of people, pets AND the wolves themselves. People who don't live with wolves in their backyard don't have a common sense grasp on this.

I still find it funny that people have no problem killing babies... but control the population of a species of wild (and potentially dangerous) animal... OH MY GOD!!

What's even funnier is, they got their way, Nobama is president... yet Libs STILL can't be happy. it proves their miserable people, and when they get their way and should be happy, they go out and FIND a reason to be miserable.

Where's the HOPE, the CHANGE? I see same old same old.

Even Obama is claiming America is DOOMED, Our economy will be DAMAGED FOREVER if his stimulus plan is rejected.

Didn't Obama say hope over fear if he were president? Not much hope being spread around by liberals lately. Sounds more like fear tactics as usual.

We MUST STOP SARAH PALIN'S MURDER OF WOLVES. (Who cares about the baby in the garbage bag slowly suffocating to death.)


wow... I'm not feeling the hope there.

Another one bites the tax dust

Hilda Solis, another Obama pick, turns out her husband doesn't like to pay taxes either.

So that's Killefer, Solis, and Dashcle who want to tell US to pay higher taxes... despite their lack of ability to keep THEMSELVES in check.

And lets not forget Porn lover Ogden who has ties to Playboy and Hustler.




Wednesday, February 4, 2009

so, does anyone think Obama is inexperienced yet??

One of Obama's picks, Daschle, has a few tax problems. (Like a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of tax problems. A few hundred dollars would land an average joe in the pokey.)

One of Obama's picks is a known lobbyist who Obama has come right out and said does not have to adhere to the tough laws against lobbyists he wants to pass.

another pick, Killefer, withdrew shortly before Daschle for similar tax problems.

Obama stood behind both picks till they resigned and then he scolded them for their bad choices. Huh? which is it?

another pick, Ogden, has ties to the pornography industry, has said that parental notification prior to abortions for minors goes against the rights of the 14 year old looking for an abortion, and was against blocking pronography sites at the public library or on school computers. (After all, he does have ties to Playboy and Hustler magazine, so of course he wouldn't be for blocking porn.)

Obama has a trillion dollar stimulus plan is so full of pork, that the only ones getting fat will be the government, while we average joes continue to struggle.

Did you know that the senate recently gave themselves a $90,000 raise stating it would "help stimulate the economy." How is giving THEMSELVES more money going to help US?

the democrats want to raise taxes, yet judging by Daschle and Killefer, they don't want to pay them.

You should see some of the things our taxpayer money is going to pay for to "Stimulate" the country.

One thing on the plan according to news reports is a program that will cost several hundred thousands of tax payer dollars... that will be lucky to create 8 jobs.


does is ANYONE who voted for Obama starting to think he may have been inexperienced after all?

bad cabinet picks, tax hikes when dems can't even pay taxes, excusing the behavior then saying he doesn't excuse the behavior, a stimulus plan that is full of pork...

I mean... COME ON.

Does ANYONE think this is too much?

He says abortion is a choice... yet he's FORCING those who CHOOSE to despise abortion, to send their taxpayer dollars overseas so people from other countries can have abortions on our dime. We're having an economic crisis, and he's worried about making sure we help foriegners have abortions.
