Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A list of Obama supporters, doesn't this worry ANYONE else??

Let me give you a list of people who support Obama. A list of the type of people who will be running our country if he is president.

1. Rev. Wright. Dismiss him as you will, but for 20 years, 2 baptisms and 1 marriage you are telling me he has never talked about hating whites and the US of KKK until Obama started running for President?

2. Ayres. Dismiss HIM all you want, however, Ayers was a member of the nine-member board of the Woods Fund of Chicago for which Obama served WITH him for a short time, he is also an avid Obama supporter... and he's a convicted terrorist. Convicted, unremorseful, who... today... only regrets not doing more bombings.

3. Farrahkan. This man who is very vocally and unashamedly anti-white and anti-jew. And for being so liberal... he's also homophobic. He once called Hitler a great man, and accepted the nickname of "Black Hitler".

4. Left Hollywood. These people, most of whom dropped out of high school to act, now think they are masters of political science. They believe they have more right than the rest of us to spew their hate simply because they have a forum.

The things that come out of their mouths is so vile and hateful, Like Celebutard Lindsay Lohan. This girl doesn't know if she's straight or Gay, she's been in and out of rehab, she's been caught with coke how many times... and SHE thinks she's going to knock on Sarah Palin??

Or Ashley Judd going on about Roe V. Wade like she has a clue about what's going on in the world today. 1st. If it wasn't over turned (sadly) in the Bush administration... its not going to get over turned now. People want to get re-elected more than they want to stand up for something as unpopular as being pro-life.

2nd... pro-choice is not the only belief system Ashley!! There are women *GASP* Who are pro-life!! Also... Yes McCain is anti-abortion... HOWEVER he does support a stipulation to protect women who are victims of rape or incest, or have a medical emergency, despite what Obama spins.

3rd... say what you like about Abortion... Infanticide is murder. Pro-Choice and Pro-lifers all agree that you can consider a baby a "life" when it is viable outside of the womb. Obama rejected a measure, FOUR TIMES, to give medical attention to babies that were aborted, but survived, and are now living, breathing, and thriving OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB. He would rather put them in a room to die a slow death than to give them life saving medical attention, claiming that giving medical attention to a baby that survived an abortion, that is alive, that has now ended the mother's choice because it is outside of the womb... could overturn Roe V Wade. HUH?! Not only were there stipulations in the infant protection act that would not allow for that, but it's still a baby, and once the baby is outside of the womb, it's a life by all standards no matter what side of the board you're on... and to let it die, for ANY reason, is murder.

5. There is a dive bar in Chicago. The husband of the owner painted a NAKED picture of Palin on the wall... USING HIS DAUGHTER AS THE NUDE MODEL. HIS DAUGHTER. It's Disgusting on so many levels... they're reportedly OBAMA Supporters!!

6. African-American Obama supporters around the country are saying they are planning a racial riot (remember Rodney King? The whole Standing up against racism while they robbed and stole from black, asian and white alike?) These liberals who are so anti-war, anti-violence, pro-peace, pro-equality, are claiming they are going to start a RACE WAR if he's not elected.

7. People who keep saying over and over how articulate and black Obama is, but can't name a single accomplishment.

8. I had a person today when I was taking surveys for the Republican Party in my area, that she didn't care if he never took a single vote in his life when I told her he missed more votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21, and for half of his career in the Illinois state senate he voted "no opinion" because yes or no was too hard.

She wouldn't give a reason she was voting for Obama, other than Roe V Wade, like that's the only issue our country is facing. While 2 of us tried to explain our points of view, calmly... she was screaming and ranting and repeating the same thing over and over, demanding to know what our education level was, insulting us, insulting Bush, insulting Palin, Insulting McCain, and screaming and ranting and just an angry, angry, ANGRY person.

A person who knows nothing more about Obama other than he's pro Roe V Wade, and when you tell her researched FACTS that she herself can look up by something as simple as going to a government run site and looking up Obama's voting records. however, when faced with these truths, she called them Republican lies fed by the McCain party.

Even when I told her she could go to youtube and see Obama speaking these things in his own words, these supposed Conservative lies coming from his own mouth... she still continued to hate on. SHE is the type of person Obama attracts.

These are just a handful of names of people who fall behind Obama. I could go on for days though... but these names are an example of the type of people that follow Obama.



As for "Roe V. Wade"

Norma Leah McCorvey (née Nelson born September 22, 1947, in Simmesport, Louisiana) is best known as the legal pseudonym "Jane Roe" in the landmark Roe v. Wade lawsuit in 1973.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion is a Constitutional right, overturning individual states' laws against abortion.

Years later she recanted her support of abortion.

On January 22, 2008, McCorvey endorsed Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul. McCorvey stated, "I support Ron Paul for president because we share the same goal, that of overturning Roe v. Wade. He has never wavered on the issue of being pro-life and has a voting record to prove it. He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn.

So Roe, of Roe V Wade is PRO-LIFE! Little fact check for you. She now believes all life is precious, even at conception.

But yes... these are the types of people who are voting for Obama.

Those who are unashamed to say they hate whites, those who have pictures of them smiling as they stand on a crumpled American flag, those who threaten racial violence if Obama is not elected, those who would have their own daughter pose NUDE for them so they can paint a vile picture of Palin, those who call Palin out of her name SIMPLY because they don't like her politics.

Liberals say they're all for free speech and peace and love thy neighbor and enjoying everyone's differences... yet the cruel, vile things they say about another human being SIMPLY because she has other political beliefs than they do... Even if she's the nicest woman with a spotless record and less controversy than your high school's principal...

THESE are the kinds of people supporting Obama.

Doesn't that worry ANYONE else? Isn't anyone worried about a man who is able to draw up that much hate, bitterness and anger in people?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Democrats caused economic crisis, here's proof.

we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke...

The above includes a video from 2004 with democrats slamming Republicans for daring to say there is a problem with Fannie and Freddie.

the Republicans warned the Taxpayers would be the ones to pay... the Dems said there was nothing to worry about.


Barack Obama ranks #2 on the list of Senators receiving funds from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lobbyists and campaign contributions. The contributions span 20 years, yet in Obama’s 4 short years in the Senate he has received more contributions than any other Senator but Democrat Christopher Dodd, who has been in the Senate for several decades.


So again, whose fault is it that we're in this economic crunch?

Wouldn't Mom who gave Bracelet to Obama be disappointed to know

From Crabby Appleton on another board I frequent. he/she has a really good point here...

"Just thought I would throw another factor into this discussion.

I did a google image search for Obama and, after reviewing several pages of images, I couldn't find a single image, other than one from the debate, showing Obama wearing the bracelet in question.

Only when I did a search using the terms "Obama" and "bracelet" did I get examples. The vast majority of the time Obama apparently chooses not to wear the item.

McCain, on the other hand seems to have the bracelet on all of the time, or at least in those images that show his wrist.

Try it yourself, and you will see what I mean.

Both men wear the bracelet on the right wrist, McCain at all times, and Obama, on rare occasions. I'll leave it to you to decide who wears the bracelet to honor those who make the ultimate sacrifice, and who wears it for political expediency."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Great Bracelet Debate

The case of the bracelet.

McCain told a passionate speech about a mother who gave him a bracelet that she wanted him to wear as a reminder to keep the course, and make sure her beloved son's death was not in vein. that means to make sure we win this war so we don't come home in shame, and have to go back to fix things later.

Obama decided to pull a neener neener boo boo moment by saying "Yeah, well, I so totally have a bracelet to. It's for this guy... um... god what was his name? Oh yeah, it was from the mother of this soldier dude whose name is um..."

Recently, the father of the soldier who Obama couldn't remember, said that his ex-wife had actually asked the campaign to not use her son's name, and then emailed her ex to let him know. And it seemed he agreed with that decision.

Obama decided to use it anyway. He threw the mother under the bus and used her son to "get" McCain. Here McCain made a passionate speech, and he used her son as a neener neener moment.

The mother admits she did ask the campaign to not mention her son by name, and she did tell her ex... but she is "thrilled" Obama threw her under... I mean... used her son's name to try to discredit a war hero who gave a passionate speech about another war hero. (Cindy Sheehan anyone?) She didn't seem to mind he couldn't even remember her son's name. (This same man who "couldn't" go see wounded soldiers in Germany once he realized photo ops were not allowed.)

Many people say "Case closed. She said she didn't want him to do it, she asked him not to, and told her ex-husband what she told the campaign, but she is ok with it, so there." however... What about the father who wasn't happy. It was his son too. Oremus, a member of a message board I frequent, put it more eloquently...

"Those who continue to respond even after they've arrogantly declared "case closed," for no other reason than they've determined it to be so.

Mr. Obama and the left, certainly have a history of treating those mothers, who've lost sons who had volunteered to fight the war in Iraq, as useful tools.

I find it incredibly despicable and utterly loathesome that somebody who would use that bracelet as a "prop," and pretend that he had worn it since it was given to him in February, had no idea of the soldier's name that was printed on the same bracelet.

I would assume that a father of the deceased son would qualify as a member of the son's family as well as the mother and any siblings."

I don't know who I'm more upset with... Obama's blatant use of the son's bracelet as a prop for a neener neener boo boo moment...

or the mother's blindness to the fact Obama threw her and her son under the bus to get at McCain... and that she's "thrilled" he did it, despite the fact he couldn't remember her son's name, and he ONLY did it because he wanted to have that neener neener boo boo moment. What a disservice to her son's memory. Used (and poorly) as a "gotcha" moment.

Why do I get the sudden feeling she's going to become Cindy Sheehan revisited?

What about the father? And what about the son? Is she speaking for how HE felt, or just how SHE feels? If he believed in what he was doing as many soldiers there do... then she's doing a disservice to him. It would be different if she had said he had many objections to the war and was there against his will and better judgement, however, neither the father nor the mother, nor Obama has said this. And while she suffered the worst thing a mother can suffer, the loss of a child... She is doing a big discredit to her son by letting Obama use his name in a way he may not have wanted himself to be used.

I guess...

if that were me, and it were my family member being thrown under the bus like that... not only would I have been insulted that he tried to use my family member as a way to get back at McCain... but to not remember that family member's name... I'd have insisted he stopped wearing the bracelet immediately. But that's just me.

then again, no one in my family would want Obama wearing their name. My dad loved his country, and served it with pride. He would not want Obama using him as anti-war propoganda, especially if he was there believing in what he was doing.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Personal opinion on the Debates (Friday 9/26/08)

This is my personal thoughts on the debate having re-watched them late last night.

Obama was very combative, argumentative, rude and snide last night. And he kept trying to interrupt McCain hoping to throw him off his game.

This guy was so excited about interrupting McCain with his "I got a bracelet too.. neener neener boo boo" 5-year-old moment, that HE COULDN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE SOLDIER HE WAS WEARING IT FOR!! It was so noticable.

And McCain was polite enough to call Obama Senator Obama, even though I'm sure he had a few choice names for him in the back of his mind...

Obama kept calling Senator McCain, his Senior who has been in office decades longer, "John".

It's disrespectful, and he lost quite a few votes of my friends who are stanch democrats (And when I say Democrats I mean the kind I've had all out drag down yelling matches with during election season because of differences in opinions. LOL)...

They weren't quite sure about Obama, but were leaning his way because they always voted Democrat and believe in Democrat idealisms (Another thing we argue over, yet somehow are able to remain friends. LOL). Now they won't vote for him. Out of the 5 friends I talked to afterwards, they all said the same thing I did.

He acted childish, the bracelet thing disturbed them, he was argumentative and always trying to interrupt, and it's just plain rude to call Senator McCain "John" when he's being respectful enough to refer to you by your title. How can someone with such a lack of respect for someone who is your senior (in age and in rank)... be reliable enough to hold such a position that demands respect?

Some are voting McCain, 2 said they're not voting at all this year.

So I say this match goes to McCain, no matter what extremely obvious and unashemedly liberal leaning media outlets like CNN and PMSNBC might say.

Say what you will about Fox... being #1 in ratings means liberals and conservatives alike watch Fox over the other channels...

And at midnight (my time) last night, their Text voting poll showed McCain had won the debate in the eyes of viewers by 80 some %.

And yes it is legitimate because I sent in my text and 5 minutes later I got a confirmation thanking me for my text vote.

Other independent sources are also saying the majority of people (even those who support Obama) believe McCain won ("This round")

The new Zogby poll has McCain ahead of Obama. So we'll have to see how things go when Palin goes up against Mr. "President FDR went on Television in 1929 to discuss the stock market crash" on Thursday.

but my opinion, and the opinion of the friends and family I've talked to...

while McCain could have been a bit stronger... he still won hands down.

A Barack Obama supporter who thought Obama won said he proved he has the capcity to learn and absorb unlike "someone he knew".

My response?

for one, I don't want my president to LEARN and ABSORB ideas when we're in a crisis. I want him to KNOW and have the capability to come up with HIS OWN solutions and ideas. A man with EXPERIENCE wouldn't have to learn or absorb as he goes along. Am I saying a president shouldn't be open to new ideas and learning new solutions? No, they should, we all should continue learning and growing... but I want him to have the EXPERIENCE to know what to do when a split second decision is needed.

For another... how is he going to learn and absorb when, whenever he's called to duty he bitches about having to go (Like when asked to put aside his campaign to help with the economic crisis), doesn't show up (Which is how he's missed MORE votes in 3 short years than a man like McCain has missed in 21 years)... or votes "Present" because yes or no is to hard (Which he's done more often than given a yes or no answer.)

Anyone who thinks someone with a poor showing up to vote record, a "Present" voting record, and no actual accomplishments to speak of since he hasn't done anything accept work towards career advancement... anyone who thinks this type of person can be afforded on the job training...

you're an idiot.

From Israel

this was posted on another blog by username: donsaliman.


This is a little long but please bear with me

First of all,I have some friends that like myself are former Americans that have became Israelis.

All Of us have dual citizenship's,I keep mine so I will not have problems of getting a visa to visit family and friends in America.

I made my move in 1970 and have never voted in the American elections,for since I do not make my home in America,I don't feel I should have a say in what happens in America,what I mean is voting rights.

That ended in 2004,for I thought Kerry was not only a danger to America but to my adopted country, Israel.

This election in 2008,I have voted again (Absentee ballot) for I think, Obama is more of a danger then Kerry ever was.

I do not talk politics with some members of my family,for I love them even though they have this Bush,Palin,McCain etc syndrome.

I am taken aback by the hate they show.

On Sept 10, 2001 I was a die heart Democrat,on Sept 11,2001 I was neither Democrat or Republican, I was neither an American or Israeli citizen,I was a very concerned and frighten human.

In 2004 election,I was not a die heart democrat but for the first time in my live,I voted for someone on the Republican party and since then,I guess I am a Republican, the Democratic party scares me to no end.

What is interesting is that Americans who have made Israel their home,for over a long time,were like me a Democratic and now a bif majority feel the same way I do,not all but a lot.

In talkbacks on the Internet,most of the comments are for McCain and Palin and when someone rights something against McCain and Palin,many of the comments knock the author and support McCain and Palin.

A few examples: (read the article for sure, but if you do not have the time,then read the comment)





There was a poll on some Israeli internet site but could not find it,but McCain was favorite by over 65% over Obama

Some other polls

A few internet polls on the Jerusalem Post internet site:
Israel's best ever friend in the White House:
1 Bill Clinton 11%
2 George W. Bush 37%
3 Harry Truman 17%
4 Ronald Reagan 21%
5 Richard Nixon 7%
6 Lyndon Johnson 2%
7 Other 4%

Is Obama bad for Israel?
1 Yes 77%
2 No 23%

Decision to name Sarah Palin as VP pick:
1 Brilliant 73%
2 Terrible 27%

I think you get my point and like I always end my letters

Keep the faith But I still fear an Obama win

Senator Biden's Foot in Mouth disease... hard to Ignore

Lol, this is too true.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Liberals Vs. Palin, Um.. Grow up lefties?

I just love how everyone is still going after Sarah. The VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE.

These are actual quotes I heard on TV last night on PMSNBC, CNN and so on.

"She's not the right person to be running for president."
"I don't think she's ready to be president."
"When it comes to being President, I think Obama has more experience than her"






a Japanese musical theater actress from my favorite show passed away this past July at the age of 24 of heart failure... AT TWENTY FOUR!!! That's proof that age has nothing to do with longevity.

So let's move on. Not only can McCain survive 4 years... he could survive 8 years if the voters say they want him to. He'd only be turning 80 years old at the end of his presidency should he serve 2 terms.

My great-aunt lived to 97 with cancer, diabetes, and heart disease
My grandmother lived to 85 with cancer
My father lived 15 years after being given 5 years to live when he was diagnosed with a rare cancer.
The Great Ronald Reagan was 93 when he passed away. he suffered with Alzheimer's disease for 10 years.

So let's get over this, McCain is going to drop dead of a heart attack and Palin is going to take over crap.

No one mentions Biden's helicopter being "Forced down" in the "pits of hell" where he made it sound as if he were surrounded by the enemy when all he was surrounded by was snow, and the only threat he was in danger of was a bad head cold.

none of the drive by media is talking about how he said that FDR addressed the nation on TV during the stock market crash of 1929 when almost NO ONE Had a TV and HOOVER was in office...

Not many people are talking about his "Higher taxes is patriotic" remark except conservatives.

I haven't heard PMSNBC going after his "I'm not worthy, Hillary is more qualified" speech.

I mean please

Biden makes Palin look like a freakin Albert Einstein

So can we move on to the PRESIDENTIAL nominees and what THEY have to say??

Campaign suspension over

McCain has agreed to go on with the debate tonight as was previously agreed upon. Everyone is claiming that this was a "stunt" by McCain to get out of the debate. Here's my opinion on all of that stupidity.

Let's start with Bill Clinton weighing in on it.

Earlier today, Mr. Clinton gave a wide berth to Mr. McCain for wanting to postpone the first presidential debate, scheduled for Friday.

"We know he didn’t do it because he’s afraid, because Sen. McCain wanted more debates," Mr. Clinton said on "Good Morning America"

"You can put it off a few days," Mr. Clinton added, ceding that "the problem is it's hard to reschedule those things." He said of Mr. McCain: "I presume he did that in good faith since I know he wanted - I remember he asked for more debates to go all around the country, and so I don't think we ought to overly parse that."

McCain actually asked for, I believe it was 10 debates... Obama said no until he finally agreed to 4 very particular ones, ones where he could use his beloved teleprompter, the first of which was suppose to be Friday. So in an off handed way, Clinton was saying... McCain isn't pulling a fast one.

Call it what you want. we're in an economic crisis, everyone knows that. I'd rather see them working on a solution rather than hearing either of them spew about what they COULD do and MAY do SHOULD they become president.

I don't need to hear a presidential cat fight while our country is trying to work out a problem. So Hail Mary pass or not, I'm glad McCain suspended the campaign to take care of this issue, and I'm a bit shocked Obama's first response was "uh, screw the country's economic issue. We need to get this debate on". lol, well not in those words but I felt that he cared more about the debate and making McCain look bad than agreeing to help find a bipartisan way of solving our current issue.

Someone said to me... "So should A soldier serving in Iraq be able to ask if he or she can "suspend" their service or "delay" going out on patrol while Congress negotiates a piece of legislation?

How does that apply In this case? A soldier isn't a congress man.

You're saying you'd rather SENATOR Mccain and SENATOR Obama go on with their debates, catfighting, name calling and promises while our economy is crashing?

They are still senators and as senators they should be part of the solution when duty calls. Just like a Soldier is a soldier and needs to be there when duty calls.

Some say this was a big mistake on McCain's part, and that this was an error he'll regret.


I don't think McCain erred at all.

1. Our country is in a crisis. A debate is just for bickering back and forth on promises that won't be kept by either side and a way to make the other side look stupid (though Biden is doing a good enough job for Obama on his own, although he's making the wrong side look stupid... but I digress.)

I don't need to hear empty promises, bickering and debates on whose wife is more attractive. What I need is to see action, and the action I want to see right now this very moment is working on this economic crisis.

The reason this is important to me is because I'm selling my house and I'm moving. Banks aren't giving loans out right now, and that means people aren't buying, so I can't go out and look to buy if my house won't sell.

2. I think the one who erred in this was Obama. Like I said, we're at the brink of what could be another great depression, we're in a major crisis, and his focus is on debating and trying to make his opponent look bad. He said "no" to suspending politics until they can work something out, he said "no" to suspending the debate.

This man who missed more key votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21 years.
This man who voted "present" over 130 times because yes or no was too hard for him.

This man was refusing to suspend politics and work out our economic crisis, and would not put aside the debate and bipartisanship to help out when needed.

That is what those who are on the fence are seeing right now. One man willing to look bad and "Scared" by backing down and doing his job, and another man who is win at all costs, even if it's at America's expense.

And Perhaps McCain's plans are faulty, or people won't like what he has to say... problem for Obama, at least he's been saying SOMETHING. Even Jay Leno had to joke... "the Republicans would go after Obama's plan, but they don't know what it is yet."

This is the guy who had to have a press conference that he wasn't going to have a press conference to discuss plans about making plans for plans.

And as far as I know...

McCain never said he wanted to forget this debate all together. he said he wanted to postpone it till a later date. People act as if he wanted to back out of it completely. All he said was, let's do it another time and focus on this cause our country is in a bit of a pickle at the moment, and now isn't the time for self interest.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pictures of Obama and "non" aquaintances

Pictures the Drive by media won't talk about

Pictures of him having dinner with Edward Said, a well known hater of Isreal and Jews.

Pictures of him looking friendly with Tony Rezko.

Newer Pictures of Ayers (who Obama worked closely with on The Woods Fund board) standing on a crumpled American flag.

These "non" aquaintances who the drive by media refuse to talk about seriously deserve a second look.

much like the che guevara flag hanging in one of his headquarters... much like the "FELONS CAN VOTE" sign recently taken down from his Pennsylvania headquarters.

Obama needs a serious second, scrutinizing look.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Biden... and they call PALIN an idiot???

Joe Biden... can he just shut up now??

1st he goes off saying Obama made a bad decision picking him as Veep nominee... that there are more people more qualified than him, including Clinton who he says is more experienced, and would have been a better Veep nominee as well as experienced enough to be President.

Now we can see why he feels that way.

first he says that it is the DUTY of americans to pay higher taxes, and that we should feel patriotic doing it.

Next he talks about being "forced down" earlier this year flying over Pakistan... making it sound like he was at the gates of hell, right in the middle of taliban country... "If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden said. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

after some research the truth is... they were forced down... because of bad weather. No one was in danger of anything other than catching a cold.

Oh, let's not forget how Obama told him to shut up basically because while Obama was scolding McCain for not supporting a government bailout of Fannie and Freddie only to eventually support it, Biden did the same thing.

Just like Biden condemned HIS OWN CANDIDATE'S commercial about McCain's inability to use Email... only to later say "it was ok."

Now he says something completely stupid.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

well, if you were one of the VERY FEW people who owned an EXPERIMENTAL thing called a "TV" in 1929 you'd probably wonder who FDR was since he wasn't elected until 1933

And the left calls Palin an idiot??? At least she makes sense when she opens her mouth!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Once again, WHY is Obama the "better" candidate?

No one, to this date, on like 10 sites I've been to, can answer this question for me.

Exactly how is Obama going to be less of the same? Without talking about how handsome he is and what a good speaker is, or going into personal attacks about Palin or McCain, belittling them personally just because you don't like them politically (even though they can't come up with solid evidence as to why)

How EXACTLY is Obama the better choice. What EXACTLY has he done to prove this?

1. He has no accomplishments anyone can mention
2. he voted "present" over 130x because yes or no was too hard
3. he missed MORE votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21.
4. Mr "for the poor" voted to RAISE the taxes of those making $35,000 or more annually. My parents made $86,000 annually, so they would have had their taxes raised had Obama gotten his way. With 3 kids, taxes, gas, oil, cars, car payments, house payments, groceries, clothes, education, we didn't live the high life. Can you imagine if Obama got the raise he wanted?
5. he voted NO to a gas tax relief during the summer that McCain and Clinton pushed for... in fact, his demo friends tried to find a way to raise the tax by an extra 10cents from 18.4 to 28.4
6. He was the 2nd highest paid partisan from the 200mil Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gave out. The top 3 being Dodd, Obama and Kerry.
7. His stance on abortion, whether you agreed with him then, now or never, is constantly lightening so he won't lose votes.
8. He has the highest percentage of attack ads, and misleading or untruthful commercials, something he said as a man of "Change" he wouldn't resort to.
9. He blatanly misled spanish speaking Americans with his spanish ad... proven to be a fabrication, as if spanish speaking Americans are idiots.
10. He and his supporters keep playing the race card TRYING to make it an issue when it isn't.
11. His supporters can't name any accomplishments other than one kid who said "he's the first black senator". Um. one, being black isn't an accomplishment, it's a birth right and two... Hiram Revels of Mississippi was the first black senator. (And this kid is of voting age. yikes.)

So how exactly is Obama going to be a man of change in the white house? The only thing he's going to change is from what he promised you, to what he feels like doing now that he's in charge.

Like I said, no one on about 15 different sites, plus this blog, has yet to answer me this question

Obama's losing ground... because he's black.

If you don't vote for Obama you are racist.

As it stands, Obama is losing 6% points for "being Black"

I wonder how much he'll lose for lack of experience, poor voting record, lack of accomplishments, the fact he got a major windfall of money from the now failing Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae, the fact he can't figure out how to speak as eloquently without his teleprompter, the fact he's so obsessed with race being the only one bringing it up... CONSTANTLY, and because of stances on major things like being pro-infanticide, or anti- saving a living baby born after an abortion attempt. however you want to spin it.

Yeah. The fact that he's half black is the only reason I'm not voting for him. (I say with sarcasm.)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Broward Democrats poke fun at Sarah Palin

By Anthony Man | Political Writer
September 20, 2008
Sun Sentinel.com

Get a room full of Democrats, and they can't resist poking fun at Sarah Palin.

It's not exactly the message that the Barack Obama campaign wants to exude — preferring to act as if the Republican vice presidential candidate doesn't get them ruffled — but Palin is just too rich a target for loyal Democrats.

At the Broward Democratic Party's monthly meeting Tuesday night, it started right at the beginning — with the invocation, delivered by Mike Moskowitz, the state committeeman for the county.

He called for a "blessing on the elk and moose in Alaska who have been decimated by Sarah Barracuda" and included a prayer that Palin doesn't turn her sights on the squirrels in Washington, D.C.

"We pray that her journey takes her across the bridge to nowhere," he said.

Monroe Kiar, the former Davie town attorney and father of state Rep. Martin Kiar, D-Davie, told the party gathering about his summer visit to Alaska.

Finding himself in Juneau, he said he visited the Capitol, while everyone else in the group went whale watching — a true mark of a political junkie.

The Capitol building was smaller than just about anything in Broward, he said. Palin is governor of a state of about 670,000 residents.

"That's disgraceful running for vice president," Kiar said. "Any one of our commissioners is more qualified to be vice president than she is."


what is really sad is how obviously scared the libs are of Palin.

They can't let it drop.

They will do ANYTHING from stealing her SS#, starting "Troopergate", hacking into personal email accounts, dragging her underage daughter through the mud... just to discredit her.


Because they know she could be the first female president.

Because they know she has more achievements in 1 day as Govorner than Obama has had in 3 years as a senator.

And because now that they are faced with the strong, independant, successful, career woman... only who is conservative... they're poopin bricks (To put it politely.)

Let them keep talking, people are already getting sick about hearing the left whine about Palin. The only ones who are still listening are the far left nutjobs that even the "normal" Democrats can't stand.

As 'Cheeseburger' on message board I frequent said...

Broward Democrats poke fun at Sarah Palin

Brought to you by the Einsteins who couldn't figure out a butterfly ballot designed by one of their own party members.

Biden lies about family tragedy to enduce sympathy

American Thinker
Thomas Lifson
September 19, 2008


It is terrible to lose family members to a traffic accident. But why on earth would a United States Senator fabricate an embellishment and claim that it was a drunk driver's fault, when the record clearly indicates it was not?

Delaware Online reports:

Since his vice presidential nomination, Joe Biden's 2007 statement that a "guy who allegedly ... drank his lunch" and drove the truck that struck and killed his first wife and daughter has gained national media traction.

Alcohol didn't play a role in the 1972 crash, investigators found. But as recently as last week, the syndicated TV show Inside Edition aired a clip from 2001 of Biden describing the accident to an audience at the University of Delaware and saying the truck driver "stopped to drink instead of drive."
The senator's statements don't jibe with news and law enforcement reports from the time, which cleared driver Curtis C. Dunn, who died in 1999, of wrongdoing.

"To see it coming from [Biden's] mouth, I just burst into tears," Dunn's daughter, Glasgow resident Pamela Hamill, 44, said Wednesday. "My dad was always there for us. Now we feel like we should be there for him because he's not here to defend himself."

Full Article

Thanks to "liz" from the Rightnation.US message board.

I actually saw an interview with the daughter of the man whose truck killed Biden's family. She was torn apart, not only for her and how her father's name is being dragged through the mud when investigations proved it wasn't a drunk driving incodent, but for Biden's family who he is using as a political ploy to gain sympathy. The most disgusting use of a tragedy there ever was.

Liberals will do anything, even step over their own families graves, to succeed.

Look at Kennedy leaving that woman to die and not telling anyone where the body was until it was found. He wasn't worried about anything other than how this would damage his political career.

A WOMAN DYING and he chose his own flubby, drunk behind.

I think it is a DISGRACE that this man would USE his family like that, and put another family in such turmoil just for the sake of his political career.

It's disgusting.

My uncle was killed in a car accident in 2001 just before Christmas. Can you imagine if I started saying the guy who caused the accident was drunk rather than it being a horrible accident caused by weather conditions?

can you imagine what the liberals would say if I tried that ploy to get sympathy for myself if I were a conservative politician? I'd be done for both politically and personally. I'd have to leave the country in shame.

I'm speaking louder about this because I know someone who had a loved one die by a drunk driver, and I had a brother who could have been killed in an accident because of a THIRD OFFENSE drunk driver.

And if the liberal media try to drown us out, then people who this disgusts need to shout louder till they CAN'T ignore us. This is the only way we'll win this election. to Shout louder than the liberals. (I know that sounds hard with blowholes like Rosie, Joy Bawbwa, and the likes of Michael Moore.)

but we have to start taking back this election! I've already written to Biden about this.


I hope you all follow suit.

How Barack are you?

Take the Barack Obama test. Let's see how truly for or against Obama you really are.

My results...

You DISAGREED with the Barack Obama position on 50 of the 51 test questions. This means you disagree with the Obama position 98% of the time.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama is a liar of the most despicable kind.

Recently Obama released an ad to counter an ad released by Gianna Jensen, a young girl who survived being aborted. Obama said the McCain camps statements about his abortion stance are simply lies.

Hey Obama...

I've seen evidence where you voted against a resolution to protect a viable child born alive after a botched abortion attempt. I've seen evidence where you've supported late-term abortion... period. Nothing to do with a woman's health. Just her choice.




Instead of saying it's a lie... show me PROOF it's a lie and proof that counters everything I've seen that states otherwise.

Although, I can't expect more from a man who released a spanish commercial using a blurb from a 2006 Rush Limbaugh show, so that it sounded like Rush was being racist agaisnt hispanics and telling them to leave the country... when in fact if you listen to the ENTIRE audio... he was actually making a comment about the MEXICAN governement and how they run things.

This man of change who wouldn't resort to smear tactics, false or misleading commercials and attack ads has done nothing BUT.

The only thing Obama has changed about this campaign is his ability to lie with a straight face.

Otherwise this is the same old politics.

Even Obama's Supporters have no clue.

Name ONE specific ACCOMPLISHMENT Obama has made. Aside from the likability factor, and the great speaker. In his short term as a Junior Senator, or even working in the Illinois State Senate, name one specific thing he has done for the betterment of the people.

Supporters #1

Supporters #2

Supporters #3

Here's someone who actually has a list of accomplishments.

Sean Hannity video on Obama's voting record

Palin Email Hacker may have been found.

Son Of Tennessee Democratic State Representative Mike Kernell Hacked Into Palin’s E-mail

Mike Kernell - (D) of Tennessee has admitted that his son is the subject of the Palin email hacking.

The FBI and the Secret Service started a formal investigation on Wednesday into the hacking.

David Kernell is a student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Mike Kernell said he spoke to his son on Thursday, as he does on a regular basis.

Kernell otherwise declined to comment, or discuss his son’s whereabouts.

This just proves the liberal mind.

Liberals threaten violent riots if their man isn't elected

Liberals hack into people's private email and private information, then blame the VICTIM as being the cause of her own victimization

Liberals protest, most of their protests get violent, then they throw up the same Freedom of Speech act that they want to take away from anyone else with opposing views.

Liberals lie, cheat, then blame the republicans.

Liberals can not and will not respect opposing view points, but demand respect for their own.

These are the people that would lead this country if Obama gets in office.

Scary thought hey?

You want to trust Obama with our current financial crisis when....

Obama is said to be "the better man for the job", when it comes to solving the financial crisis that has spiraled because of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Let me make 2 points.

1. In 2005... THREE YEARS AGO... MCCAIN, not Obama, MCCAIN supported a bill that would have helped evade JUST THIS SITUATION! He saw it coming, and supported a plan to help stop if from happening.

The DEMOCRATS blocked the bill and kept it from passing.

2. Franklin Raines is a former CEO of Fannie May, was paid a total of $90 MILLION for his tenure at Fannie May, who was forced to resign due to a $6.3 billion accounting debacle he oversaw in 2004, and James Johnson former Vice-Chair of Fannie Mae and Managing Director of Lehman Brothers…..

Raines and Johnson are the current economic advisors for Barack Obama. Raines was in charge when most of these high risk, sub prime rate loans were being given away; the primary catalyst to Fannie Mae's collapse.

THIS is the man you're going to trust to save our economy.

A man whose TOP ADVISORS were paid big by Fannie May and Freddie Mac

oh, here's a third point.

3. Fannie & Freddie Gave $200 Million to Partisans-Most Went to Democrats! Dodd, Obama Among Top Recipients.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who are the people voting for Obama?

This is why an Obama presidency scares me. Here are the type of people who will vote for him.

Drugged up celebrutards like Lindsay Lohan

Convicted and unrepentant terrirosts like Bill Ayers

White, Jewish and American haters like Ferrahkan and Wright.

People who threaten to start racial riots (Ala Rodney King) if he is not voted president

People who praise the fact that Obama's camp want to help make it legal for convicted felons to vote.

People who praise those who commit ILLEGAL acts by INVADING THE PRIVACY of someone, and plastering it all over the internet. People who criminalize the VICTIM, and sactify the OFFENDERS.

We established a LONG time ago that just because a rape victim wore a short skirt, didn't mean she was asking for it.

The same goes for this case. Just because she has a PRIVATE email account on yahoo does not mean she deserved to be hacked.

There is NO EXCUSE for criminal activity... unless you're a liberal.

Who else will vote for Obama?

Well, for one... definately convicts. Even if they don't get to vote, felons have voted by the thousands in various elections. (Almost always Democrat).

And dead people. One guy who had been dead for almost 20 years voted Kerry last election. Dead voters always seem to vote Democrat too.

This is the liberal mentality. Think like me, act like me, or we'll hurt you.

Liberals talk peace and love while THREATENING those who don't agree with their point of view.

Liberals talk about freedom of speech, all the while trying to take it away from those who oppose them.

The tell tale sign of the liberal mentality...

"Vote... or DIE!"

Even their slogans are guarded threats.

"And McCain admits he still can't use a computer" - THANK GOD!!!

The latest Obama ad slams McCain for not being able to email or text message.

Let me show you why Obama is once again, an idiot.

1. The train crash... the engineer was alledgedly texting when he hit another train.
2. Physical injury due to walking and texting in public is on the rise
3. A good chunk of car accidents involve a cellphone.

As for email... take a look at this breaking news (Thanks to the American Conservative Forum and Michelle Malkin)


Sarah Palin's private e-mail hacked, family photos raidedBy Michelle Malkin •

September 17, 2008 02:59 PM Scroll for updates…Wired News confirms…
Sometime early this morning, between approximately 3:00am - 4:00am, members of an infamous group of hackers broke into Gov. Sarah Palin's private Yahoo e-mail account.

The incriminating discussion threads included screenshots of Palin's e-mail and private e-mail addresses of her contacts. The threads have since been deleted.
Hacking e-mail is a federal crime. A TV anchor who broke into his colleague's e-mail account recently pleaded guilty and faces a maximum five years in prison.
The law will catch up to the hackers, but what about the lowlifes who are now gleefully splashing the alleged contents of Palin's private e-mail account all over the Internet?

The Gawker smear machine - see here for all the background you need - has posted private family photos of Palin's children that were apparently stolen from the e-mail account.

They have used Bristol Palin's illegally obtained private cell phone number from her mom's private account, recorded her voicemail message, and posted it on their website.

They have reprinted her husband Todd's private e-mail address and son Track's private e-mail address.

You think this is just a harmless prank? Those of you who have had to deal with break-ins and identity theft know exactly what a burdensome process it is to recover from crimes like this.

Gawker knowingly and deliberately published illegally obtained photos of the Palin children.

Where are the privacy absolutists now?

You think Palin Derangement Syndrome is bad now? These by-any-means-necessary lunatics are just warming up.

Let me repeat what I said about Nick Denton and his slime businesses in 2006. It's every bit as relevant now. And I expect the same cowards who said nothing then to remain silent about the violations of the Palin family's privacy now:
There is a time to be tolerant and there is a time to draw lines. If you don't draw those lines, bullies will be emboldened. The smug Gawker smear machine is all about pushing those boundaries with the expectation that no one will push back. They project their own cynicism, recklessness with facts, intellectual laziness, and bad faith on everyone else.

But outside of Manhattan and Los Angeles, not all of us think blogging is a for-profit enterprise founded solely to tear people down with gossip, rumor-mongering, and damaging lies disguised as "satire." Funny how some of the loudest voices decrying the lack of civility in the blogosphere are the biggest promoters of the bottom-feeders and debasers at Gawker Media.
Bastards. Bastards all.

After this... Obama has the balls to make a case that a new and happenin president should be able to use email and texting instead of picking up a phone and calling, or seeing someone in person?

What an idiot.

New Generation of Young Republicans

I guess as a (Just turned Happy birthday to me!) 32 year old woman, I am no longer considered a "Young" Republican. (As long as I'm not considered "old" I'm not bitter. lol)

However, I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of new young republicans. People I never would have expected.

When I was getting my dogs groomed at their favorite petstore franchise, I wore my "Proud Republican" t-shirt.

A young guy, probably about 19, 20 years old, came up to me and said "nice shirt." Taking one look at the kid, I thought he was going to go off on me about how Obama is the better choice and I'm racist if I don't vote Obama and blah blah blah.

However he goes on to say "It's about time someone had the guts to stand up to these Libretards! They keep talking... but try to keep us from talking too! Way to stand up for the party! Where did you get that shirt? I'd get one if there are any left!"

A few days later I was standing in line at the bank when a young, 20ish Vietnamese American woman came in. She was wearing a McCain * Palin t-shirt. The Teller, who was probably no more than 18 or 19, asked her where she got it, because she was looking all over for a McCain and Palin shirt.

The woman was so excited to have met another supporter. I spoke up and said that I too was looking for those shirts, but the republican office by me had sold out before I could get one, so I got the Proud Republican shirt instead.

Shortly after another young man, about 20, spoke up that he couldn't find them either, but had the Proud Republican T-Shirt. We all started talking politics and foudn we had a lot of common beliefs and opinions.

I forgot to mention, the young man who joined in the conversation... he was an African-American young man, who is sick of hearing that Obama's ONLY qualification is that he's the first African-American nominee ever.

He said it's racist for liberals to think he should vote for Obama because of the color of Obama's skin. He also said he's more Black than Obama because both of his parents (who are staunch republicans) are black. And it sickens him that they'd use that as a political ploy since Obama has no accomplishments to speak of.

Everyone gave him a "right on", and we all went back to what we were doing.

Not only does it seem a lot of the younger generation is becoming disenfranchised with "the party of the young", but look at what happened.

I struck up a conversation with several complete strangers, all because of supporting McCain. McCain has united more people, including Democrats for McCain, than Obama has.

Obama's own supporters are devided. One, a Rev. Jesse Jackson, obviously can't stand Obama (cause he wants to "cut his nuts off"), yet he's going to support him based on the blackness.

So Obama can't even truly unite his own party.

Yeah, he'll be GREAAAAT for uniting the nation! LOL

Celebutard Lindsay Lohan get's Pwned... by who she supports!!

Poor celebutard Lindsay Lohan.

First, she doesn't know if she's gay or straight

She's been stopped how many times for DUI and been caught with coke

She's been in and out of rehab

And of course she likes to talk Politics when she has no clue what she's even talking about.

Her biggest mistake to date is backing Barack Obama.


Barack Obama thinks this is a mistake too.

The trouble-prone actress offered to host a series of events aimed at younger voters, but the Democratic presidential candidate's camp wasn't interested, the paper says.

Lohan ''is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us," a top source on the Obama team told the paper.

- Fox News

You would think that with a Pliagerizer VP nominee, who has a son that is a former lobbyist named in 2 felony lawsuits, whose campaign headquarters once dawned the signs "Felons can vote",

he'd be all over having yet another multi-millionaire actress join the ranks of other multi-million dollar actors and actresses who support him, proving he's "One of the regular people" who understands the plight of the poor.

However, they turned her down faster than they denounced Rev. Wright after his anti-white and anti-American comments.

Poor Linsday. A usually drunk or high, bi-curious, uneducated actress just can't get any respect anymore, even from the party she supports.



Sorry I just found this hilariously funny.

Why Obama's latest attack ad is STUPID

In Obama's latest attack ad, he goes after McCain and 7 lobbyists.

This is easiest the dumbest commercial he's ever had.

1. His VP nominee's SON is a former multi-million dollar lobbyist who recently quit lobbying.
2. Obama (while he claims he hasn't taken money from lobbyists) has lobbyists in his campaign as advisors. For example... his chief strategist David Axelrod's own firm does lobbying.
3. His VP nominee's Lobbyist (sorry, ex-lobbyist) son and a brother of his VP nominee were named in 2 felony lawsuits for cheating a business partner out of millions of dollars in a failed deal.

Let's also not forget that his VP Nominee is a known and admitted plaigerizer.


Obama : Felons Can Vote!

Felons are crying to get their voting right back... and Obama is hearing them (mostly because the felons seem to be supporting Obama.)

Obama's supporters have coined the new phrase "Felony Disenfranchisment." Those murders and rapists (who through no fault of their own according to libs) lost the right to vote.

Obama's campaign people have met with the Sentencing Project and the American Civil Liberties Union who have told the campaign about "how to register former felons" so they can vote.

There were even signs in one Obama support office that said "Felons can vote!"

They have been removed since this story broke (Wonder why).

McCain has refused to meet with these groups or even consider the campaign to register former felons no matter what affiliation they lean towards.

I'm sure the murder victims who can no longer speak for themselves would applaud McCain.


An Obama supporter just emailed me to let me know this is for "Non-violent" former felons like Drug dealers, Pimps and burlgers.


like those are any better.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama Caught on tape.

Mega Ditto El Rushbo!

Thanks for this.

Rush Sound clip

Also, thanks to rightnation.us for the link to this article.

Obama for the poor

it seems it is true after all, Obama is for the lowly and understands the plight of the poor.

That's why, in an effort to connect with the common Joes, he is having a special fund raiser tonight. His guest is a middle-class woman who knows our struggle... Barbara Streisand...

and you can attend the fund raiser for the extremely low price of $28,000.

Truly, a man of the common people.


Obama played the race card all night, continuously bringing up the fact he's the first African American nominee.

You do realize your half white... right Obama?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

If you listened to that podcast I linked....

In the previous blog I posted a link to a podcast for a show called "The Weekend with Mike McConnell". The first caller was a moron who kept going on and on about how McCain can't be a good president because he can't text.

Guess what a-hole...

That recent train wreck that killed 25 people...

It is now said the wreck happened because the engineer red a red signal that he didn't see. Why


Maybe, like the moron said, texting is the most popular form of communicating over picking up the phone and calling...

but it doesn't really work if you're ON THE JOB... thus you don't need to know how to text to be president.

Pwned moron!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Left wing Nuthole gets totally Pwned

Typical left wing moron calling into a show called "The Weekend With Mike McConnell".

They're talking about the latest Obama attack ad that states McCain can't even use a computer so how can he text message.

The first caller, who sounds like he's strung out on something illegal, makes these arguments.

1. If you can't or don't text message, you can't be president because in this day and age of Technology, no one talks to each other anymore. it's all done by text or email. (He's probably that a-hole in front of me sitting at a green light because he was too busy txting on his cell to look up.)

2. Al Gore invented the internet. We wouldn't be using the internet today if it wasn't for Al Gore.

3. Palin isn't ready to step in as President because she's inexperienced. Mayors of smaller towns have more experience than her.

When Mike pointed out she was also a mayor, he went back to the small town thing. (Does ANYONE remember the last person who got the left Salivating was Howard Dean, Mr. Yee Haw, who governed a state with over 62,000 LESS people than Palin governed over?)

This guy was seriously hilarious. Typical leftie. He keeps spouting what he's been told on stations like PMSNBC, but he doesn't even understand it enough to make a good argument! LOL

And the Boycott Begins... here are the sponsors

I want to thank Mattdad from the RightNation.US message board for the list of sponsors of the Randi Rhodes show on Air America.

Please join me in this boycott... it worked when people complained to MSNBC about Olbermann and Matthew's conducts and look what happened to them!!


Ok...here's the evil ho's sponsor list...

looks like a who's who of moonbat organizations...

the ONLY sponsors of hers that appear normal



ITM Trading

Light Year Alliance

Mary Kay Products

Let these companies KNOW what you think of their sponsorship of Rancid Roads....


I have already written my letter of disgust to all of the sponsors.

This is the letter I wrote as an example. (If you choose to write, please come up with your own feelings instead of simply copying and re-sending mine, or they may think we're all the same person. Lol)



I see that your company advertises on Air America, specifically you are the main sponsor for the Randi Rhodes show.

Randi Rhodes is the woman who said the Vietnamese treated soldiers fairly, and that accusations of torture (especially from McCain) were lies. (Even though he himself came back with broken bones not properly set, weighing 98 pounds with prematurely white hair.)

as the daughter of a deceased Koren war Disabled Vet who was proud to serve his country, this disgusts me.

She also has called Govenor Palin, an upstanding woman, a pedophile on national air simply because she doesn't like her politics.

This is disgusting and I can not support a company who supports a show like this. It is one thing to not agree with someone's politics and come up with provable facts to push your point... but to say someone is a pedophile or that they lied about being tortured simply because you have nothing of substance to back up claims against their politics... is unacceptable, and supporting a show like that will reflect poorly on your company.

There is a campaign to boycott any company that sponsors her show. Freedom of Speech does not protect someone who uses it to smear, degrade, Defame, or ruin careers by lying about others because she "doesn't like them" for political reasons.

This is all over the message boards and a backlash is forthcoming. Hopefully my email is the first of many.

I would seriously consider withdrawing your support of Randi Rhodes's show on Air America, and find another show to advertise with, to avoid having someone like her, cause issues to your profits.


(My name and email)

So get those emails out today! Tell them you won't support a company that supports a traitor and a liar!!!

Boycott Randi Rhodes Sponsors!!!

Randi Rhodes is at it again.

Just when I reported to you her traitorist words saying McCain was treated well by the Vietnamese, despite his weighing about 98 pounds, premature grey hair and untreated broken bones that caused issues still evident today.

Now she is making slanderous comments against Palin.

There comes a time when people have to say... "there's freedom of speech, then there is going to far."

here's what she said.

She’s the woman who shows up at the kid’s birthday party and starts opining about everything from politics to lawn care. This is the woman that knows it all. Will shout you down, will get revenge on you. That’s who she is.

She’s friends with all the teenage boys. You have to say no when your kids say, ‘can we sleep over at the Palin’s? No! NO!’

People need to start looking into who sponsers the show, and threaten these sponsers with boycotts if they continue to advertise on her show after this!!

I mean... THESE are the type of people who support Obama. THESE are the type of people we want deciding the fate of our country?

Not for me, no thank you!

BOYCOTT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Randi Rhodes - American Traitor

Obama's Abortion Stance

Further proof to those who say I'm "full of it" when I said that Obama was for the killing of children born alive after a botched abortion attempt.

I firmly believe Abortion is murder, that life begins at conception, or at the very least, by the time a woman finds out she is pregnant (and usually she finds out after the development of more human features, the start of the heartbeat, and the growth of vital organs needed to live. To me, that's signs of life.)

But say what you will about Abortion...

it IS murder to kill a child that is surviving outside of the womb.

The woman's choice is over, it is no longer a part of her body. It is a child living freely on it's own. Besides, all pro-choicers do agree that if a child is born and it's alive, life has started.

To kill the child living out of a woman's womb... is murder.

Obama refused to support a measure to protect these children BORN alive, from being left to die, or smothered to death. In fact he was a supporter of just the opposite.

He was for murder.

Biden to recuse himself?

Here's news about Former Plaigerist come VP nomination Joe Biden

12 SEPTEMBER 2008:

This report may be be breaking news of immense national political importance as a direct result of what the NEIN Blog has previously described as “The Palin Effect.” According to a an exclusive source close to the Northeast Intelligence Network, the possibility exists for a major change to the Democrat presidential campaign of Barack Obama.

Our source, citing other highly reliable sources, states that Senator Joe Biden will withdraw as the Democrat Vice-Presidential candidate, possibly due to some imminent medical emergency. These sources go on to state that negotiations have occured between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to replace Senator Biden on the ticket with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

With time drawing short to election day and given the tremendous impact to the presidential race by Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, a potential political paradigm shift of this magnitude is not out of the question. Recent commentary by Senator Biden suggesting that Hillary should have been Obama’s VEEP nominee might actually betray a Democrat strategy which has been forming within the DNC in recent days to preclude what appears at this point to be a potential electoral defeat at the polls on November 4, 2008.



This news comes shortly after Biden's statement that Hillary Clinton would be a better Vice President, and is more qualified to be president.

Reports are that he would be promptly replaced with Senator Clinton.

How will that play to disenfranchised Clinton supporters who abandoned Obama? Will they go back, or will they be upset that Obama would choose Clinton like Sloppy seconds, to bolster his campaign which was losing steam after the coming of Sarah Palin?

Wouldn't Hillary just be sloppy seconds to help boost his campaign now that he's starting to lose momentum since the coming of Sarah Palin?

Wouldn't that upset Clinton supporters more?

I mean Had he picked Clinton in the first place...he probably would have won hands down... instead he picks Biden, McCain counters with Palin, Obama starts to lose his poll lead...NOW he wants Clinton?

Even if she agreed to it, I think a lot of the Clinton supporters may feel disenfranchised by now and not want any part in this desparate attempt to regain control.

At least I hope they'd be smarter than that.

And isn't it odd this comes not long after the whole Faux pas where Biden said "Senator Clinton would have been a better VP Pick than me? She's more qualified than me, she's qualified enough to be president."?

Anyone think that comment was a set up to get the conservatives on the attack so that he could recuse himself and they could slip Hillary in under the radar?

That's just my opinion at least.

More developments are coming

No OFFICIAL word yet.

My "View" on the View.

I don't know why ABC's "The View" isn't retitled "The Liberal View with a token conservative."

They almost never let poor Elizabeth talk, and when they do, they talk over her so her point gets lost over their clucking.

And it's 4 to 1. It would be more fair if it was 2 liberals and 2 conservatives instead of 1 conservative and 4 people clucking at her so she can't make her point.

But I digress.

This is about today's "View" with John McCain.

It was embarrassing to watch supposed professionals act like spoiled children whose parents were making them play with the neighborhood kid everyone dislikes.

Barbara Walters was embarrasingly unprofessional.

She didn't look at him when she talked to him
When people clapped for his answer to faith and service, she didn't.
The distain on her face the whole time was painfully apparent.
Her body language was of sheer disgust the whole time.

It was extremely unprofessional and almost childish of her.

Woopie was no better. Normally, I love Woopie... but she went too far when she accusingly asked if McCain was going to bring judges of constitution interpretation who would interpret her back into slavery.

Not everything is about race anymore for crying out loud Woopie. Do you know why race is such an issue? Because the black community KEEP BRINGING IT UP! EVERYTHING is an assult on race whether it is or not. Like, if you don't vote for Obama, you're racist. It has nothing to do with the fact he's inexperienced, has a poor voting record compared to the likes of Hillary or McCain, he's voted for extreme measures some don't believe in like Late-term abortion, or that he double talks one group and tells them one thing, and tells another group another thing. It's just because he's HALF BLACK.

For crying out loud... If Bush didn't put you back into slavery, I highly doubt McCain who has voted against his party on many occassions, more often than Obama against his, is going to do it. Get over the race issue.

Just because Obama is black doesn't mean he will be any better for the black community.

Remember, he's living in his million dollar mansion while his half brother who he hasn't seen since he was 15, is in a shack in Africa probably starving tonight because he isn't properly fed.

Back to the McCain interview.

They kept throwing out stupid questions at McCain like that... yet when he tried to answer, they wouldn't allow him to speak. They kept talking over him like bickering, bitter ex girlfriends.

They even tried to trick him by showing him a rarely seen video of him the day he was released from the prison camps and came home.

Their goal... make him say he remembers how scared he was, and how relieved he was to be released... so they can say "This is why we need to bring troops home now!"

1. McCain didn't fall for it. He said he was relieved, but he was proud of what he did, he was proud of what they accomplished and he was proud to have served his country despite what happened.

2. Why don't those 4 naggers GO to Iraq and talk to the soldiers themselves. As the daughter of a late Korean War injured Veteren... I am deeply offended at this line of attack all the time.

How do you think the troops feel, when the VAST MAJORITY of them believe in what they are doing, constantly hear

They're losing
They're fighting a war for nothing
They're dying over there for a lie?

The overwhelming majority of them do NOT feel that way, even those who have come back injured, and have said so many times... and are getting disgusted for being called brainwashed when they do say so. It's disrespectful to what they gave for us!

They called him out on his "faith", Which he handled to cheers (despite the majority of the audience were feminist love of baby killing women.)

Why doesn't anyone ask OBAMA about his constant preaching of faith in God, and Christ saving him (How about his Muslim ties? There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim as long as you are not a Muslim extremist who hates America and our freedoms, so why did he hide for so long that his father and step father were Muslim, and that he went to a Muslim school for 2 years before going to a Catholic school?)

In fact, let's talk about Obama's time on "The View".

They hugged and kissed him sweetly.
They gushed over him before actually asking him questions.
They asked him easy questions and let him speak without speaking over him
They didn't use attacking tones of voices
They asked him if he was handling the "ATTACKS" by the conservatives ok.

Bawbwa even went as far as to call Obama "Sexy" (Yeah, that's professional.)

Speaking of being attacked by the conservatives...

they went as far as to call McCain's ads (which he approved) about Lipstick gate and the 5 year old sex ed... LIES.

So McCain is a liar?

Excuse me while I break this down.

1. Obama chooses his words carefully, he's supposedly such an eloquent speaker. So why did he use the term "Lipstick on a pig" so soon after Palin's comments about Lipstick and pitbulls that became so popular overnight...

and why did he emphasis lipstick... "YOu can put LIPSTICK, on a pig..." Then he paused and waited for laughter and applause, like he was waiting for them to catch the whole lipstick remark before continuing on. If you're going to tell me that's not a cheap shot at palin, then you're as niave as you make yourself out to be.

2. The whole Sex ed thing also wasn't a lie.

Here's the bill that Obama voted FOR!

If you read it in it clearly states...

Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K 6 through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted
infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV AIDS. Nothing in this Section prohibits instruction in sanitation, hygiene or traditional courses in biology.

So it's ok to teach kidergarteners about sexually transmitted diseases and the prevention and spread of AIDs?? well thank god they at least didn't prohibit the teaching of hygiene as well!!

All public elementary, junior high, and senior high school classes that teach sex education and discuss sexual activity or behavior intercourse

So, tell me again why kindergarten, 1st, 2nd or even 3rd graders need to discuss sexual activity and intercourse?

In otherwords... VIEW...

EDUCATE YOURSELVES before calling someone a liar!!!

It wasn't a lie, this is the exact bill that he voted for. Just because PMSNBC says it isn't so, doesn't mean it's not so.

More to the point.

Do you think they'd have given McCain or his wife the ability to say what topics are off limits without making a big issue of it?

Obama's wife michelle gave them a LIST of off limits subjects... and Elizabeth was attacked for having the audacity to give that information out.

Why? You'd have been praised for outting McCain or his wife for the same behavior.

And why did Obama's wife make things off limits anyway? Nothing was off limits for McCain or his wife. At least they didn't ask anything to be.

And Usually the "Off limits" clause is for CELEBRITIES, not for politicians the American people are trying to get to know and trust.

Why such celebrity treatment for Obama and his wife?

Another thing that got me, was how when McCain was telling the accomplishments of Palin, and stated how she cut out unnecessary costs like the Private Jet... The ever retarded Joy burst in... "Yeah, at a LOSS!"

Classic McCain turned back to her and said "Would you rather have her kept it?!"

She may have sold it at a loss, but at least the money that they did get back went to HELPING HER PEOPLE.

name ONE thing Obama has done to that level. I've asked it a hundred times on various websites. Still waiting.

It was a disgusting display of unprofessionalism. When a person of Barbara's reputation get's to that point where she looks like a spoiled brat... they need to gracefully retire.

That's MY View!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yes I stole this from another site.

ok I stole this from another republican message board, but I love it.

9 11 tribute video... Sing along

God help us (Litterally)

Latest quote from the left wing whackos

"Christ was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a govenor"

Wow. Ok. Let's break that down realistically.


You can NOT Compare him to Christ.

Christ never wanted to be a leader of a country or government. He simply wanted to spread the word of his father, and save souls.

Christ didn't live in a million dollar mansion procured through a deal with a now indited slum lord.

Christ was definately anti-abortion, and would DEFINATELY have been against the very thing Obama was for... partial birth abortions/late term abortions and the right to smother a baby to death if it was born alive after an abortion attempt.

Christ would never have allowed for that, which is why I can't understand how any Christian who truly believes, would be pro-abortion.

"Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward" (Psalms 127:3)

Jesus said, "Whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me" (Matt.18:5). Quoting this verse, Mother Theresa, on February 3, 1994 in Washington D.C. at the National Prayer Breakfast with President Clinton (an abortionist) and his wife Hillary seated to her right, said, "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, If you receive a little child, you receive Me. So every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus, the neglect of receiving Jesus."

So can you truly compare Obama, a man who was (and probably still is) FOR the smothering of a baby BORN (now out of the mother's womb) to death if it was born alive after an abortion attempt?

And now as for Pontius Pilate.

How are you comparing Pilate to Palin.

1st... Pilate was not an official elected by the people. He was named govenor by the Roman Empire.

2nd... I believe this was an attempt to equate Pilate's role in crucifying Christ to Palin.


Wrong again liberal lefties who don't take the time to educate yourselves before speaking like idiots.

In all historical references that you can find, Pilate had NO part in Christ's Crucifixion.

The fact is... he found NO GUILT in Jesus and said he would have no part in an innocent man's death.

So no matter which way you look at it...

the quote... Christ was a community organizer and Pilate was a govenor.... has been discredited as nonsense.

People know more about Palin than they think

The left is sticking up for Damon saying he has the right to his opinions and he should be free to speak them.

But why is it that whenever the left gives their opinion... they attack, belittle, and accuse with no back research and no way to back up what they're saying?

Matt Damon called her scary but didn't say why...

Attacked that she governed such a small community like Alaska...

Population (2007 est.)

Alaska: 683,478
Vermont: 621,254

Govenor of Alaska was asked to run for VP
Govenor of Vermont was running for president

enough said about that.

Then Damon keeps bringing up the Hockey mom thing.

So you're saying Hockey moms are not smart enough to be anything more than Hockey moms Matt?

That a Hockey mom is defined by the fact she is a Hockey mom and not by her accomplishments in cutting spending in Alaska, or that she lowered taxes in Alaska, or that she was for implementing a plan to find natural energy in Alaska, or that she has an 80% approval rating?

The left keep saying

"We need to know more about her, we need to learn about her politices."

Well if you'd shut the crying baby that is PMSNBC up for 5 minutes... you'd learn all these things that I just told you.

You'd learn that she is NOT for creationism, she is for the open forum for debate on both opinions instead of shoving one or the other down people's throats.

You'd learn she is NOT for the elimination of sexual education... she is for sexual education, contreceptives, but she wants the inclusion of abstinence... the only 100% fool proof form of birth control. She is also against EXPLICIT sexual education... (As in talking to 11 year olds how there are places on a woman that feel good when touched.)

You'd also learn she is pro-life... with the acception of a woman's health.

You'd learn that She is pro union having been a member of the union, and pro small business having family who own a small business of their own.

If you would just shut up and listen, or do some research of your own instead of waiting for the Matt Damons and P.Diddys of the world tell you what you should know, you'd learn all of these things that I was able to find out in 5 minutes.


9 / 11
We remember
We memorialize
We will never forget
We still grieve those lost
We are still standing strong
We are America
These colors don't run

In the memory of those who lost their lives this day in September in 2001

Remember the bravery of the men and women on flight 93 who fought the enemy till the very end.

Remember the police officers and fire fighters who died trying to save those lost.

and above all

Just remember

(This was NOT a conspiracy of America against Americans. To say so is to tarnish the memory of those who died.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To the left...

Every day you show your true colors, and they aren't red, White and Blue.

You claim your pro-woman, you believe in equality, that women have the right to be mothers and professional working women and you praise a woman who has made something of herself.

When faced with a strong, family woman with a good career, she suddenly needs to be home in the kitchen taking care of her family while her husband goes to earn the bread because she is conservative. If Hillary Clinton was in the same position as Sarah Palin, do you think anyone would have the balls to talk to HER like that?

Don't be mad at Palin because the conservatives had the guts to put a woman on the ticket when your own man couldn't bare to pick Hillary as his VP even though he could have won the presidency in a landslide, instead opting for a pliagerizer who tells crippled men to rise up to their feet.

Here are the left's comments as to why Sarah Palin would be damaging to America.

WTF, is the attraction to McCain/Palin! Besides the hilarious fact that Palin is running around with McCain's arms hanging out of her ass!!! Let's see teleprompter compared to rhetoric speeches, speeches & Obama attacks written by Bush buddies, failure to do interviews? She may have been govenor of the state of Alaska, but this is the United States, once one of the most powerful countries in the world. A bible thumping fake christian, moose killing, Captain Morgan babysitting her 17yr old pregnant daughter, whose already had a down syndrome baby, whose mother is as crooked and fake as a 6 dollar bill, use my family and lie to the american women to get their vote is too much of a risk! Bin Laden is waiting and will take them both down!!!! Hillary is a force to be reckoned with, Palin is "piss poor politics".


You should have asked him (McCain) why he hates us all enough to hand the nuclear codes to a caustic, sophomoric, incompetent religious whack job criminal like Sarah Palin.


Proving himself to be one of the most despicable and unethical candidates to come out of the RNC. (This is in comment to McCain not responding to TMZ photog asking if Palin would be a good *inaudible* for Nova Scotia (canada) Because he didn't answer that retarded question, he proved he's despicable and unethical.)


total agree lol she is so fake OMG wow its sarah watever who cares abt her kids we aint like aww she have kids wow she aint even talk abt da world and she have no right and i dont give a d**M abt dat i think LL have a point i cant belive she stood up go gurl and OMABAM RULZ da frist black prest 2 be


They're very educated, well thought out, coherent arguments against Palin would be equal to me walking up to some random guy on the street I didn't take the time to get to know and saying...

"You're a sexist, communist pig who should be locked away in some prison cell for being so stupid. You can't even take care of yourself. look at you, you are actually scary. No way I'd date a loser like you" Perhaps laced with profanity like most of the left use when "making a point"...

Then walking away.

That's all it is. Personal attacks, no facts to back up what they say... they just go off at the mouth and say whatever comes to their mind.

Palin has a record to back up everything she has done.

What about Obama?

once again...

since 2005 he voted "Present" 150+ times to key issues meaning "I'm here, but I have no opinion."

In 3 years he missed MORE votes than McCain missed in 21. He also missed more votes than Hillary did in 7 years.

How does a candidate of change miss more votes in 3 years than someone in 7 or 21?
How does a candidate of change vote Present over 150 times instead of having an opinion.

Also... even obama's supporters can't name one damn accomplishment this man has EVER made.

what about his stance on Abortion.

Ask Obama why he suddenly has taken a much more softer stance on the abortion issue lately than he had in the past being such a hardcore pro-choicer that he was FOR making it legal to smother a child born alive after an abortion attempt to death.

Suddenly he's for the right to prohibit abortion, as long as there is a medical necessity clause.

How about asking your hero why he's getting soft on you on the ONE issue you hold dear to your hearts.

So to the far left trying to make a point...

Point taken.

You're idiots.

And trust me, I'm not personally attacking you... you guys have given us MORE than enough evidence to back that claim up. lol.

Bad Will Hunting

Perhaps Matt Damon should have stayed in college instead of dropping out to pursue an acting career, cause then he may have been taken more seriously when he came down with diarrhea of the mouth.

Once again, a typical "movie star" obama supporter comes out personally attacking Sarah Palin with absolutely NOTHING to back it up.

No reasons why he feels she is "Scary", no examples of what she has done that makes him worried about her in office...

He just spouts at the mouth about what a scary person she is and how he would be afraid to have her one step away from the presidency. (Again with the "McCain is old enough to die tomorrow" crap.)

Well, you know what is scary Matt?

That people like you have stupid opinions that left wing morons will actually latch on to.

Did you ever take a second to research her record, did you look into her 80% approval rating, how she eliminated unnecessary government spending on the taxpayers dime... she lowered the taxes, she's made efforts in finding natural resources for energy in Alaska.

Did you ever look into the guy you're backing and how he's voted "present" as in "I have no opinion" over 150 times? Or how he's missed more votes in 3 years than McCain missed in 21 years? Did you ever look into how he voted FOR raising the taxes of lower-middle class just this past march?

Have you looked at what Alaska's Government is like?

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks.
It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's.

She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

As for where she was govenor and how is she ready to be VP leading such a small constituancy...

2 words for you.


Howard Dean, the Govenor of Vermont, was running for PRESIDENT.

Lets look at these stats shall we...

Population (2007 est.)
Alaska: 683,478
Vermont: 621,254

So, Dean was qualified to run for president... but Palin isn't qualified to run for VP?

Hey Matt, what do you have to say to that?

Stick to acting sweetheart. Your pretty face is turning blue. The more you think the less oxygen is reaching your brain. Lol