Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stimulus not meant to stimulate?

I'm shocked at Obama's bold faced lie. I watched him on CNN as he said, the Stimulus was not suppose to save the economy, only give it a small boost.


from what I remember he said, it would create all these jobs, 3.6 million was the estimate, it would get people spending again, it would keep unemployment below 8%, it would help keep taxes down for the working class, the housing market could finally recover.

If we DIDN'T support the stimulus we were DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED. businesses would fail, the stock market would be obliterated, people would be homeless.

now it wasn't MEANT to do all of that... it was only meant to give it a boost.

Some boost. Job loss at an all time high (over 8%), small businesses closing, the stimulus bill spends BILLIONS on food share and welfare... but with the few things that WOULD create actual jobs... $700,000 or less. BILLIONS on walfare, a couple thousand for jobs. grrreeeeaaaaatttttt

Obama also said on that interview, the stimulus is working as planned. After all, it cut millions of tax dollars for the working class.

Really... then why did my mom LOOSE an extra $100 a month on her check because of HIGHER federal taxes?

What about when cap and trade goes into effect and the working class are taxed for energy efficiancy? What about when WE Energies has to raise its energy cost by 5 to 7%? What about when property taxes sky rocket thanks to Doyle? What about when realty agencies have to let people go, or close down because the housing market will be ruined by cap and trade.

I am actually LIVID at the bold face LIE Obama spewed on my tv. He promised this stimulus was a miracle drug when he was pushing it, now that the public has come down from it's high and realized the effects didn't last long enough... now he claims "It wasn't meant to help that much people. It was only meant to give you a momentary high. if you want another hit... you'll have to support a second stimulus."

after he claimed our only hope was this stimulus... he now says it was only meant to be a boost, not a cure. Well it failed at boosting miserably too. NOW he wants to implement ANOTHER stimulus.

if it fails once, try it again and pray that it will work this time. Give me a break.

and people still say this man who missed more key votes in his 4 year senate career than McCain missed in 20 and Clinton missed in 7... this man who had no major accomplishements outside of naming a day after someone no one knows... is still qualified to be president?

If this guy lied in our face about the stimulus, do you really think he's ready to stand up against Kim Jong Il or handle a war in Afghanistan?

*Sigh* Rant over.