Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama Time's Person of the year. come on!

Ok, it's back to my usual, non-standing up for Obama self.

Look, Obama won... it was because of morons, convicts, and the uneducated masses that he won, but he won... so as an American citizen, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and give him the chance to prove himself to me, to be a leader I can respect (though he didn't start off strong in that department).

However, Time's person of the year? Are you kidding me?

1. This guy has no accomplishments to speak of other than being the first black this and the first black that. Being black isn't an accomplishment, it's a birth right.

2. This guy has shady associations he still hasn't come fully clean about. Rezko, Farrahkan, Ayers, Wright, Flager...

3. He voted present a majority of his state senate career which means "I have no opinion"

4. He missed more votes in 4 years as a U.S. Senator than McCain missed in 21 and Clinton missed in 8.

5. There is still a lot we don't know about Obama, even by the MSM's admission (Though they only started asking questions AFTER getting him elected.)

And yet, he's person of the year?

This guy who has basically done nothing, accomplished nothing, and rarely had an opinion you couldn't change if it would further his political career?

And people try to argue that TIME isn't biased and liberal? PUH-Lease

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is something you probably would never thought you'd hear me say

It erks me to say it, it really does... however, I really don't think Obama had any underhanded associations with Blagojevich. I've been listening to him, and usually my BS meter dings when he says something I don't feel is truthful. (and boy does that meter ding a lot.)

However, I can honestly say after listening to the tapes, and listening to Obama... I don't have any dinging going off on my internal BS meter. I honestly think Obama had nothing to do with Blagojevich's shady attempt at selling the senate seat.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obama's arrogance knows no bounds

From Katnapper on

The general rule of thumb for presidential transition is that the incoming president traditionally moves into the Blair House on the 15th of January in preparation for becoming president.

Obama requested to move in on January 2nd with his transition team so that the New Year would be started out right. The Blair House turned down the request.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Michelle Obama specifically named on page 64 of FBI affidavit

very interesting article

More shady connections for Obama

At first glance, Illinois Governor Blagojevich's problems are basically caused by his own stupidity and corruption. However, Obama's camp have stuck their foot in the poop yet again, making Obama look suspicious.

They are all up in arms, countering past stories, changing statements made and erasing all affiliations Obama may have had with Blagojevich.

One statement was to a newspaper that stated Mr. Obama would be having a meeting with Blagojevich to discuss his chair replacement. This was back in November. Now they are claiming this statement was a mistake and such contact with Obama and Blagojevich never happened. How interesting they decided to recant that statement... NOW, a month later when the poop hit the fan as they say.

They are also taking pre-emptive strikes to discredit anything Blagojevich says that may link Obama to anything, saying he will try to bring Obama down with him at any costs, before he even mentions Obama by name. Are they worried something will be coming out once Blagojevich is interrogated?

Interesting, interesting. I think Obama needs better representation because his current list of people are going to great lengths to take suspicion off of him by making him look more suspicious.

whether Obama is completely innocent or not... chalk this up to another bad connection. Ayers, Farrahkan, Blagojevich, Wright, Rezko, pfleger, (All from Illinois mind you... is there ANYONE in Illinois who ISN'T Corrupt?)

The list of shady associations is getting bigger and bigger. and only NOW are the left wing MSM complaining. Talk about a dollar short and a day late.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Don't X out my Christmas

The one thing that gets me are the people that say x-mas.

Do I X the Hanu in Hanukkah or the Kwan in Kwanzaa? Don't X out the christ in my Christmas.

Christmas is THE NAME of the holiday. Oh, are we afraid of those poor people who don't believe in Christ?


If you're not Jewish, Hanukkah is not your holiday. Should we change the name of that too then?

I mean let's get some common sense. If you are an athiest you aren't going to celebrate any holiday since most holidays around this time of year are religious based. so why the hell should we care about catering to them? it's not for them!

want respect for your religious holiday?

Stop Xing out the Christ in Christmas out of respect for mine.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Left no longer in love with Obama

The love affair is over. The left are already complaining about Obama not being the right man for the job. They feel duped. read the link HERE.

Maybe Barry's not such a bad guy after all. Watching the left wail "unfair" over the guy they cheated to get elected is well worth 4 years of Obama.