Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama Time's Person of the year. come on!

Ok, it's back to my usual, non-standing up for Obama self.

Look, Obama won... it was because of morons, convicts, and the uneducated masses that he won, but he won... so as an American citizen, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and give him the chance to prove himself to me, to be a leader I can respect (though he didn't start off strong in that department).

However, Time's person of the year? Are you kidding me?

1. This guy has no accomplishments to speak of other than being the first black this and the first black that. Being black isn't an accomplishment, it's a birth right.

2. This guy has shady associations he still hasn't come fully clean about. Rezko, Farrahkan, Ayers, Wright, Flager...

3. He voted present a majority of his state senate career which means "I have no opinion"

4. He missed more votes in 4 years as a U.S. Senator than McCain missed in 21 and Clinton missed in 8.

5. There is still a lot we don't know about Obama, even by the MSM's admission (Though they only started asking questions AFTER getting him elected.)

And yet, he's person of the year?

This guy who has basically done nothing, accomplished nothing, and rarely had an opinion you couldn't change if it would further his political career?

And people try to argue that TIME isn't biased and liberal? PUH-Lease

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is something you probably would never thought you'd hear me say

It erks me to say it, it really does... however, I really don't think Obama had any underhanded associations with Blagojevich. I've been listening to him, and usually my BS meter dings when he says something I don't feel is truthful. (and boy does that meter ding a lot.)

However, I can honestly say after listening to the tapes, and listening to Obama... I don't have any dinging going off on my internal BS meter. I honestly think Obama had nothing to do with Blagojevich's shady attempt at selling the senate seat.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obama's arrogance knows no bounds

From Katnapper on

The general rule of thumb for presidential transition is that the incoming president traditionally moves into the Blair House on the 15th of January in preparation for becoming president.

Obama requested to move in on January 2nd with his transition team so that the New Year would be started out right. The Blair House turned down the request.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Michelle Obama specifically named on page 64 of FBI affidavit

very interesting article

More shady connections for Obama

At first glance, Illinois Governor Blagojevich's problems are basically caused by his own stupidity and corruption. However, Obama's camp have stuck their foot in the poop yet again, making Obama look suspicious.

They are all up in arms, countering past stories, changing statements made and erasing all affiliations Obama may have had with Blagojevich.

One statement was to a newspaper that stated Mr. Obama would be having a meeting with Blagojevich to discuss his chair replacement. This was back in November. Now they are claiming this statement was a mistake and such contact with Obama and Blagojevich never happened. How interesting they decided to recant that statement... NOW, a month later when the poop hit the fan as they say.

They are also taking pre-emptive strikes to discredit anything Blagojevich says that may link Obama to anything, saying he will try to bring Obama down with him at any costs, before he even mentions Obama by name. Are they worried something will be coming out once Blagojevich is interrogated?

Interesting, interesting. I think Obama needs better representation because his current list of people are going to great lengths to take suspicion off of him by making him look more suspicious.

whether Obama is completely innocent or not... chalk this up to another bad connection. Ayers, Farrahkan, Blagojevich, Wright, Rezko, pfleger, (All from Illinois mind you... is there ANYONE in Illinois who ISN'T Corrupt?)

The list of shady associations is getting bigger and bigger. and only NOW are the left wing MSM complaining. Talk about a dollar short and a day late.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Don't X out my Christmas

The one thing that gets me are the people that say x-mas.

Do I X the Hanu in Hanukkah or the Kwan in Kwanzaa? Don't X out the christ in my Christmas.

Christmas is THE NAME of the holiday. Oh, are we afraid of those poor people who don't believe in Christ?


If you're not Jewish, Hanukkah is not your holiday. Should we change the name of that too then?

I mean let's get some common sense. If you are an athiest you aren't going to celebrate any holiday since most holidays around this time of year are religious based. so why the hell should we care about catering to them? it's not for them!

want respect for your religious holiday?

Stop Xing out the Christ in Christmas out of respect for mine.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Left no longer in love with Obama

The love affair is over. The left are already complaining about Obama not being the right man for the job. They feel duped. read the link HERE.

Maybe Barry's not such a bad guy after all. Watching the left wail "unfair" over the guy they cheated to get elected is well worth 4 years of Obama.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

# of promises already broken

1. Tax cuts - according to latest news, turns out that in this economy 95% of Americans getting taxcuts isn't as doable as Obama promised. It seems that they will try to focus on the most needy 35%, though according to the AP, tax payers are willing to wait, so there's no pressure on poor Obama if he can't fill his promise.

2. Tax hikes - taxing the rich to benefit the poor and middle class is also on the back burner.

3. Change - With almost an entire cabinet of Clinton era members, possibly including Clinton herself... where's the change? Seems we keep looking back rather than looking ahead.

These broken promises come to you before he even has officially taken office.

Really looking forward to seeing what the count is afterwards.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

anti-war activists have buyers remorse

Anti-war activists worried Obama is Betraying them with Hawkish Cabinet


Not only will he throw the activists under the bus as he did his mentor Wright, friend Ayers and beloved aunt and half brother...

but rumor is he is already thinking of pulling troops from Iraq and instead of bringing them home, putting them in Afganistan.

Have I mentioned what a great job Obama supporters did, electing him?

We have a great man of change. we're changing one war for another, we're changing from one Cabinet to a Cabinet from the 90's, we're changing from the dow being down 8,000 and some to 7,000 and some, we're changing from tax breaks to tax hikes and bailing out banks so their CEOs can spend millions in "much needed spa retreats"...

we are making some great changes aren't we?

Monday, November 17, 2008

How Obama got elected - one word - idiots

People this stupid shouldn't vote.

At the end of the video in the above link one African American woman said, "I realize now I wasn't as informed as I should have been... but I don't think I'd have changed my vote." (Gee really? like the other 98% of African Americans voting based on skin color rather than policy?)

One youtube video watcher said, "I won't lie I use the internet for stupid stuff, I don't really find the internet to be a reliable source ALL the time. I think it mostly had to do with watching my mom cuz as dumb as it is, I think parents really do influence more than we think. But still I wish I had known more about Obama b4 I voted for him. lol it seems like he was just a celebrity, not someone to fix our country."

gee, you think? isn't it a shame when idiots smarten up when it's too late???

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lies exposed that can't be ignored!!! >:(

I know I said this blog was closed, but two news articles have been brought to light that just can't be ignored.

Obama's campaign lied on two MAJOR issues (shock, horror.) I'm sure this surprises no one, not even his supporters.

Bill Ayers says Obama is family friend


Obama states he attended Wright's church weekly, despite his campaign's claim.

So he IS friends with a terrorist
he DID sit for all of Wright's hate speech

Just like he spends millions of dollars on infomercials while his aunt sits (illegally) in the slums of Boston, then he throws her under the bus and won't fight her deportation.

Just like democrats are already cooling off on the 95% taxcuts.

Just like the DNC wants supporters to bail them out for overspending.

Once again I'd like to thank all the libretards who made this destruction of America possible, and all the African Americans who selfishly voted for skin color rather than policy and experience. Who put color before country.

This blog is now closed

There have been concerns raised over privacy issues of google and their products such as gmail, google search and Blogger. Out of all search engines, email servers and web hosts, Google rated at almost the very bottom as the worst threats of privacy.

From this moment on, I am no longer using google. It's hard enough to voice opinions that go against the new administration without feeling as if anything you say, even if it happens to be legitement concerns, is being scrutinized.

So this blog is officially closed. Thanks to all of those who have been reading. Keep the faith.

So the Change Obama promised IS coming from our pockets


He's the fellow who raised way more than $605 million and, would you believe it, won the presidential election campaign to bring real change to Washington.

As an important part of changing the money culture of Washington he was asking for another $30 donation from everyone on the e-mail list.

It seems that in addition to his 6/10ths of a billion dollars to move into the White House, the Democratic National Committee spent way more than the $100 million in cash it had raised.

In fact, it took out "substantial loans."

Well, it turns out now, the DNC's debts are far worse than originally imagined. Today, Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe sent another urgent e-mail to supporters seeking at least another $30.

Here's what he said:

"We'll get to work transforming this country. But first, we need to take care of the DNC."

Did we hear that right? Now that Obama's the president-elect, the top priority is the Democratic National Committee?

To drive home the point elsewhere in the same e-mail Plouffe adds: "Before we do anything else, we need to pay for this winning strategy."

Don't worry, you still get the Victory T-shirt for this $30. But it sounds like pretty much everything else is on hold. This change stuff is looking to be an expensive process, even before it gets started.

--Andrew Malcolm

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A taste of our new Democratic run country

1. Socialist spread the wealth still in the works

2. national civilian task force currently used in marxist regimes has been promised

3. Now instead of bailing out morgage companies and banks the GOVERNMENT is BUYING OUT the banks so if you need a loan, YOU'LL NEED TO GET THE LOAN FROM THE GOVERNMENT. Does that ring as "uh-oh" to ANYONE?

4. Taxcuts... what did I tell you? They are already backing off. AP has released a new article that says, "S'okay. Taxpayers say they're willing to wait for taxcuts for a few years."

no one asked me. I freakin want more money NOW. Where's my promised tax cut? Where's the money the rich are suppose to be spreading to me?

5. Our DOW is dropping and dropping and dropping.

We were starting to recover before the election. we had finally made it back up to 9324.69 October 31st, 2008. That was up big time from the crash.

however, shortly after the election, we took a nosedive. today alone we lost another 411.30 points to make our average 8,282.66.

So we've lost 1042.03 points since Obama took office, and now that the governement is buying banks making us indebted to them, and with spending drastically down, and with taxcuts looking like an idle dream... I don't see us recovering.

6. Oh and let me see... NOW we're suppose to bail out the auto industry too.

have I thanked the libretards yet for what they've done for our country?

The liberals are the cause of the economic colapse (fan and fred)
The liberals are the ones who championed this supposed bailout
The liberals (Polosi especially) is championing the auto bailout
The liberals were the ones who wanted socialist change and marxist task forces

great job. You've pretty much accomplished what you want. Thanks for ruining what once was a free country full of promise.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thank you retards who voted. we're screwed

Obama wants to overturn anything Bush inacted.

For example, he wants to overturn the limit on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, a position championed by opponents of abortion rights who argue that destroying embryos is akin to killing a fetus.

Not only that, he wants to lift an international gag order that prohibits the use of our taxpayer dollars being sent to international family planning agencies to support abortion clinics and pre-post abortion counseling.

I'm against abortion. I'm pro-life... yet he wants to take my tax payer dollars and ship it overseas to help non-americans get abortions too?

He wants to stop drilling on US soil for oil and gas (which I'd love to know how that's going to effect gas and oil prices.)

and finally, Obama wants to create a civilian security force...

"Loving your country shouldn't just mean watching fireworks on the 4th of July," he said. "Loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it. If you do, your life will be richer, our country will be stronger."...

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." (as the military)- Barack Obama

the problem for America is Obama's security plan is already in act... but not in America... in Marxist regimes.

First Spread the wealth socialism, now a national civilian security force as strong and well funded as the military???

Obama also wants to re-appoint the pro-fairness doctrine commissioner to the FCC.

So let's review.

Obama wants to stop searching for oil and gas on our shores
He wants to send our money overseas to help foriegners kill their babies on our dime
He wants to spread the wealth
Fairness Doctrine means bye-bye freedom of speech
He wants to start a marxist type civilian security force

And he's not even president yet.

yeah. Thanks a whole lot there morons who voted for this guy, not that you care that you just destroyed America all in the name of a skin color.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Diantha Harris - she should be fired

Ashville, NC teacher and Obama supporter brow beats 4th grader because she said she would vote for McCain (if she were old enough that is.)

Her name is Diantha Harris

here's contact information.

Diantha Harris works in Fayetteville at "Mary McArthur Elementary".

Principles name - Lola B Williams - school phone number is -(910)424-2206

Go to their website you can email Mrs Harris or the Principle.

Email of the principal. Write to her and demand accountability.

School Superintendent William C. Harrison

The Mainstream Media

The MSM are NOW starting to talk about Obama.


they're all FINALLY starting to talk about Obama's shady associations.

They're now saying "we really don't know who this guy is..."

Newsweek's Evan Thomas (an Obama supporter) called Obama creepy...

He pointed out how Obama gave his victory speech by himself:

"...[H]ave you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage? No adoring wife, no cute kid -- he is the message." Thomas went one step further in this vein: "There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all of this."

disturbing Catholics voting for Obama

Lets start with the bad Catholics.

As a Catholic... you believe in heaven and hell, in the teachings of the bible, in Jesus and God and the blessed virgin Mary.

So, if you are a GOOD Catholic, you know that things like Abortion is a mortal sin, and voting for a pro-abortion president for the selfish reasons of taxcuts that you now know will not happen based on Obama's post-election statements... is just like saying, "I don't care as much about life as I do about money." that is a sin.

You also know the ten commandments which includes "thou shall not murder"

So, it is very disturbing that the man over 50% of catholics voted for is so radically liberal he is pro-late term abortion, pro-allowing the murder of living babies to not overturn Roe V Wade, Pro-liberal extremist ideals like the fairness doctrine...

all for the hope of taxcuts that will never see the light of day.

you are NOT good Catholics. You put yourselves before the teachings and laws of the church, you threw aside the right to life for selfish reasons that you now know will never come to fruition.

You either need to leave your church and join obama's racist, America hating church, or pray for forgiveness for trading your souls for a few extra bucks.

The Left's buyer's remorse

Here’s the problem with Obama.

He’s suppose to be the president of change, yet he’s bringing back all the old Clinton people. This is going to be the Clinton administration with Obama as president. Instead of going into the 2000’s, we’re heading back to the ‘90’s.

I Actually had to laugh at a few of my very liberal friends who say “well I’m a little worried now.”

“About what?”


“why? You voted for him.”

“Yeah, but I’m seeing some of his choices in who he’s going to hire… and he’s staying away from the center and going way left. That’s not a good thing.”

“You’re surprised? This guy who never stood up to his party… who is pro-late term abortion, pro-letting babies die if they’re born alive after a botched abortion? A guy who is so radical he sees nothing wrong with Wright, Ayers, Kahlidi and so on? And you’re surprised he’s surrounding himself with the far left?”

“Well I didn’t expect that. He was suppose to reach over the isles and reach out to the people.”

“Well, hate to say it. You voted for the guy. You’re not getting what you want but you’re getting what you deserve. Should have thought about all the evidence I put before you long before you voted… and you wouldn’t be in this situation. You knew long before the 4th about his radical beliefs, his shady associations and his insane tax promises he’ll never make good on except the spread the wealth part… you chose to voet for him anyway. Don’t cry to me.”

You got to feel somewhat bad for people like my friend who only saw the color of his skin and thought “wow I could be part of history electing this guy.” instead of looking at what he was saying… and what he WASN’T saying. There are a lot of people on the left feeling buyer's remorse.

Obama is already double talking all the promises he’s made. Mr. I’m going to bring troops home in the next 4 months (Which turned into 16 months), and lower the taxes for 95% of the American people became “Well it could take several years, maybe well into my 2nd term.”

There’s the other issue. Instead of talking about the first steps he is going to take as President to fix our nation, he’s talking about his second term. Small businesses are already starting to cut back, whether it’s laying people off as a pre-emptive strike, or not using profits for charitable purposes as they use to. One small business owner in my area use to donate thousands of dollars a year to children and animal charities out of profits. Not only has she turned those charities away this year out of concern over Obama’s spread the wealth promise, she has also told her employees there may not be enough money in the budget for their regular raises should obama raise taxes as he has promised.

Those who voted for him elected a freakin moron.

Our DOW started dropping the day he was elected and he’s worried about his second term? How about this… DO SOMETHING and you’ll get re-elected… MAYBE. Worry about our country NOW and not about promises you can make to get you re-elected.

I still feel American made the biggest mistake. But they’ll learn their lesson soon if they’re not already learning it by how he is talking nothing is going to get done until his second term. He’s saying this before he’s officially sworn in to be president… and he’s saying this 4 years before it’s even time to campaign for his 2nd term.

It’s just too bad we’ll all have to lean their lesson for them too. Good luck America! We’re SERIOUSLY going to need it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vote early, Vote often worked. All hail the dictator

thanks to those who tried to make sure good conquered evil. We did all we could. Even though it wasn't enough to over power voter fraud, and morons... we did our best.

Shame on those who voted for a baby killing, pro-late term abortion, anti-free speech, spread the wealth socialist. You sold out our country for promises that will never even be kept.

Well, this has cinched it for me.

Instead of looking for a new job when I move out of state next month, I'm going to apply for disability or go on welfare because of my blind eye, nerve damage in my leg and back problems.

I won't pay anymore taxes, and I'll let the morons who voted for Obama carry me with the higher taxes they'll have to pay.

As for the lower than $250,000 obama said were safe...

It became $200,000

then 150,000 according to Biden (which screws my brother since he and his wife make a combind income of $160,000)

Last year it was $95,000 and before that $70,000.

It will probably be in the 40's by the time he makes his "tax cuts" if they happen. The guy I WILL NEVER call president, is already talking about running for his second term rather than discussing what we do next for our country in his first term.

So good luck with the lesson you obama backers are about to learn. Too bad everyone else has to learn your lesson with you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Get out and Vote tomorrow!!

Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...Put Country First, Vote McCain! November 4th, 2008...

Women for McCain protest

It is a proven fact that Obama pays the women who work under him 83 cents to every dollar he pays the men. He SAYS he's for equal rights / equal pay... but like everything else (Taxes, middle class, socialism) he has a double standard for himself.

McCain on the other hand... pays the women that work under him $1.04 (at minimum) to every dollar made by a man.

These are not debatable theories... these are provable facts. Tell Obama we don't need his 2cents. Equal pay for women now!

Vote McCain

All the woman at the protest filled baggies with 83 cents... which equals the amount a woman makes to every man's $1 in Obama's nation and a small group of us took the money down to the nearest Obama headquarters.

We made our case... We told them how women made less than the men in Obama's campaign and that we wanted to give the donations to make up the difference as a point to Obama. One man who was there angrily said "Yeah? Well how much does McCain pay his women then huh?" When we told them $1.04 or more to every man's $1 and that both claims are provable facts...

he shut up pretty quick.

The Obama volunteer said she couldn't accept our "Donation" unless we filled out a donation form to which I chimmed up... "Since when has Obama turned down illegal donations? Only because the press is here?" I mean... dude, does she even know about the illegal credit card donations being taken at Obama's site... or how he took $270 from his destitute Illegal aunt?

Anyhoo. We had a blast at the protest. Afterwards, the carpool I joined to Obama's headquarters were sticking their heads out the windows and shouting "Save our country, vote McCain!" Lol. They were a fun bunch.

It was suppose to be 83 woman to represent the 83 cents, but we had at least 100+ at the rally, and only 5 were suppose to go to Obama's headquarters, and 7 of us went in while others stood outside. It was a great turnout.

We did meet one African American man walking past the Obama office and he started chanting "Obama Obama"

When he was asked by one of our protestors why he supported Obama he said "Cause that's the way it is. He be my man". Well thought out and articulate reasoning there. God help our country.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama's aunt living in slums is illegal

Not only is Obama a creep for living in a million dollar mansion while his aunt lives in the slums walking with a metal pipe as a cane... he is also a US Senator who didn't even know his aunt (Who he writes about lovingly in his memoirs) is an illegal immigrant he could have helped obtain citizenship.

Yes, she is here illegally, and he didn't even know it. I'm surprised we know it considering she was told (we can guess by whom) she wasn't allowed to speak of anything until after the elections.

AP Article

Obama didn't know

She's getting government assistance thanks to our Taxpayer $$, here illegally... and what does Obama do?

Spends millions of dollars on infomercials. Very presidential.

Obama's middle class definition is getting cheaper and cheaper

Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama got something right...although not in the way he wanted to

This post is for my fellow SUPPOSED Catholics who says it is irresponsible to vote based on a single issue, as if the killing of babies isn't a serious enough issue to turn you off to a candidate.

This is WRONG. A single issue such as abortion and the born alive infants act should be the MAIN issue on a Christian's mind. The bible tells you that abortion is a MORTAL SIN.

"The second commandment of the teaching: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not seduce boys. You shall not commit fornication. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic. You shall not use potions. You shall not procure [an] abortion, nor destroy a newborn child" (Didache 2:1–2 [A.D. 70]).

"The way of light, then, is as follows. If anyone desires to travel to the appointed place, he must be zealous in his works. The knowledge, therefore, which is given to us for the purpose of walking in this way, is the following. . . . Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born" (Letter of Barnabas 19 [A.D. 74]).

"Concerning women who commit fornication, and destroy that which they have conceived, or who are employed in making drugs for abortion, a former decree excluded them until the hour of death, and to this some have assented. Nevertheless, being desirous to use somewhat greater lenity, we have ordained that they fulfill ten years [of penance], according to the prescribed degrees" (canon 21 [A.D. 314]).

This is not new, this is not a changable law, abortion is a mortal sin, allowing babies born alive to die simply because they survived an abortion, is murder.

Voting for someone who is such a radical Pro-Abortion candidate, that he is ok with letting infants born alive die... FOUR TIMES voting down the born alive infant act, meaning animals have more protection and rights than a living human baby... a man who has said he would sign a law protecting a woman's rights to have an abortion at anytime, up to the last month of pregnancy, should she want to... is like condoning the act.

What is more important to you? selfishly hoping for tax cuts that will probably never come as he has a proven track record of doing the opposite of what he promises... or protecting the sanctity of life, which the Catholic church calls you to do? Empty promises, or your soul.

it's your choice come Nov. 4th.

Speaking of Obama being right, but not in the way he wanted to...

He calls lower taxes selfish.

he's right, if it's at the cost of a human life.

Put country and faith first.

Vote McCain '08

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You get what you deserve. Nobama supporters can't cry

1. Obama has proven he breaks promises. When he ran for senate, he said he would help lower taxes, he did not once even try, in fact, he did the opposite, voting to RAISE taxes on more than one occassion.

2. He's so extreme, he's not only pro-abortion, he's pro-infanticide. How can you expect him to help educate and protect our children when he allows the most frail and neediest to die in laundry rooms, lonely and suffering deaths simply because they were born alive after a botched abortion attempt?

3. If you are a hard working, tax paying, honest white person voting for Obama, I hope you remember how he promised to screw you out of your hard earned money to give it to those who live off of welfare even though they are able bodied, who never pay taxes or hold employment.

4. Obama's mentors are a white and America hating racist, 2 Jew haters, and a domestic terrorist.

5. Obama did not know Wright was a racist, Ayers was a terrorist, or that Farrakhan and Khalidi were such avid Jew haters. If he doesn't even know the deep rooted hate of the pastor he went to for 20 years, was married by and had his kids baptised by... how can you trust him with our country?

6. Biden warned if Obama is elected, he'd be tested by a crisis. Obama is inexperienced and Biden has been quoted as saying "I have forgotten a lot of my foriegn policy"

7. Obama first said the taxed "rich" would stop at $250,000... then $200,000... then Biden said $150,000. We're getting closer and closer to the $42,000 Obama voted to raise the taxes of, then claims it wasn't really a vote to raise the taxes because it wasn't a vote on a law or some crap.

8. Obama has something serious to hide. Why else would the L.A. Times not release that video tape of Obama toasting Jew Hater Khalidi? If there is nothing on it, why are they waiting till AFTER the elections supposedly? L.A. Times is a major Obama backer... so it must be bad if they want to protect him by not releasing the tape.

9. Obama's aunt lives in the slums of Boston, it is said she walks with a metal pipe, not even a proper cane. She has said she was asked to not talk about him till after the election. In fact, he has taken her donations to his campaign of $250. His half brother George in Kenya who lived in a hut all of his life... His half-brother lives in a hut... his aunt in a slum... he lives in a million dollar mansion... taking his poor aunt's money for his campaign. He can't even care for his family, yet he's going to keep his promise to care for our's?

We're in for trouble. Mark my words, if you don't remember anything else I say, remember this... gird your loins. If Obama gets in office, there will be hell for us all to pay.

If you are a Jew voting for Obama
If you are a hard working small business owner voting for Obama
If you're a hard working white man or woman voting for Obama
If you're a hard working Black man or woman who have fought to rise above the color of your skin and do for yourself to make something of yourself voting for Obama...

Shame on all of you.

You've just screwed this country. our safety, our pocketbooks, privacy, freedoms and rights. Those who fight for equal treatment have just taken a big step back because Obama doesn't want you to succeed or better yourselves, he wants to you leech off the system, to take without giving, to be immoral, lazy and incompetent so he can take care of you, look like a Robin Hood taking from the rich to give to the poor, then sweep you under the rug when you're not needed and leave you to fend for yourselves.

So shame on anyone voting for Obama. You'll see the grass is not greener on Obama's side, but you only have yourselves to blame when he proves he is not a man of his word, and starts blaming previous administrations for breaking his promises.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Alert! Alert! October surprise?

October Surprise to be released soon in order to deflate the tires in Obama's Campaign?

Possible quotes from video-tape mentioned in link above.

Money Money Money....MONEY

Everyone in the MSM is complaining about how Palin spent over $100,000 of campaign money on clothing for rallies, debates and public appearances.


1. it is legal and the campaign funds are obtained legally
2. looking the part is important to playing the part
3. she gives the clothing away to charity

why do people have such a hard time with this, when Obama is raising millions of dollars in questionable manners

So we have possibly illegally or immorally obtained funds, which he used to buy airtime on several stations at a million dollars a pop, he used it it again to buy more airtime at a million dollars a pop, he uses it on false and misleading commercials, he bought his own station on a satelite company for a few million a pop...

yet that's supposedly ok because it's in the "realm of what the money is for"

Are you freakin serious?!

like I said before.... there will be no way to survive an Obamanation unless you quit you job and stop paying taxes, because under Obama, the money taken from everyone else will go to benefit those people, if you're a minority (because Obama says Affirmative action didn't do ENOUGH) or if you move to Canada.

Basically white, hard working, tax paying Americans are screwed.

He's a liar
He's a theif
He's a socialist
He's misled even his supporters
He has absolutely NO experience
He has absolutely NO accomplisments that make him presidential

yet because he's black and has possibly illegal money to spend... they want to make him president?

Pray for our country, God help us all.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Explaining spread the wealth in elementary terms

A caller from Michigan called into the Rush Limbaugh show today to discuss his elementary aged daughter and her school vote. she said she was probably going to vote for Obama. When he asked why, she really didn't know... so he told Rush how he explained Obama to his daughter. He explained what Obama wants to do with our money in a way she could understand.

It's like Halloween. his daughter is going to go trick-or-treating to as many houses as possible between 6pm and 8pm, and get as much candy as she possibly can. (A lot of hard work.)

Then when they get home... dad is going to divide the candy up, then give a portion of it to the neighbor girl.

the daughter didn't think that sounded fair... and dad said "exactly". That is Obama means by spread the wealth.

Now, for those of you not that concerned with spread the wealth... here's the problem.

1st it was for those making $250,000 or more annually.

Recently Obama dropped that down $50,000 to $200,000.

Even more recently, Biden dropped it down another $50,000 making it $150,000, a hundred THOUSAND dollars LESS than the original $250,000.

Pretty soon it will be 100,000, then $95,000, then take from anyone who is working and spread it to those welfare lovers who are able bodied but refuse to work or pay taxes. The ones who claim "I have ADHD so I can't work." If you're a minority... don't worry. Because affirmative action didn't do enough for you... we'll take from any able bodied, working person and take care of you. This is seriously why Obama wants to spread the wealth. Listen to his 2001 audio.

Let's face it. There are only 2 ways to survive an Obama presidency.

Quit your jobs and stop paying taxes


Move to Canada. (I am SERIOUSLY considering the latter)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And so it begins

Woman allegedly beaten for supporting McCain

McCain supporter's home shot up

A McCain sign was set on fire, close to the owner's house which also could have caught on fire

A pizza place was offering free pizzas for McCain signs in Michigan, causing thefts of Mccain signs from McCain supporter's houses.

A man admitted to a plot to bomb the Xcel center in Minnesota in hopes to stop a McCain / Palin Rally

Wisconsin 8th grader textbooks reference Obama and his book "audacity of hope"

Wisconsin judge denies plea to verify identities of voters

Shortly after the above story, 800 absentee ballots go "Missing" at the same time.

GOP believes they were stolen. Liberals in Madison, WI say they will mail out new absentee ballots, and have a fail safe to make sure votes are not double counted.

What is that fail safe? The first vote received will be the only vote counted.

So if the jackass who stole the ballots in the first place fakes their signature (and remember a judge just denied a request for voter verification), as long as it gets in before the real voter sends in the replacement ballot... the real voter's ballot will be null and void, rendering their legitement vote useless.

We already have

Madonna making threats against Palin
Sandra Bernhardt making a sick "joke" about gangrape against Palin
CNN lying about a report so they could call Palin an idiot to her face
African Americans THREATENING RACIAL RIOTS if Obama loses

we also have Obama basically taking money illegally (and immorally considering he said he wouldn't until he came to an agreement with McCain, a meeting he never made.)

and yet liberals still focus on the ONE guy who supposedly shouted "kill him" at a Palin rally (Though secret service investigations have deemed this claim to be false.)

scary world huh?

this will be our world for 4 to 8 years if Obama is elected.

My favorite guy is back

Another rant from my favorite African American Conservative (well, favorite only second to the great James T. Harris).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is what the black community are threatening if Obama's not elected.

This was after the cops in the Rodney King beating were found innocent by an all white jury. They said it was about racial injustice.

Yet black people were beating black people. Black people were looting shops owned by blacks, whites, hispanics and asians.

An asian man who didn't agree with the verdict said he was beaten and had TVs robbed from his electronics store. They didn't care that he was on their side about the verdict.

You know, TVs and Radios really help the plight of racial injustice.

This wasn't about race, nor will Obama's loss be about race. It's all about having an excuse to act like the animals they are. Thugs are thugs. These are the same people who would attack, threaten or hurt their own race for bettering themselves and rising above the inner city violence, for educating themselves.

Some say, "I'm scared if Obama doesn't win this will happen... 4 years is not as bad as living in fear."

If Obama wins... this is what it will be like everyday. It will be living in fear for your safety, your freedom of speech, your checkbooks, your health, your livelyhood, your ability to suceed. And you will have no protection and no way to defend yourself.

This is why Obama CAN'T win.

Monday, October 20, 2008

An urgent message to the Silent Majority

For years the Silent Majority have been credited with putting a republican in office, who would otherwise have lost. Mostly this is because the majority of you majority are either small business owners, families already tired of higher taxes, or Christians.

This is more urgent than ever.

Who is Obama?

His "Spread the wealth" system is socialist. Take from those who succeed and give it to others so they don't have to try as hard. This way, no one succeeds and the Government holds all the cards.

He's pro-infanticide. In his own words when he voted down the infant protection act, he basically said he could not call a child born alive after a botched abortion attempt a child, because there would be the possibility of overturning Roe V Wade. 4 times he voted against a bill that would protect a child, born ALIVE after a botched abortion attempt, viable outside of the womb (when all agree a life is a life.) This means he is for the practices of putting these babies in laundry closets to die slow and lonely deaths. All in the name of not overturning Roe V Wade.

He's pro-choice. If you are christian, you can not vote for Obama. It is a conflict of what Christians believe. It says in the bible that life starts at conception, and Abortion is looked upon as a great evil. In the Apocolypes of Peter which I quote frequently... "And near that place I saw another strait place, and there sat women, And over against them many children who were born to them out of due time sat crying. And there came forth from them rays of fire and smote the women in the eyes. And these were the accursed who conceived and caused abortion" (The Apocalypse of Peter 25 [A.D. 137]).

In the letter of Barnabas - "Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born" (Letter of Barnabas 19 [A.D. 74]).

If you are Christian, you can not vote for a man who is pro-choice and votes against saving the life of a viable child born ALIVE out of fear of overturning Roe V Wade. Keep in mind, Roe of Roe V Wade is now Pro-LIFE!!

Obama is a tax raiser - Tax cuts for 95% of the population is an impossibility. You are either naive or brainwashed if you truly believe he can accomplish this. When Obama ran for Senate, he promised taxcuts... he NEVER ONCE brought tax cuts to the table. He voted down tax cuts several times... and voted on a measure in March and June that would have raised taxes, no matter how he spins it to make it sound.

Obama is pro-Fairness doctrine - While he claims he's not for the fairness doctrine of th 1950's... he has...

1. hired a "truth" squad to threaten lawsuits on anyone who speaks negatively about Obama, citing "spreading POTENTIAL untruths." (This coming from the guy who made a 100% untrue commercial about Rush Limbaugh.)

2. Is for keeping tabs on conservative radio to make sure they are "fair and balanced". In otherwords, keep their mouths shut unless making nice with liberals.

3. Obama, out of fear of having a link between ACORN found, is sending investigators to investigate the GOP's investigation into ACORN. He isn't going to investigate voter fraud rumors... he's investigating the investigations INTO voter fraud. Sound fishy to you? What is he trying to hide?


Cindy McCain - Humanitarian... Drug problem / Got help. (Barack claims he only did cocain recreationally... never got help)

Cindy McCain has traveled the world helping children in need. It is how she met the daughter she adopted. She even started charities to get children around the world medical attention their parents couldn't afford. She's won several humanitarian awards.

Michelle Obama was never proud of America "until now".


Tax raises, spreading the wealth, Pro-infanticide, Pro-abortion, he wants to silent freedom of speech

We can not have a man this dangerous in office. Please, to the silent majority, win one for the Gipper again! Protect America and our freedoms.

Yes, Colin Powell is an idiot and no he isn't Republican

1. It is a major Misconception that Colin Powell is republican. He claimed at one point he'd run Dem if he ran for office, he is PRO-CHOICE and admits he is pro-affirmative action. That's not republican. Neither is supporting a socialist.

2. he claims Obama, who has no experience, no resume, no accomplishments that even his own supporters can name, will be a good president because he will surround himself with experts.

In the same breath he says Palin will be in position to be president if anything happened to McCain, and she's not ready. This woman who has a bigger resume, causes she's championed, accomplishments credited to her, who will also surround herself with experts. Yes. Colin Powell is an idiot.

3. Yes this is a race thing. Like Obama said, how many WHITE extreme liberal socialists has Powell ever endorced? Powell spent most of his life being called "an Uncle Tom", he doesn't want to be on the bad side of Obama on this one, especially if Obama wins.

Not to mention, it is believed Powell was offered a sweet deal in the Obama administration.

People have been asking me what I feel his endorsement will mean...


For one, the older population who know about Powell know he's not republican, so it won't change their mind whoever's side they are on.

The younger generation mostly know Powell as "that black guy who did stuff for Bush." And it doesn't change their minds either.

The younger, younger generation ask why anyone would care about an actor's endorsement when people could care less about Madonna or Alec Baldwin or anyone like that. (They're confusing Colin Powell with Colin Ferrell

Biden warns the nation... Hidden message?

ABC News


ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. "And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."

Not only will the next administration have to deal with foreign affairs issues, Biden warned, but also with the current economic crisis.

"Gird your loins," Biden told the crowd. "We're gonna win with your help, God willing, we're gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It's like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy."

The Delaware lawmaker managed to rake in an estimated $1 million total from his two money hauls at the downtown Sheraton, the same hotel where four years ago Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., clinched the Democratic nomination. Despite warning about the difficulties the next administration will face, Biden said the Democratic ticket is equipped to meet the challenges head on.

"I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know, so I'm not being falsely humble with you. I think I can be value added, but this guy has it," the Senate Foreign Relations chairman said of Obama. "This guy has it. But he's gonna need your help. Because I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?' We're gonna have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years. So I'm asking you now, I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us."

"There are gonna be a lot of you who want to go, 'Whoa, wait a minute, yo, whoa, whoa, I don't know about that decision'," Biden continued. "Because if you think the decision is sound when they're made, which I believe you will when they're made, they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're popular, they're probably not sound."

McCain / Palin, victims of hate crime?

While someone supposedly yelled "Terrorist, Kill him" (though secret service said their investigations proved the allegations to be baseless), Liberals seem to take it one step further.

22 Gunshot fired at McCain-Palin Straight Talk Express
By Mark Williams, The Sacxramento Union
October 19, 2008


(RATON, NM) -- We learned at this morning’s Stop Obama Rally here that the McCain/Palin Straight Talk Express came through town yesterday. It arrived with a window shattered by a .22 caliber weapon. It had also been hit by an unknown number of paint balls from a paint ball gun or guns. There were reportedly no injuries and neither candidate was on board.One local man who saw the damage and spoke with the McCain/Palin staffers said the attack(s) had occured in southern New Mexico that same day. The Express is traveling the country independent of the candidates, handing out campaign materials.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oliver Stone's W.

I didn't see it, not a fan of Oliver Stone personally... I just wanted to let you know...

W. Debuted at #4. It was beat out by Max Payne, and Beverly Hills Chihuahua

More on the polls

As reported, Zogby has Obama down by 3pts and McCain up by 3pts, with a lead still in favor of Obama by 2pts.


Poll suggests Kerry has lead in swing states
Last Updated: Sunday, October 17, 2004 | 9:15 PM ET
CBC News

John Kerry appealed to African-American voters on Sunday, as he pushed ahead with his campaign to unseat George W. Bush.
Kerry promised the voters, many of whom feel the Republicans are trying to keep them off the voter lists, "We're not going to let this be just a repeat of 2000. We're not going to see a million African-Americans deprived of their votes in America," he said.

With just 16 days to go until the vote, the race couldn't be tighter.

Polls suggest a dead heat. Even Republican organizers concede the Democratic senator has benefited from his performance in the three presidential debates.

And a Washington Post poll shows Kerry with a significant lead in important states that could decide the outcome of the election. The poll found Kerry held a 53 per cent to 43 per cent lead among likely voters in 13 such states.

Analysts say it is the handful of crucial swing states, like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida that will be most important on Nov. 2. Those states will be heavily targeted by both campaigns in the closing weeks of the race.

My mom was at church today....

Speaking of breaking a commandment... I missed church today... however, one of my dogs has explosive diarrhea from a change in diet and I really couldn't leave her home alone. But anyhoo. I missed a good mass today.

My mom said there was a visiting priest, who, during his homily, came out and said (without naming names) a true christian MUST vote for the candidate who values life and holds all life, born or unborn, as precious in God's eyes. To vote for anyone who supports infanticide and abortion, is committing a serious sin on their soul for selfish purposes. No promises of easier taxes or all the money in the world should be more important than the respect of life, from conception on. To go against that law of Christ, is to not truly be Catholic.

He was met by overwhelming cheers and a standing Ovation. Something I can't remember ever happening at my church before in all the time I've been attending (From baptism till now.)

Obama's sunk to a new low

Obama wants an investigation launched to investigate the investigations done on ACORN over voter fraud.


ACORN is registering 7 years olds, John Jimmy's at Jimmy John restaurant's address, Dead people, and fictional cartoon characters...

Yet Obama wants to investigate the ones investigating potential voter fraud instead of denouncing the actions of ACORN.

And he says he has no ties to ACORN? If he has no ties to ACORN and thus is not responsible for their actions... why would he care if there is a probe into voter fraud...


The Ten Commandments prove Obama isn't Christian.

no matter which Christian religion you are... you follow the 10 commandments. (Even those who are Jewish do.) Obama claims he is a Christian saved by Christ. Let's take a peek at that.

1. You shall have no other Gods before me. (Obama believes he really is the Messiah)

2. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. (Obama's supporters have compared him to Christ and are basically worshiping him as a god.)

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (Obama's pastor of 20 years, who he went to help him find his "blackness" says... and I quote... "God Bless America?! NO NO NO I say GOD DAMN AMERICA" That's taking the lord's name in vein.)

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Considering what Church Obama went to... not sure if he kept the Sabbath holy.)

5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

6. You shall not murder. (Obama does not want to admit a living, breathing, viable out of the womb living baby is a life as to not overturn Roe V Wade, so he refuses to support a measure allowing medical care to babies born alive after a botched abortion. These babies die alone and slowly in closets. In the eyes of God it is MURDER. According to the Apocolypse of Peter, he saw on a hill women to whom babies were born out of time, and God smited their eyes with fire, and these were the women who caused abortions.)

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal. (Obama wants to litterally TAKE money from small businesses who worked their asses off to succeed, so others can succeed off of their blood, sweat and tears without putting forth as much effort. That's stealing to me.)

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (The Spanish ad where Obama approved a message that made it look like Rush was saying he wanted imigrants to leave the country... when that's definately NOT what Rush said and Obama was proved to have deliberately lied or was intentionally misleading.)

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s." (Obama has done nothing in his career for anyone other than himself. He had his cronies fix the first election he ever had so that he could run unopposed by saying his opponent's signatures on his petition were not valid for one stupid reason or another. He has not run an honest campaign, nor has he been truthful with the American public... all in the effort to advance his career from state senate to US Senate, to president.)


How does that differ from real Christians? Let's look at me... a Catholic.

1. I have no other God before my God.
2. I worship no false idle
3. I admit I do take the lord's name in vein
4. I try to keep the Sabbath day holy, and if I miss church on Sunday, I do my own prayer for forgiveness.
5. My mom and my late father are very important to me and I honor and love them.
6. I have not murdered, nor do I support murder. I am firmly pro-life
7. I have never committed adultery
8. I don't believe I've ever stolen, except for like a pen from work, and then I generally replace it with another pen, or I take it back because it was strictly accidental. I am the type of person who, when realizing I wasn't charged for something... I run back into the store to let them know... even if it was a .70cent item.
9. I try not to bear false witness against my neighbor and only speak what I feel is the truth, and if I'm proven wrong, I admit it.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's blah blah blah. Everyone is guilty of wishing they had something someone else has... but I don't take it from them, I work my butt off to get it myself.

So I've broken one, maybe 2 commandments on a regular basis (And feel guilty having done so.) I'll even give myself 3. 3 out of 10 commandments.

Obama has unashamedly broken EIGHT out of TEN commandments on a regular basis And his is unappologetic about it.

Doesn't sound very Christian to me.....

Joe the Plumber, Ray of hope and Powell

Let's start with Colin Powell. He's an idiot.

To tell you the honest truth, He's an idiot plain and simple. He is starting to speak like a typical liberal which makes me think he's gone senile in his steadily getting older age.

1. He claims Obama is a good choice because he'll surround himself with well versed, experts (like him maybe?)

However he doesn't think Palin is ready to lead the country and that's what the vice president's job is... to step in should something happen to the president.

So Obama who has no experience, no resume, no track record of doing anything worth mentioning, no accomplishments... yet as long as he surrounds himself with knowledgable people (like him maybe?) he'll be fine.

Yet Palin, who has a better resume of experience, and has accomplishments that actually MEAN something under her belt... she wouldn't make a good president even if she surrounds herself with experts?

COME ON! (Yes, it IS a black thing. That's why Powell is doing it. He doesn't want to be called a sell out like James T. Harris has been nationally.)

Speaking of James T. Harris...

Poor guy has been bombarded with hate mail. HIS OWN "brothers" and "sisters" are calling him a "house N*gger", "a loving to be a slave negro", a sell out, an Uncle Tom...

I mean, all because the guy won't vote for "the brother". (I thought this wasn't about race...)

I emailed him a letter of support and told him to remind his "brothers" and "sisters" that Obama is half black and half white and that he may personally like the black side, but he's voting politically against the white side.

For people who always cry racism and equality and crap... they're sure not helping their cause by getting down on a hard working black man who made something of himself simply because he won't vote for the guy who has the same skin color.


Onto Joe the plumber. He's been getting a lot of slack himself lately. Left wingers are digging through his garbage, camping outside of his house, doing back ground checks on him... All the left are already talking about how McCain's John the plumber story failed.

here's why it didn't fire.

Small business owners were listening and feel the same way I do.

If you work your butt off to make it where you are... why would you want to help others live off the dime you made with your blood sweat and tears, so they don't have to put in the equal amount of work to succeed that you did?

I was listening to an investment talk show where they had on people from McCain and Obama's side who were small business owners to argue for each side. (Generally this show isn't political so it doesn't lean left or right.)

The majority of small business owners at the end of the show that were polled said Obama's comments and unashamed admittion that he's "Spread the wealth" concerned them deeply.

Screw if Joe the Plumber is really a plumber or not... the truth is now out there and those who really do have small businesses are worried.

Today's Zobgy poll reflects that.

Zogby, who I tend to trust more than other polls, has Obama on a 3 point decline from his latest 49% and has McCain up on a 3 point incline from his usual 43%

So it's now 47 to 45... a 2pt spread.

Before Joe the plumber that spread was 4 to 5 points on Zogby... at one point I believe there was a 7 point lead for Obama several weeks ago.

And that's the ray of hope.

Ever since Joe, the gap started closing fast.

Here's another ray of hope. Around this time last election... Kerry had a 10pt lead over Bush.

Guess who won... even after democratic voter fraud??

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama says "Joe the plumber" is a nobody.

ok, maybe not in those exact words, but this is what he said...

"A Plumber... is the guy he's fighting for" (John McCain) as if a plumber is not a person whose rights are worth fighting for.

"How many plumbers you know are making a quarter of a million dollar a year?"

For those who don't know... Joe the Plumber basically asked Obama if he's going to raise his taxes as a potential private business owner of a plumbing business that would make $275,000 a year.

Obama basically said yes... With his plan... it will be the responsibility of hard working business owners to support other not as hard working business owners.

Seriously. Obama calls it "spreading the wealth."

I'm sorry, but if I owned a small business and I worked my ass off to make $250,000+ a year, I don't want to be taxed more to help a competing business. Let them work as hard as I did to succeed. If they don't, why should that be my problem? I wouldn't expect to ride on the coat tails of some other business who worked to get where they are, just as I don't want someone to benefit from my hard work without putting the equal amount of hard work in on their own to make their own success.

Basically... Obama wants everyone to succeed, off the hard work of those who worked their asses off to get their on their own.

Monday, October 13, 2008

African Americans ARE Racist. Proof here.

Here's what we know.

1. Obama has no accomplishments to speak of.
2. Obama's campaign has connections to voter fraud
3. Obama has connections to ACORN who has committed voter registration fraud
4. Obama has connections to scum like Ayers, Rezko, farrahkan and Wright
5. Obama voted "no opinion" nearly half of his state senate career
6. Obama promised to get tax cuts when he was running for state senate, and never once brought it to the table.
7. Obama voted 2x in march and June on a resolution that would have raised taxes
8. Obama has voted several times against tax cuts.
9. Obama promises a lot of pretty things wrapped in pretty packages... but has no track record of ever following through with promises.
10. Obama missed more votes in 4 short years than mcCain missed in 22 years.

But still the African American community are voting for Obama and claim anyone who doesn't is racist.

However, I propose that African Americans are racist against whites.

why would I say this?

Because they don't even know or understand what Obama stands for... yet they're going to vote for him soley because he's black. Isn't that racist? vote for someone based on the color of their skin even if it's to the detrament of the country??

here's proof. Theses are sound bites of African Americans in harlem being interviewed about who they're voting for. What they decide to do is ask these people, what they like about Obama more... the fact that he's pro life or the fact that he wants to keep the troops in Iraq till we win the war... followed by what they think of Obama's choice of Palin as VP.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Obama Implicated Directly in Voter Fraud

Israpundit article

More on ACORN Voter Fraud

Of course a lawyer for ACORN says this is just an attempt by the Right to keep disenfranchised poor people from voting.

Cause, you know... A John Jimmy at Jimmy Johns, a person who has been dead for 20 years, and a 7 year old, really need to have their say this election.

While nothing will be done about these provable allegations... there is a plus side.

as of now, 20% of Hillary Supporters are voting McCain, and there is most likely an undisclosed number of additional Hillary supporters who are voting McCain, but are saying to pollsters they are voting Obama out of fear of the same type of reaction Conservative, African American talk show host James T. Harris received.

There's the silent majority which has almost always voted republican because the majority of the majority are conservative Christians (Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans) who are pro-life.

So while nothing legally will be done about this... I'm hopeful if the news is spread around, this will just get out to those on the fence leaning McCain, to the silent Majority, and other Clinton supporters Obama screwed.

Radio show host threatened after McCain Rally

Liberals are all up in arms about a handful of McCain supporters yelling "Terrorist" at Obama's name. One allegedly yelled Kill him.

they denounced McCain and Palin for not being tough on these supporters. the MSM has been calling McCain rallies "Hate rallies full of angry hateful people."

Yet, even when it is brought up that the Obama campaign is full of the most vile hateful people... they just ignore those accusations and continue to cry about what the McCain supports have said.

An Obama supporter/comedianne told a crowd if Palin came to New York she'd have her "Black Brutha's gang rape her."
An Obama supporter/volunteer who was angry at the rude way a woman said she would never vote for a baby killer, lied about this woman threatening Obama's life so she'd be investigated.
An Obama supporter said in response to a McCain youtube video that he "wished all republicans would get cancer and die." One on the same video suggested they should be lined up against a wall and killed.

Yet no one ever takes issue with this, on either side.... Yet the republicans are rolling over to appease the left who cry when they hear someone call Obama a socialist or a terrorist.

in my McCain Rally blog, I told you about an African American man in the audience who said he was getting his ass kicked for being a McCain supporter for obvious reasons, and begged McCain to take it to Obama for his shady associations with white haters like Wright, America haters like Ayers and Jew haters like Farrahkan.

Turns out, he is an extremely popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, James T Harris. (Which I wish I would have known cause I'd have gotten his autograph. I use to listen to James when I lived in Wisconsin, and still catch his show on podcast once in a while.)

He said in a recent article you can read HERE, that he has been bombarded with hate mail since what he said went national, from Obama supporters. On a weekend TV show he was asked to be a guest on locally, he said some of the obama supporters hate mail was just plain cruel and uncalled for.

Others are other African Americans who call him a sell out for not voting for Obama since Obama is black. But his box is so full he can't get any legit email messages.

Its reasons like this that have been the CAUSE of the republicans to become angry people. Because libs can get away with threats, hate speech, violence and voter fraud... and NO ONE will do ANYTHING about it!!! We have the right to be angry!!

Its time for the republican party to stop being wussies who cow down to libretards ever time they cry foul, becuase the libearl party is the party of hate, and anger.

Roseanne Bar
Sandra Bernhardt
Alec Baldwin
Margaret Chow

these are all hateful people who say hateful things, not only about those who do not share the same life view, but of America herself. They can "joke" about having voilent acts committed against someone simply because of a difference of Opinion... and the secret service are never brought to their houses... they're never investigated...

In fact, when I've brought up what Bernhardt said about the "Gang rape" threat on Palin, it's brushed under the rug and no one talks about it. They're so focused on one guy in a large audience who may or may not have said "Kill him" (and according to secret service... they didn't hear any threats against Obama at that particular rally... and those who said they heard it didn't know for sure if it was Kill and Him, and if it was even directed at Obama.)

But suddenly the McCain rallies are hate rallies. No one talks about the boos at the Obama Rallies.

This is why Republicans are angry. They're sick and tired of getting kicked in the rear by the Libs, and the Republicans allowing it to happen.

A Conservative for Obama???

There is a guy named Wick Allison who claims to be a conservative voting for Obama. Either Wick done lost his mind or...

A. He is a closet democrat trying to make it LOOK like he's deflecting
B. He isn't a true conservative and never was or
C. He done lost his mind. lol

(I say all of the above.)

Not that I care if he really is a conservative voting Obama, because for every republican that says they are Obama backers, there is a Hillary Supporter voting McCain. In fact, There is a rally coming up for "Women for McCain" led by Lady Lynn De Rothschild, an extreme clinton supporter since the Clinton administration, who raised millions of dollars for the democrats.

I seriously say you can't call yourself a true conservative if you vote democrat. Maybe if you're a Reagan democrat, or a "republican" you could say that, but not a conservative.

the way I looked at it, A Republican is a party affiliation... a conservative is a value and belief system.

You can't be a conservative and vote for a man who

1. Has ties to unrepentant terrorists
2. wouldn't denounce his pastor of 20 years after the hateful, racists speeches he was giving.
3. Has no accomplishments to speak of. I'm still waiting to hear from someone as to what he has done since 1997 that makes him presidential? He's made a hell of a lot of promises to get in office, he hasn't kept a single one!
4. Has no experience
5. Is not only pro-abortion, but pro-letting babies die in hospital closets because he fears giving them after birth medical care could overturn Roe V Wade. He voted against medical care not once, not twice, not three times... FOUR TIMES he voted against medical care, even with stipulations that would guarantee Roe V Wade would remain in tact.
6. A man who has voted 2x this year alone on a resolution that would raise middle class taxes
7. A man who ran for the senate on the promise of helping to lower taxes and not only NEVER ONCE brought it to the table... voted AGAINST tax cuts. (You can look these votes up. Public record.)

If you seriously think this man who has done nothing more in his entire career other than name a day after someone in chicago, voted "no Opinion" nearly half of his state senate life and missed more votes in 4 years than McCain missed in 22....

then you my friend, were never conservative.

All Politicians can talk a good talk.

If I were running to be president of a theater company... I could promise to help raise funds to better promote local shows, I could promise that I would take every avenue to get different venues into the theater, I could promise a bigger budget, I could promise to use our company to promote the arts in schools and help with fundraisers to keep the arts programs in local schools.

The difference between Me and Obama...

I have a TRACK RECORD that people can actually say... "She's used her theater career to help raise funds for local schools, She has experience in promotions, she helped make that concert a sell out through her promotions... she was able to get a band from Japan to play for a small community in America."

Obama has no track record except promises he would bring things to the table as a senator, and never did a one. Not even his supporters can name his accomplishments.

That's what gets me. He promises pretty things in pretty packages... but has no proven track record that he would do any of it...

all he has is more missed votes in 4 short years than McCain missed in 22 years... He voted "No opinion" more than half of his career in Illinois... He's voted with his party more than 90% of the time, never once stood up to them when they were wrong. (which was a lot), He benefitted greatly from Fannie and Freddie, only second to Dodd, and followed by Kerry, both Democrats. He sided with his democratic buddies when they said Fannie and Freddie were fine a few years ago, even though there was proof they weren't, then takes credit for "trying to warn everyone."

Give me a break. A true conservative would never vote for a guy like this.

Promises are one thing, Actions are another.

Obama's actions prove he can't keep promises. Why anyone would vote for him at all is beyond me...

But there is no way you're a conservative if you're voting for Obama. You'd have to let go of all of your morals and beliefs in order to vote for him.

It's kind of like saying you're catholic, but pro-abortion. You CAN'T be Catholic and pro-abortion because the catholic church regaurds abortion as a mortal sin, citing the Apocalypse of Peter: "And near that place I saw another strait place . . . and there sat women. . . . And over against them many children who were born to them out of due time sat crying. And there came forth from them rays of fire and smote the women in the eyes. And these were the accursed who conceived and caused abortion"

So you can't be Catholic if you are pro-abortion
You can't be conservative if you vote Obama.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't panic about the polls

October 5th 2000 -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Thursday's CNN/USA Today/Gallup tracking poll indicates that Vice President Al Gore may be opening a solid lead over Texas Gov. George W. Bush, after nearly two weeks of neck-and-neck competition. Today's figures -- 51 percent for Gore to 40 percent for Bush -- represents a significant margin for the vice president.

March 2004 -

John Kerry 48%
George Bush 44%
Ralph Nader 3%

Bush won both terms despite both Kerry and Gore leading in the polls, voter fraud on behalf of the democratic party. (Illegals voting, people who have been dead for decades voting, convicts inelligable to vote voting, people voting 2x, using fake names, so on.)

Polls are very fickle.

On one end you have liberal leaning polls... they poll an equal number of republicans to democrats to get a fair look, then they reduce the number of republicans to democrats to make it look as though Obama is riding a wave.

some will guestimate how many people are LIKELY to vote this year (rather than taking into account past year turn outs) and weighting the polls with those numbers.

More valid polls (like Zogby) will tell you like it is, and admit nothing is over till the last vote is cast.

They even admit a lot of times the silent majority will come out and decide the fate of an election, resulting in a win for the person whose campaign was thought to have been long since finished.

They have been used to explain many republican wins when it was thought they didn't stand a chance. Most liberals believe the silent majority are Christians who follow the ideology of the Republican party more than the Free sex, love and abortion views of the left.

There are also those who have said they are voting for Obama out of fear of being deemed a racist by not supporting him which would hurt their career and/or reputation... So they just telle veryone they are voting for Obama, but are secretly planning to vote against him.

The silent majority and the "closet McCain" voters will not reflect in current polls.

While that does not mean we can rest easy... we should also not lose hope.

Always remember it's not over till that last vote is in. So keep your chin up... keep spreading the word to get out and vote for McCain, and make sure you remember to vote yourself. Don't sit home assuming there are enough people doing the work that you're not needed. EVERY vote counts, especially in such an important election as this one.

My personal ACORN story

thousands of illegal ballots have been turned in by ACORN.

A John Jimmy whose home address was listed to a Jimmy John's restaurant
A 7 year old girl was registered to vote (her age being changed to 27)
A man who had been dead for over a decade registered to vote just this year
3 new voters were registered by ACORN, the problem, the ballots were signed by one person and most likely that person was an ACORN volunteer, not 3 real people.
One voter claims she was harrassed so bad by ACORN that they would not leave her alone until they registered her to vote 6 times at 6 different addresses.

if you watch THIS VIDEO around 3:58 you'll hear from an ACORN volunteer who admits she encourages those she registers to vote to vote for Obama. When asked "so you are actively pursuing votes for Obama and not simply getting people to register to vote..." she nods her head as if to say yes... then quickly says "no, I'm registering them to vote." then says she has to go.

I actually have a personal ACORN story myself.

I was taking my dogs to the bathroom when some car stopped in front of my house. a few kids got out, they looked like the typical thug types. Unwashed, scraggly hair... pants down past their ankles... unshaven... wife beater shirts.

the car took off and the kids it dropped off dispursed. A few of them looked at my McCain signs in my yard and started walking away. I took my dogs inside and noticed one of them came back and walked up to my door. I thought "Oh great. someone selling something."

He looked at my house for a minute on my doorstep, and started writing something down, like my address or something, then walked away. After a few minutes he came back, and repeated the same thing.

I opened the door and asked if I could help him. I think he was surprised because he didn't expect me to open the door when he didn't knock obviously. he started stuttering right off the bat. So I asked him who he was.

He kept saying he was from an independent polling company and that he just wanted to ask a few questions about the upcoming election... (odd that 2x he didn't bother knocking on my door. And don't you usually dress somewhat decently if you're going to be representing a company or social group of any kind?)

when I asked him what it was for and who he was with, he wouldn't tell me. I asked him again for that information, and again, he wouldn't tell me. So I told him to leave my property. He basically refused and started copping an attitude with me saying he had every right to be there because he is there for a legitiment reason.

one of my brothers (a cop in the area) was there visiting and explained to him that if I ask him to leave my private property, he DOES have to leave or it's tresspassing. He asked him for his name and he refused to give it to him saying that he didn't have to tell him anything. I was starting to get worried he was a punk casing the joint... so my brother told him to leave one last time. He basically said that my brother couldn't do anything to him because he was off duty. My brother once again told him to leave.

he called my brother few choice names starting with an F'bomb and ending with something that rhymes with witch.

So he called in ON DUTY officers.

After getting his information, they found that he was a volunteer for ACORN, they had already been reported by others for harrassment in days previous.

My theory, it is possible they were targeting McCain supporters, and using their addresses to register fake voters because all he did was come to my door 2x and write stuff down on a pad of paper. the only thing I could think of was my street address that is displayed next to my door. that's my concern at least, and I'm currently investigating to see if anyone other than myself is registered to vote under my address.

Obama has ACORN ties.

ACORN has proven they are Obama supporters.

If you are not worried... you should be. Not only is your legitiment vote being stolen... these are the kinds of people Obama associates with, who support him.

Say no to voter fraud... say NOBAMA NO WAY!!!

(to the genius who said this sounds like racist bullshit... the Acorn volunteers were white moron.)

Troopergate Documents released... what the MSM isn't telling you

Breaking News...

Troopergate documents have been released. What are the findings?

"Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Walt Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.” It cites the Alaska Constitution, which says “the governor may discharge department heads without cause” and that department heads “serve at the pleasure of the governor.”

She could have fired him for any reason or no reason.

They also concluded that his insubordination when it came to the attempted firing of a state trooper was only a contributing factor, but that there were other reasons that lead to his being fired.

The issue comes in with what they call a willful failure to control her husband from actively pursuing to fire the trooper she claims threatened her father, and tasered his 10-year-old son... that allowing him to continue to pursue the situation was an abuse of her power.

However, she did not benefit from these actions as the trooper not only remains gainfully employed, but he was also promoted.

So because she did not rein in her hubby, she was found to have violated ethical codes, but it does not fall into the realm of illegal activity.

However, I guarantee you the Main stream media will only push the point that she was found to have abused her power.

Obama's Regime is already beginning

People say things will get better under Obama. Obama is the candidate of change, of hope.

Tell that to these people.

A Lufkin woman was visited by the secret service in response to an Obama volunteer's reports that she said "I will never vote for Obama, he will find himself dead on the hospital floor."

The truth is that she actually said she couldn't support a man who would allow a baby to die in a hospital closet. The obama volunteer didn't like her attitude with her, so lied about the actual conversation to have her investigated.


Palin and McCain have come under fire for what is being called a death threat by an audience member during a Palin Rally.

During a rally when talking about Obama's connection to Ayers, it is claimed that ONE man (in an audience of several thousand) was heard to say Terrorist, Kill him. well... it SOUNDED like Kill and him... and the secret service did not start investigating till liberal bloggers started commenting on the event, because they, themselves, did not hear any threats of violence from audience members, and that if it did happen, it is unclear if the comment was even aimed at Obama, or if it was aimed at Ayers. It is also unclear if it was really 'kill him' that was said.

however, Obama's people are quickly putting heat on McCain and Palin for this inncodent.


Obama's camp are having the feds investigate a Sheriff for campaigning for John McCain and using Obama's full name, 'Barack Hussein Obama"

if he is found guilty of campaigning for John McCain and using his position to influence an election, he could be dismissed from his job, or the feds can pull two years salary worth of federal funding - the equivalent to $300,000 for the Lee County Sheriff's Office. (Federal funding goes to things like Bullet proof vests and such.)

Would this be the case if he was campaigning for Obama?


Obama has hired a group of "truth crusaders" to prosecute anyone who says anything about him or his campaign that they FEEL is less than truthful. (Keep in mind this is a guy who hasn't told the truth about his associations, voting record or anything since he began, and even had a completely false ad taking a small phrase from a Rush Limbaugh speech and intentionally twisting it to fit his agenda even after it had been debunked.)

but HE is using law enforcement to go after anyone who says anything bad about him that he doesn't like.


it is a scary thing to think freedom of speech is being twisted to such disgusting degrees by the Obama camp in order to stifle opposition.

It's a scarier thing to think this could be our reality of Obama is elected into office.