Thursday, April 30, 2009

Binden.. oh Biden

The US Government has made a point of telling citizens that there is no need to fear traveling. They are not closing the borders, they are not denying entry into the US and if you follow safety and sanitary rules... you should be ok to get on a plane, train, subway or bus.

Biden has basically been set aside for the first 100 days of Obama's administration. He's been quiet... hidden in the shadows like Gollum from Lord of the Rings... "Obama my preccccccioussssesssss"

Then came an interview opportunity. The Obama administration said... "Let's give it to good ol' Joe. No way he can screw this one up."

"I wouldn't recommend my family to travel to Mexico... It's not just going to Mexico, if you're any place in a confined aircraft and one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft," he told Matt Lauer. "That's me. I would not be at this point, if they had another way of transportation, (I would not be) suggesting they ride the subway."

Now the American public are worrying...

"Does Biden know something we don't know? Is there something we should be concerned about? Why are the Mexican/American borders still open then? Why don't they put a restriction on travel to protect the country?"

So now, of course, white house is doing damage control for good ol' Joe again.

so much for the first 100 days glow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Swine Flu: Should you worry?

Putting the swine flu into perspective.

In the US during the height of flu season... the rate of death is 63,729 per year, 5,310 per month, 1,225 per week, 174 per day, 7 per hour.

So let's break that down.

in the Swine flu cases... There are almost 2000 confirmed cases in Mexico with about 200 deaths over the last few weeks...

about 60 cases from America and other countries that have not led to deaths as of this time.

So when it comes to the swine flu... it seems it is currently less deadly than the normal influeza season in America. 200 deaths world wide in the last week, compared to 1,225 deaths in america alone during the normal flu season...

To me I'd be more afraid of the normal flu than this swine flu...

So... why is it so deadly in Mexico? Well there is specualation, none of which the media is really covering.

here's the story of the first swine flu victim according to the associated press:

Leyva's widow said he first noticed flu symptoms on April 13, and went to the local clinic in Xonacatlan (Shoh-nah-cah-TLAN). No one was available to give him a checkup, but he was given a shot and felt well enough the next day to make the 40-mile bus trip to Mexico City, taking subways to work despite a nasty cough.

Too sick to work again after that, he still had no medical care except for a penicillin injection his niece gave him. By the night of April 19, he was having trouble breathing and had an irregular heartbeat, and so his family took him to the nearby city of Toluca, where the poor can get discounted care at a large public hospital.

By 8 a.m. the next day, he was dead. His family was told the cause was a heart attack brought on by pneumonia.

notice key words - no one available to give him a check up... neice gave him penicilin shot (no word on if the niece was even a nurse)... where the poor can get discounted care...

it's also important to note, his neighbor had loose running pigs next door.

not to mention, this is the middle of the flu season in Mexico... so there could have been a secondary virus no one knows about, that the swine flu victims were already sick with.

unlike here in America where health care and sanitation are better, Mexicans are crowded by the millions in small cities... so infections and secondary infections are easier to pass. So it's possible those who died were already sick from the normal flu season - or became ill with a secondary infection, and that the cause of death was not completely related to the swine flu after all.

I don't know why they aren't focusing on this in the media...

the fact sanitation is bad in Mexico, the fact healthcare sucks there...

I mean look at this guy... he didn't get checked over, his neice who wasn't referred to as a nurse, gave him penicilin even though she didn't know what he was sick with... then he had to go to a city were the poor can get discounted care. The guy was living next to a neighbor with a small pig farm... it couldn't have been sanitary...

methinks that may have contributed to the swine flu deaths. I think people are afraid to say it because it would be insulting to Mexico/Mexicans.

but we need to keep these things in mind...

there are plenty of the antivirals to go around
Healthcare is better here in america
sanitation is better
they are working on a vaccine for incase this becomes pandemic

also, we know how many serious deaths and illnesses there have been in Mexico... but there could be thousands more mild cases like we've seen here in the US that have gone undiagnosed/treated, and people have recovered.

the fact this is so widespread, and the fact that there are millions of people so crammed together in Mexcio... it would only reason there are more cases than we know about... who've recovered and gone about their lives not knowing they were sick with this flu.

So while we should always worry about a pandemic... i don't think it's time to say "the world is coming to an end."

I know people want to point out the 1918 pandemic that killed millions, but remember, we're over 100 years more advanced in medicine and technology than they were back then when they were still using leeches.

not to mention with SARs, the Avian flu, Swine Flu, and so on... we're more ready for a pandemic than we were back when.

Just remember these tips:

Wash your hands frequently
carry hand sanitiser when out in public
avoid heavily crowded places unless necessary until this slows down
avoid using public restrooms unless necessary
cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
avoid sick people... (like family or friends.) if they're really sick, and you can't avoid them, wear a mask...

and above all, if you develop flu like symptoms... high fever, chills, aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, talk to your doctor. They can test you for the flu... and put you on the two antivirals that are effective against this flu strain.

and pray. pray pray pray that the worst never comes. That's the problem with our nation. not enough prayer.

visit for more info.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pet service reminder:

As an animal lover, I want to remind those who have pets that it is flea, tick and mosquito season.

ticks can carry lymes disease as well as rocky mountain spotted fever. Some can cause paralysis.

Fleas and mosquitos are transmitters of the potentially fatal heartworm.

So please make sure to start your pets on the proper preventatives if you do not currently have them on year round.

Please also get the preventatives from a vet. While cheaper... store/internet bought prescriptions are rated at 30% effective, which means 70% of the time they don't work. Saving a few bucks is not worth risking your pet's health...

So go to a vet, get them tested to make sure they are heartworm and lyme's negative, then get the proper preventatives so they can have a happy and healthy summer.

also remember proper grooming, and have shelter/water available for hotter days.

Here's a grooming tip.. heavy fur can make them hotter... but being naked can cause problems for your pet too, believe it or not they need fur to cool themselves as much as to warm themselves... so talk to your groomer about the proper summer cut for your pet to keep them cool and comfortable.

Obama's grade: A... USA's grade: F-

Well we're well into the Obama administration, so it's time to come out with the midterm report card.

Obama gets an A.

Yes... an A from me, his hardest critic. Why?

Because he's doing exactly the stupid things I knew he was going to do, which is why I didn't vote for him in the first place. He hasn't broken any promises to me because I had his number from the get go. So he's just doing exactly what I knew he was going to do... So he get's an A.

Plus I do agree with how he took the credit card companies to task. The one thing I actually agree with him on.

The Country however... get's as low of an F as is humanly possible.

Here we have the first president ever to bow to kings like he's beneath them...
Here we have a president who apologizes to the world that we are a strong country who will take no shit that could endanger our citizens
Here we have a president who makes apologies for being a country who goes to bat for those who need help
Here we have a president who is the first president EVER to attack a previous administration relentlessly... (Even Bush didn't go off blaming Clinton at every turn even for Clinton caused issues.)
Here we have the first president to ever apologize for a previous administration that has no reason to apologize to anyone.
Here we have a president who spent more in 2 months than any president has spent in the history of America...
Here we have a president that wants to undermine our intelligence by investigating tough interrogation tactics, (even though the enemy does worse to our men and women and innocent civilians)...
Here we have a president that goes against the majority of the people's will, without blinking an eye
Here we have a president that promises peace, then keeps troops in Iraq and sends more to Afghanistan
Here we have a president who is refusing to take bailout repayments so he can maintain control over the banks and OUR money...

Here we have a president that has basically lied, cheated, stole, allowed free thinking Americans who don't agree with him to be called terrorists, sympathised with dictators while treating his own country like we should be ashamed of being free...

And yet the country will NOT take him to task, they will NOT speak badly of him, and they praise him at every turn for turning our country into yellow bellied weaklings... and when you get those with the guts to stand up to this sick display of cowardice... they're told they're unamerican... Exactly what the Liberals whined about being called for the same thing... the right to protest what you feel is an injustice.

After all of this... Obama has a 65% approval rating.

people say the country is still headed in the wrong direction, they still say our economy is not getting any better, they have no faith in the stimulus... some are even upset at the whole War in Afghanistan... while not withdrawing all the troops from Iraq...

yet he is still praised as being the best president this country has ever had, when all he's done is make things worse with no sign of it getting better.

So this country gets a big fat flying "F". It's not Obama's fault... our citizens are doing it to ourselves. Obama is being exactly who everyone knew he'd be. It's our faults he's getting away with it, and was even allowed to do it in the first place. so we can't blame him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What does Perez say to Obama?

Obama basically said what Miss California said. Religiously and personally he believes a marriage is defined as a man and a woman.

Perez is a Obama backer.

What does he have to say to that?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Perez Hilton is an idiot.

seriously, I don't try to be PC, but I also don't try to be insensative... however, in this case, I have to say...

"Shut up Perez Hilton you flaming homo!"

(And yes, I have a few gay friends I've said that to yesterday... they're not offended so I stand by my comment.)

Hilton was a judge on Miss America last night... and he asked Miss California about Gay Marriage.

Miss California, instead of lying, going against her principles and morals, and without giving a stupid "whatever is whatever" answer...

She answered respectfully and honestly that she believed it was great in America people could choose who they loved whether it was a man or woman... but at the same time, the way she was raised and what she believes is that the sanctity of marriage is saved for a man and a woman.

Not only did that honesty probably cost her her crown... but it caused Perez to go out on a flaming homo whine fest.

"Oh I gave her the perfect out. she could have said politics wasn't her thing, or that given some non-committal answer."

In otherwords he wanted her to be for gay marriage, or lie that she was. There was no room for other honest opinions or beliefs.

Look you idiot... if you don't want an honest answer, don't ask the question moron.

He talks about HER intollerance... yet because she gave a respectful, and HONEST answer, he attacks her for that honest answer based on her beliefs.

why is it ok to be FOR gay marriage, but it's not ok to be NOT for it? How is that tollerant?

In many religions, mine included, Marriage is based on a holy sacrament given to us by God from the day he created Adam and Eve (not adam and steve as they say.) Thus a holy union is between a man and a woman. Why do we have to be tollerant of Perez's view... yet we have to suffer the intollerance of our religious points of view? Christians suffer intollerance every day for our belief in God and belief that marriage is between a man and a woman... Why should I be tollerant when people aren't tollerant of my point of view? No respect for me, no respect FROM me.

I feel the same as Miss California does. If they want a civil union, that's one thing... fine...I'm not asking for them to lose that right to say "we're committed."

but marriage is religiously sacred in my opinion, and thus should be between a man and a woman, as homosexual relationships is not recognized by most Christian churches... The fundamental believe is based on God's words to Adam and Eve - be fruitful and multiply.

It is an impossiblity for a gay couple to consumate their marriage... their sexual organs can not combind together to become one flesh and make flesh from that union. In otherwords, they cannot bare children. Sexual intercourse is the sign of marriage and the act of sexual intercourse is the renewal of the covenant of marriage... so two same-sex people can never complete their marriage.

For this reason it is intrinsically impossible for two people of the same sex to marry. It is not discriminatory, it is not homophobia, and it is not hatred of gay people. The marital act can simply never occur between two people of the same gender.
that's just how it is... that's my opinion, deal with it.

I know the argument "there are many heterosexual couples who can not have children". that argument is mute however, because that is between them and God... it doesn't change the fact that in religious aspects, marriage is meant for procreation, creating flesh from becoming one flesh... and homosexual couples can not do that. Unlike a heterosexual couple, there is not even a chance of being able to do that... thus in religious aspects, marriage between gay couples is not possible.

That's just how it is, that's how our Christian beliefs work, it's not going to set anyone back 1,000 years, or change anyone with different opinion's minds, and it's not causing serious physical or emotional harm... so it should be respected, especially if you want that respect back.
Basically here it is...

if you are for Gay marriage and want people to respect that, you have to respect the opinions of the people who DON'T believe in Gay marriage. That's just the way it is. How can you demand tollerance when you yourself are intollerant of other religious or personal opinions?

And if you don't want an honest answer, don't ask an honest person for an answer to a question you don't want an answer to. And if you decide to ask the question anyway, stop whining you little bitch. LOL

Ok rant over. lol.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The problem, believe it or not, is not Obama.

Our country is going to hell in a handbasket, but not because of Obama. believe it or not, that's true. Obama is not the one ruining this country.

It's because of so-called Christians who toss aside their morals for false promises, or because it's the "in" thing to do and they want to be liked.

Notre Dame... a supposed Christian school - not only asked Obama to speak at the graduation... but they want to give him an honorary degree! Obama! A man who believes that children born alive after an abortion attempt don't have the right to live, who is so radical on his views of abortion and seeks to destroy the sanctity of marriage. The man who wants Christians to be silent to not offend the Godless.

Yet they're giving him an honorary degree.

Georgetown University - Had Obama speaking. Prior to, Obama told them to cover all religious symbols as to not offend non-Christians... even though this is a Catholic and Jesuit founded school. Yet he demanded this private Christian school to cover up the religous symbols their school was founded on. And the freakin morons did it.

That's the thing.

People thought Obama would save our Country's economy. People claimed Obama would bring our troops home, people claimed Obama would put extra money into our paychecks.

So they went against all of their Christian morals and values, they voted against the very fundamentals of the church, fundamentals like the sanctity of life which is an infallible law... meaning, abortion is a sin, supporting abortion is a sin, no ifs ands or buts about it. You can't bury your heads in the sand and say "I didn't know that voting for someone who is against the sancity of life was a sin against my religious beliefs..."

and for what?

Our economy is still tanking. Today we were up almost 130 points, Obama gave a speech, and we dropped to 90. every time he talks, we tank. Obama has spent more money in 2 months that we ever have since the first American President, George Washington... and it hasn't helped our economy one ioda.

Taxes? The major tax cuts haven't seemed to happen, the rebate we're getting is equal to $11 extra in our paychecks, which equals the exact same thing Bush gave us in one lump sum last year... and the taxes he's removed (which have been few) are being replaced by made up taxes under the guise of "saving mother earth".

And as for our troops?

The ones who are coming home are being signed up for a terrorist watch list because they dared to do what our country told them to do... and the rest are being sent to Obama's Iraq.. Afghanistan.

Was this really worth going against God? Do you supposed Christians have no fear about the wrath God will lay into you for daring to put the Godless above him? to actually be ashamed of our lord and Savior that you would hide his image at the request of Godless S.O.B's?

Obama isn't the problem with our country. He's just another politician trying to pull the wool over our eyes, and we have to put up with.

It's these supposed wishy washy heads in the sand, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil Christians that are turning this country into a joke. Its those who will throw away all morals, beliefs and principles to "be liked", to not offend, and for selfish hopes of profit that are screwing this country up.

These Christians should be ashamed. not Obama. he's just being true to himself. that's more than I can say for my supposed Christian brothers and sisters. that is the problem with this country. It makes my heart very sad.

just a suggestion... you can be sensative to other nationalities and religions (or lack there of) without setting aside your morals and beliefs. You don't need to cover the religious symbols that make you who you are as a follower of Christ to appear sensative. Grow up.

Our soldiers will need to register as terrorists.

any soldier that returns from Iraq, are being targeted as terrorists. It is said when they return from Iraq, they will need to join some registry so they can "be kept track of".

they are also targeting people who attend these group functions, like the tea party. I'm probably on the list already for running this conservative blog. Hopefully my name is near my hero Sean Hannity. Lol.

that was another thing. Some dildo on CNN said she refused to cover the teaparties because the protests were anti-american.

So Liberals were crashing the republican conventions, they were protesting the war at every turn, they were belittling and protesting the white house for all 8 years of the Bush administration, they protested our soldiers calling them baby killers bombing innocent civilians, and complained when people implied they were traitors.

But now the conservatives have their own protests because of something they believe in... fake causes like carbon printing (that has been disproven time and again), so they can lower taxes as promised, only to raise them again in the name of "the good of mother earth." it's insane. People don't even realize how we're getting taxed right under our noses.

but I digress.

CNN claims they are the most fair and balanced of all the stations... yet this dildo refused to cover the teaparties because she says the protests were unamerican.

Are you freakin kidding me?

this country is going to hell in a handbasket ever since liberals took over. I don't even recognize our country anymore.

Freedom of speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom OF religion (not FROM religion, OF religion), all are under attack.

Morals and personal principles are under attack. They're telling us we HAVE to fund abortion attempts... even for forigeners overseas, even if it goes against our religious morals and beliefs... and now they're trying to say Doctors HAVE to perform abortions, even if they believe Abortion is murder and are morally opposed to it.

something is wrong with this country... we are in very dire times indeed. I hope we wise up soon and get them out of office come 2012. we need a strong conservative leader. we need God back in our lives, we need morals and values put back into our country. We need to grow some balls and worry less about insulting people, and more about being a strong, and moral country who stands by our principles, who other countries look to in time of need, and fear enough to not consider attacking us, and to worry if they attack our allies.

We need to stop listening to these liberal nutholes on CNN and PMSNBC and start thinking for ourselves. Most liberals I talk to simply repeat what dildos like Chris Matthews say word for word. Maybe we conservatives tend to watch FOX, but at least we come up with our own beleifs and opinions. Liberals are like mindless drones who need to be told how to think by liberal leaders.

It's time to make a stand. I'm not condoning extremist behavior. I deplore that kind of behavior on all sides, conservatives and liberals... but we need to take a moral stand, and not back down in the name of being PC. that's what I'm saying. If we do that, there will be hope for the entire country.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conservatives are now terrorists

Watch out Tea party goers... anyone who speaks their mind, disagrees with the current government, or claims to be a conservative, will officially be under the scrutinizing gaze of Homeland security as a possibly terrorist threat.

I'm sorry. that's all I can type because I'm too busy laughing.

after the tanking of the economy every time he speaks, the tax evaders in his cabinet, the tax increases he's talking about, the lift of the embryo stemcell ban, the decision to send our taxpayer dollars against our will so forigeners can kill babies on our dime, telling doctors the HAVE to kill babies if a woman wants an abortion even if it goes against their moral and religious beliefs... NOW telling us we CAN'T be conservative or we're potential terrorists.

all I can say now is... told you so.