Friday, March 19, 2010

our country is in dangerous trouble

I wish we start a recall/impeachment effort and force them into the unemployment line like their constituants who hired them to fix this mess the DEMS caused. (not Bush... THE DEMS.)

Fanny and Fred started it all... the republicans came to the senate with their concerns... the Dems replied with "if nothings broke, don't fix it. Things are fine." Now they're trying to blame the republicans for what happened to the economy??

What happened to the billions of jobs that were to be created if we passed Obama's spendulus package... NOW?

What happened to the credit card company help? after the shit I went through with one of my credit cards, and after I got a letter from all my cards saying my interest rates are going up... thanks for the help Obama.

They did such a great job after taking over the auto industry.

now we have this health care bill.

This bill that IS going to pass, is a disaster.

Is this bill pro-choice? No. At least not in the way you think. If you're PRO abortion, this bill is for you. If you are anti-abortion, then this bill says screw you. You have the right to choose to murder an innocent human being... but they take away my choice... MY RIGHT... to not support murder, by taking my hard earned money and using it to fund abortions. What about my rights? what about my choice to be against abortion?

they say "abortion is not going to be federally funded" yet they refused to add the stupak ammendment which is worded so that it can not be snuck in. So... in otherwords, eventually they'll re-word it so abortion is funded by my tax money.

90% of abortions are after the fact birth control, not medical emergencies or rapes... just dumb (usually) teens who feel like doing what feels good, to hell with the conciquences. If you're too much of a slut to keep your legs closed... YOU pay to murder a child... I shouldn't have to be a part of it.

They're praising that it's going to cost under a trillion dollars... (Like $60,000 under a trillion is such a deal), but like they admit... this estimate is only a GUESS. So more than likely it will cost OVER a trillion.

They are taking away our right to decide what kind of insurance we want, if we want to get any at all... by threat of jail and high fines if we don't do as they say.

There are also stipulations that sound suspiciously like they want to tell people how to raise their kids. What's next? telling them how many kids they can have?

No one has really read this bill, not even the President by his own admission... Pelosi the moron that she is, claims we have to pass the bill... THEN we can know what's in it. Seriously? Isn't that backwards... shouldn't we KNOW what we're getting into and if it's actually good for the country BEFORE it's passed?

The dems that were on the fence have turned their no votes to yes votes. How? Strong arm tactics and bribery basically. In fact, one so much as admitted he was a no till Obama hosted him on Airforce One. One recently admitted Obama promised to work on Imigration reform if he votes yes... In this bill are all sorts of special deals for states whose politicians would have otherwise voted no...

To get this passed Obama and Pelosi both admitted they'd piss on the constitution. (not in so many words) The constitution isn't a suggestion for God's Sake!! Do you realize if they can't bribe or batter enough people into a yes vote, they'll just Deem it passed?

Deem it passed. Do you know who deems things to be done... Dictators, Monarchies. The constitution was created to separate themselves from the Monarchy. Its the whole point of voting, majority rules and such.

All they talk about is how "historic" this bill will be. They're more worried about their legacy than they are about the people.

The majority of Americans (even those who believe in health care reform) say, scrap this bill... start over, and this time, no closed door meetings, no telling republicans "you broke this, we don't want your help fixing it", no more shutting out the media from these meetings, and the bill should be available for more than just 72 hours before the vote.

but no. It's not about the people. Its about a legacy.

they all say... do you want to have to pay for those who don't have health insurance or have bad insurance for when they get expensive treatments and the tax payers have to pay for it?

Um... how is that going to change? Many of the items in this bill are federally funded. Who funds the feds? tax money. who pays tax money... I mean... Freakin DUHHHHHHHHH

This is insanity! I mean, serious insanity... it has to stop. I hate to wait till november to kick them out of office. I wish we could fire them all now, send them to the unemployment line, and impeach Obama for pissing on the constitution.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

No longer calling it a "war on terror", hows that working?

In November, a Muslim Psychiatrist at Fort Hood opened fired and massacured fellow American Soldiers after yelling "Allauh Akbar".

In December, a Muslim who claimed to be trained by Al Quida... was able to get on a plane with a bomb before he was caught.

Now there is breaking news.

Around the same time as the attempted bombing of a detroit bound plane... 5 Muslim American soldiers were arrested for the attempted poisoning of the food source at Fort Jackson which could have killed fellow American Soldiers.

I've also learned from a news report that the "Fort Jackson 5" were allegedly in contact with 5 other DC area Muslims who traveled to Pakistan to declare Jihad against US Soldiers there. (They were arrested by Pakistani police).

And yet Obama wants to close down Gitmo and refrain from using the phrase "War on terror"?

Seriously, how's that going for ya?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Texas Plane Crash - Suicide Pilot NOT Right-winger

We've been bombarded by the left wing media using the suicide/murder/murder attempt of Joseph Andrew Stack as a way to attack the tea partiers once again. They claim he is proof of how dangerous "tea baggers" are, and how loony the far right have become.

There's one problem with this sumation... and it lies in Mr. Stark's suicide note.

1. He mentioned hating Bush many times
2. He mentioned hating big business and greedy CEOs
3. He mentioned hating insurance companies and big pharmacuticals, claiming they were responsible for the 'murder' of millions of people in the name of profit
4. He mentioned hating organized religion, especially Christianity (catholics specifically)
5. He mentioned a quote that puts a positive light on communism and a negative light on capitolism.

THIS IS THE LIBERAL MANTRA!! Big business bad, big bad pharmacuticals and insurance companies bad, Capitalism bad, Communism, Socialism good, Religion/Christianity bad, Bush... anti-christ.

His rant was as far left as Pelosi. Hell, Bill Ayres would be impressed.

I don't know of any pro-communism/socialism, anti-religion, anti-big business, pro health care reform, Bush hating Tea Party goers.

Of course, I notice sites like MSNBC and CNN who've been pushing the "tea bagger" angle have removed the links to the suicide note. (Though you can still find it online by googling it.)

But what can you expect from those "convienent news only" news organizations? Not only are they misrepresenting this nut bar who murdered an innocent person and endangered many others because he was off his rocker, as a right wing nut when he is way far left...

but they also neglect to mention how the professor who shot and killed/injured her collegues, who was investigated for allegedly setting a pipe bomb in another professor's mailbox a while back... and "accidentally" shot and killed her brother... is OBSESSED with Obama and is a fanatic supporter of his policies.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Biden says War in Iraq a success thanks to OBAMA?!

Biden and Obama were against the war in Iraq. Plain and simple Biden and Obama both believed the surge was a mistake, and under Bush's administration, they were ready to call it "Mission failed."

All the above videos are Obama talking about how the surge was a failure. Even though "The surge was largely accredited to bringing the level of violence in Iraq down." (Katie Couric)

As you can see, Obama over and over said the surge wasn't a success, the surge was a failure, the surge would make things worse.

NOW Uncle Joe comes in and says... THANKS TO OBAMA Iraq is a success!

THANKS TO OBAMA? WHAT DID OBAMA DO FOR IRAQ? He's promised to bring troops home, but as of yet hasn't... he started a war in Afghanistan which I've heard even on MSNBC is more dangerous at times than the war in Iraq was... he worked on a failed health care bill, went to copenhagen to fail to get the Olympics for Chicago, took his wife to Paris...


So you're saying, even though there is PLENTY of evidence the SURGE WAS A SUCCESS, and not only lowered the level of violence, but the start of stability to the country under Bush's administration... the success must be attributed to Obama who DID NOTHING?


OMG who let uncle joe out of the nursing home without his senility pills? Put him back in his rubber room with the video of President FDR talking to the people on TV in 1929 when he wasn't president and TVs were not household items... and tell him to made a house out of popcicle sticks to keep him from saying more rediculous things!

I love how when things go wrong in Obama's administration, it's Bush's fault. When things go right (that started to go right under Bush's administration) it's thanks to Obama.

Give me a freakin break already. How can liberals still defend this guy despite the obvious idiodicy???

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dems are imploding on themselves

Howard Yee-haw Dean just had a huge explosive yelling match with Tingle up the leg Matthews... Coakely is blaming the lack of support for her loss, the Dems in the senate are blaming her for her own loss... Olbermann and Maddow are just plain delusional saying they lost MA because they're not being radical enough...

they lost one of the most liberal states in the nation to a republican... They have the scandal with John Edwards, who finally admitted what EVERYONE knew... the baby his mistress had IS his... A teary faced Pelosi admits Obamacare is pretty much done in it's current form... it's obvious the dems are going to have a tough time this fall during elections...The extreme left wingers are blogging that they're losing faith in Obama...

Now they're losing Air America. Bankrupt... soon to go off the air. (no surprise though... even liberals would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh than the dribble on Air America)

And... the courts just lifted restrictions on campaign corporate spending... which everyone knows will work in favor of the republicans and third party candidates... working against the democrats.

Looks like the majority of Americans DON'T want to be socialists with the government running every aspect of their lives, after all.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Keith Obermann is really delusional isn't he?

I did something I rarely do. I watched MSNBC to see how they're covering the recent election.

this is what I got out of Olbermann

1. Scott Brown is homophobic

2. Scott Brown is pro violence against women

3. Scott Brown isn't conservative, he's playing the center

4. He only won because Obama supporters didn't come out

5. He only won because the majority of voters thought the Health care bill isn't radical enough, because the majority of voters are pro-health care reform... including a public option and such.

ok, well if he's homophobic, so are the majority if Americans. Sorry to disappoint you - but when brought to a vote, the majority clearly state they want to keep the meaning of marriage as between a man and a woman. In fact, it's not even a close race... it's an overwhelming majority, as we saw in California, a very liberal state.

as for pro violence against women? Oldman cited a rally where someone yelled that we should shove an iron up Coakley's rear. Once again, Olbermann agreed with an eyeroll that it was possible he didn't hear it. (once again they forget the rule that just because it's picked up by the mic of a person standing next to the dufas, doesn't mean everyone else can hear it over the crowd, especially with large crowds such as he pulled, as opposed to the crowd coakly was pulling.)

However he said, even if he didn't hear it, he should denounce it now. Where were you to denounce Sandra Burnardt when she said if Palin came to NY she'd have her gang raped by "her black bruthas". Where was Olbermann to denounce Madonna when she said she was going to kick Palin's A$$? where was Olbermann to denounce the disgusting jokes Lettermann made about Palin's teenage daughter?

Give me a break. Like anyone other than a liberal nut could take Olbermann seriously in this case.

So Scott Brown is playing center? Well if you think he's homophobic... how can he be center? He's not playing up to the pro-gay marriage voters. If he's playing center, how come he keeps saying he's Scott Brown 41... the 41st vote AGAINST The health care bill. He didn't say he was pro reform only not what they're offering... he said he's pro-killing the bill completely.

Which brings me to his point that Brown was only picked because the democrats aren't radical enough on the health care bill?

Really? So... the people want more... they want abortion in the bill, they want the taxes coming with the bill... they want the removal of Medicare from one state to pay off another so they'll vote for the bill... they want a public option.

That's why they voted for someone who said he's the 41st vote to kill the bill completely. "We want more, so lets vote for the guy who says he wants nothing at all! yay! that makes so much more sense than voting for the one who will at least vote to pass SOMETHING through!"

Not to mention... the majority of people WANT this reform? Seriously? That's why Obama's approval started tanking during the Health Care fiasco. Why do the majority of those polled say they don't trust this HC bill? Why are democrats, independants and conservatives alike fighting this HC bill at tea parties?

And about the fact Obama's supporters didn't come out... why didn't they? I mean, my god, we're not talking about some republican winning MA. we're talking about a conservative winning the land of Kennedy... the land of John Kerry... Hell, a man on this side of the red line won Bawney Fwank's deep Bawoo distwict.

How can Olbermann and Rachel Mad Cow be so delusional and still remain on tv.

Oh, I forgot... it's MSNBC. I was probably the only one watching.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The people have spoken

they downplayed the people speaking in VA by kicking out the democrat in office. They downplayed the people speaking in NJ by kicking out the democrat in office. They downplayed the people speaking in NY when the democrats almost lost in a race that was too close to call when they thought it would be an easy double digit win...

now they're trying to downplay Brown's win in MA, a Kennedy/democrat state for how many decades?

Rachel Mad Cow on PMSNBC is talking about how there is already evidence of voter fraud and how Brown's use of Robo calls was underhanded, slimey, sleezy election techniques.

Really Mad Cow? So... it wasn't voter fraud when Frankenstein won by more votes than people actually live in Minnesota? It wasn't voter fraud when democrats recounting the votes kept saying... "They voted for the republican, but I'M SURE they MEANT to vote for Franken, so we'll count this as Franken's vote"?

What about the 30 robo calls I got from Obama during the presidential elections? What about all the robo calls made by the dems on Coakley's behalf during this MA election? Those weren't underhanded, slimey, sleezy election tactics?

it makes me freakin laugh. I think though, no matter how they spin it... this has to have dems up for re-election nervous.
