Wednesday, May 6, 2009

US airstrike in afghanistan... where are the antiwar people?

An Airstrike in Afghanistan kills 100... here's the key...

according to the red cross...

the majority of victims


U.S. officials initially disputed Afghan claims of large numbers of civilian casualties. Later, the United Nations and Red Cross backed up the higher tallies.

where's the outrage, the cries of "Bring our troops home", the cries of "Our soldiers are baby killers" that there was during the Iraq war?

Where's the protestors outside of the whitehouse with signs that say "War is murder"?

I'm not saying what we're doing in Afghanistan is right or wrong... I'm saying that the liberal double standard is absolutely hilarious.

if this were Bush who sent our troops to afghanistan and civilians were killed... they'd have called for his impeachment by now.

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