Saturday, January 8, 2011

Arizona shooting tragedy

it seems this guy was a nut who came unhinged. Yet the left are already politicizing this. I went to find information on the shooting, and I was bombarded with anti-right propaganda.

in fact I saw one message that said "First they spew their hate, now they pull their guns... my democrat friends, please understand this is serious. if your neighbors supported conservative candidates, keep your doors locked cause they will kill you eventually." and this guy was serious!!

I even saw someone call tea-partiers Murderers. that's why I've decided to post on this site after having not posted in over a year. I'm so sick of liberals trying to push their agenda by using a horrendous tragedy that ALL are grieving.

I mean, Seriously? A child was murdered along with other innocent civilians, a federal judge was murdered and others including the congresswoman are fighting for their lives... and the left are already trying to politicize this.

here's a few facts for any liberal that may read this...

1. The congresswoman was republican at one time. She became democrat because of her pro-choice stance... however she is pro-2nd amendment, pro-border control, anti-bailout and pro-congress pay cuts. she basically was democrat but had many conservative views as well.

2. The federal judge murdered was appointed by President BUSH. A REPUBLICAN president

3. The guy lists his favorite books to include the Communist manifesto and Mein Kaumf. not something high on a republican's favorite list. Most conservatives are anti-communist propaganda.

4. The shooter did not believe in God as it is stated he made mention that he was angered at receiving a bible at a recruitment center, and he stated he would not put his trust in God. Most conservatives are God fearing people.

5. He claims the government is mind controlling the public through grammar...

So how can you say this was conservative/tea party caused? She was as conservative as is possible for a democrat, the judge was appointed by a republican president, and this guy seemed obsessed with grammar and communist writings...

this guy was a nutjob who came unhinged. Read some of the crap he's released. It's neither conservative nor liberal in thinking. It's lunatic in thinking.

so how is this tea party? It makes me want to cry that the left (especially on MSNBC's comments page) are using this tragedy to push their anti-right agenda. this isn't about right, it isn't about left, it isn't about up or down, it's about a nut job who came unhinged and murdered a bunch of innocent people and put many more in the hospital to fight for their lives, and they need the prayers of ALL Republican and Democrat, conservative and Liberals and if (some, not all) liberals can't see that, and see this only as a political ploy, then I'd say "shame on you" but they have no shame.

I pray for her family, and the families of all the victims as well as for the victims still bravely fighting for their lives.

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