Thursday, November 12, 2009

Perhaps the Dems should not celebrate yet.

The democrats claimed the race in VA and NJ didn't matter, that they were just "local races"... yet they celebrated the win in NY-23 like it was vindication for Obama.

Here's how they are delusional.

1. in VA, they were so impressed with the Obama mania that they went from red to blue in one election.

However, after everything that's been oing on... Private businesses being taken over, Job loss at a 20 year high, Government health care being forced down our throat with the threat of jail if we don't assimulate...

They went back to red in a Republican sweep a few weeks ago. Over a third of VA's polled said they were "sending a message to the white house". What message do you think that is? Electing all republicans and outsing the democrats?

2. In NJ they expected to win, especially since NJ is so liberal, and has been run by a democrat for as far back as one can remember.

They lost to a republican. Yet, the democrats don't seem to see that "message".

3. The one race they're celebrating that actually matters to them... NY-23... two reasons they shouldn't celebrate just yet.

a. They expected to sweep the race with double digits... they expected to completely shove the conservative's face in the dirt... yet the race was actually only a 3 point spread. Enough to ask for a recount.

b. the count for the race continues... and the Dem's lead narrows. Now there is only a 3,000 vote difference between him and the conservative nominee, with 10,000 absentee balots to count.

while the Dem may still come out on top, it will be by an even narrower margin, which means... they couldn't even easily win an election that should have been a no brainer for them.

that spells trouble whether they want to see the writing on the wall or not.

they better think long and hard about that in the senate cause this Health care bill could put them in line with all the unemployed waiting for benefits.

They lost VA who were Obamanuts during the 2008 elections... they lost NJ who is usually so liberal... they almost (and could still) lose NY-23 in an election that should have been an easy win.

Instead of saying how wonderful it was to win NY-23, you should see how close the race was, and how much closer its getting as the absentee balots are being counted... and say to yourselves "Wow, we need to think about this before the white house goes red in 2010."

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