Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dems are imploding on themselves

Howard Yee-haw Dean just had a huge explosive yelling match with Tingle up the leg Matthews... Coakely is blaming the lack of support for her loss, the Dems in the senate are blaming her for her own loss... Olbermann and Maddow are just plain delusional saying they lost MA because they're not being radical enough...

they lost one of the most liberal states in the nation to a republican... They have the scandal with John Edwards, who finally admitted what EVERYONE knew... the baby his mistress had IS his... A teary faced Pelosi admits Obamacare is pretty much done in it's current form... it's obvious the dems are going to have a tough time this fall during elections...The extreme left wingers are blogging that they're losing faith in Obama...

Now they're losing Air America. Bankrupt... soon to go off the air. (no surprise though... even liberals would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh than the dribble on Air America)

And... the courts just lifted restrictions on campaign corporate spending... which everyone knows will work in favor of the republicans and third party candidates... working against the democrats.

Looks like the majority of Americans DON'T want to be socialists with the government running every aspect of their lives, after all.

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