Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Keith Obermann is really delusional isn't he?

I did something I rarely do. I watched MSNBC to see how they're covering the recent election.

this is what I got out of Olbermann

1. Scott Brown is homophobic

2. Scott Brown is pro violence against women

3. Scott Brown isn't conservative, he's playing the center

4. He only won because Obama supporters didn't come out

5. He only won because the majority of voters thought the Health care bill isn't radical enough, because the majority of voters are pro-health care reform... including a public option and such.

ok, well if he's homophobic, so are the majority if Americans. Sorry to disappoint you - but when brought to a vote, the majority clearly state they want to keep the meaning of marriage as between a man and a woman. In fact, it's not even a close race... it's an overwhelming majority, as we saw in California, a very liberal state.

as for pro violence against women? Oldman cited a rally where someone yelled that we should shove an iron up Coakley's rear. Once again, Olbermann agreed with an eyeroll that it was possible he didn't hear it. (once again they forget the rule that just because it's picked up by the mic of a person standing next to the dufas, doesn't mean everyone else can hear it over the crowd, especially with large crowds such as he pulled, as opposed to the crowd coakly was pulling.)

However he said, even if he didn't hear it, he should denounce it now. Where were you to denounce Sandra Burnardt when she said if Palin came to NY she'd have her gang raped by "her black bruthas". Where was Olbermann to denounce Madonna when she said she was going to kick Palin's A$$? where was Olbermann to denounce the disgusting jokes Lettermann made about Palin's teenage daughter?

Give me a break. Like anyone other than a liberal nut could take Olbermann seriously in this case.

So Scott Brown is playing center? Well if you think he's homophobic... how can he be center? He's not playing up to the pro-gay marriage voters. If he's playing center, how come he keeps saying he's Scott Brown 41... the 41st vote AGAINST The health care bill. He didn't say he was pro reform only not what they're offering... he said he's pro-killing the bill completely.

Which brings me to his point that Brown was only picked because the democrats aren't radical enough on the health care bill?

Really? So... the people want more... they want abortion in the bill, they want the taxes coming with the bill... they want the removal of Medicare from one state to pay off another so they'll vote for the bill... they want a public option.

That's why they voted for someone who said he's the 41st vote to kill the bill completely. "We want more, so lets vote for the guy who says he wants nothing at all! yay! that makes so much more sense than voting for the one who will at least vote to pass SOMETHING through!"

Not to mention... the majority of people WANT this reform? Seriously? That's why Obama's approval started tanking during the Health Care fiasco. Why do the majority of those polled say they don't trust this HC bill? Why are democrats, independants and conservatives alike fighting this HC bill at tea parties?

And about the fact Obama's supporters didn't come out... why didn't they? I mean, my god, we're not talking about some republican winning MA. we're talking about a conservative winning the land of Kennedy... the land of John Kerry... Hell, a man on this side of the red line won Bawney Fwank's deep Bawoo distwict.

How can Olbermann and Rachel Mad Cow be so delusional and still remain on tv.

Oh, I forgot... it's MSNBC. I was probably the only one watching.

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