Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More shady connections for Obama

At first glance, Illinois Governor Blagojevich's problems are basically caused by his own stupidity and corruption. However, Obama's camp have stuck their foot in the poop yet again, making Obama look suspicious.

They are all up in arms, countering past stories, changing statements made and erasing all affiliations Obama may have had with Blagojevich.

One statement was to a newspaper that stated Mr. Obama would be having a meeting with Blagojevich to discuss his chair replacement. This was back in November. Now they are claiming this statement was a mistake and such contact with Obama and Blagojevich never happened. How interesting they decided to recant that statement... NOW, a month later when the poop hit the fan as they say.

They are also taking pre-emptive strikes to discredit anything Blagojevich says that may link Obama to anything, saying he will try to bring Obama down with him at any costs, before he even mentions Obama by name. Are they worried something will be coming out once Blagojevich is interrogated?

Interesting, interesting. I think Obama needs better representation because his current list of people are going to great lengths to take suspicion off of him by making him look more suspicious.

whether Obama is completely innocent or not... chalk this up to another bad connection. Ayers, Farrahkan, Blagojevich, Wright, Rezko, pfleger, (All from Illinois mind you... is there ANYONE in Illinois who ISN'T Corrupt?)

The list of shady associations is getting bigger and bigger. and only NOW are the left wing MSM complaining. Talk about a dollar short and a day late.

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