Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conservatives are now terrorists

Watch out Tea party goers... anyone who speaks their mind, disagrees with the current government, or claims to be a conservative, will officially be under the scrutinizing gaze of Homeland security as a possibly terrorist threat.

I'm sorry. that's all I can type because I'm too busy laughing.

after the tanking of the economy every time he speaks, the tax evaders in his cabinet, the tax increases he's talking about, the lift of the embryo stemcell ban, the decision to send our taxpayer dollars against our will so forigeners can kill babies on our dime, telling doctors the HAVE to kill babies if a woman wants an abortion even if it goes against their moral and religious beliefs... NOW telling us we CAN'T be conservative or we're potential terrorists.

all I can say now is... told you so.

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