Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our soldiers will need to register as terrorists.

any soldier that returns from Iraq, are being targeted as terrorists. It is said when they return from Iraq, they will need to join some registry so they can "be kept track of".

they are also targeting people who attend these group functions, like the tea party. I'm probably on the list already for running this conservative blog. Hopefully my name is near my hero Sean Hannity. Lol.

that was another thing. Some dildo on CNN said she refused to cover the teaparties because the protests were anti-american.

So Liberals were crashing the republican conventions, they were protesting the war at every turn, they were belittling and protesting the white house for all 8 years of the Bush administration, they protested our soldiers calling them baby killers bombing innocent civilians, and complained when people implied they were traitors.

But now the conservatives have their own protests because of something they believe in... fake causes like carbon printing (that has been disproven time and again), so they can lower taxes as promised, only to raise them again in the name of "the good of mother earth." it's insane. People don't even realize how we're getting taxed right under our noses.

but I digress.

CNN claims they are the most fair and balanced of all the stations... yet this dildo refused to cover the teaparties because she says the protests were unamerican.

Are you freakin kidding me?

this country is going to hell in a handbasket ever since liberals took over. I don't even recognize our country anymore.

Freedom of speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom OF religion (not FROM religion, OF religion), all are under attack.

Morals and personal principles are under attack. They're telling us we HAVE to fund abortion attempts... even for forigeners overseas, even if it goes against our religious morals and beliefs... and now they're trying to say Doctors HAVE to perform abortions, even if they believe Abortion is murder and are morally opposed to it.

something is wrong with this country... we are in very dire times indeed. I hope we wise up soon and get them out of office come 2012. we need a strong conservative leader. we need God back in our lives, we need morals and values put back into our country. We need to grow some balls and worry less about insulting people, and more about being a strong, and moral country who stands by our principles, who other countries look to in time of need, and fear enough to not consider attacking us, and to worry if they attack our allies.

We need to stop listening to these liberal nutholes on CNN and PMSNBC and start thinking for ourselves. Most liberals I talk to simply repeat what dildos like Chris Matthews say word for word. Maybe we conservatives tend to watch FOX, but at least we come up with our own beleifs and opinions. Liberals are like mindless drones who need to be told how to think by liberal leaders.

It's time to make a stand. I'm not condoning extremist behavior. I deplore that kind of behavior on all sides, conservatives and liberals... but we need to take a moral stand, and not back down in the name of being PC. that's what I'm saying. If we do that, there will be hope for the entire country.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I want to thank you for your kind remarks on my blog. They were a great comfort. My sister asked me to pass along a special thank you from her. You touched just the right spot in our hearts!