Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama's grade: A... USA's grade: F-

Well we're well into the Obama administration, so it's time to come out with the midterm report card.

Obama gets an A.

Yes... an A from me, his hardest critic. Why?

Because he's doing exactly the stupid things I knew he was going to do, which is why I didn't vote for him in the first place. He hasn't broken any promises to me because I had his number from the get go. So he's just doing exactly what I knew he was going to do... So he get's an A.

Plus I do agree with how he took the credit card companies to task. The one thing I actually agree with him on.

The Country however... get's as low of an F as is humanly possible.

Here we have the first president ever to bow to kings like he's beneath them...
Here we have a president who apologizes to the world that we are a strong country who will take no shit that could endanger our citizens
Here we have a president who makes apologies for being a country who goes to bat for those who need help
Here we have a president who is the first president EVER to attack a previous administration relentlessly... (Even Bush didn't go off blaming Clinton at every turn even for Clinton caused issues.)
Here we have the first president to ever apologize for a previous administration that has no reason to apologize to anyone.
Here we have a president who spent more in 2 months than any president has spent in the history of America...
Here we have a president that wants to undermine our intelligence by investigating tough interrogation tactics, (even though the enemy does worse to our men and women and innocent civilians)...
Here we have a president that goes against the majority of the people's will, without blinking an eye
Here we have a president that promises peace, then keeps troops in Iraq and sends more to Afghanistan
Here we have a president who is refusing to take bailout repayments so he can maintain control over the banks and OUR money...

Here we have a president that has basically lied, cheated, stole, allowed free thinking Americans who don't agree with him to be called terrorists, sympathised with dictators while treating his own country like we should be ashamed of being free...

And yet the country will NOT take him to task, they will NOT speak badly of him, and they praise him at every turn for turning our country into yellow bellied weaklings... and when you get those with the guts to stand up to this sick display of cowardice... they're told they're unamerican... Exactly what the Liberals whined about being called for the same thing... the right to protest what you feel is an injustice.

After all of this... Obama has a 65% approval rating.

people say the country is still headed in the wrong direction, they still say our economy is not getting any better, they have no faith in the stimulus... some are even upset at the whole War in Afghanistan... while not withdrawing all the troops from Iraq...

yet he is still praised as being the best president this country has ever had, when all he's done is make things worse with no sign of it getting better.

So this country gets a big fat flying "F". It's not Obama's fault... our citizens are doing it to ourselves. Obama is being exactly who everyone knew he'd be. It's our faults he's getting away with it, and was even allowed to do it in the first place. so we can't blame him.

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