Friday, November 7, 2008

The Left's buyer's remorse

Here’s the problem with Obama.

He’s suppose to be the president of change, yet he’s bringing back all the old Clinton people. This is going to be the Clinton administration with Obama as president. Instead of going into the 2000’s, we’re heading back to the ‘90’s.

I Actually had to laugh at a few of my very liberal friends who say “well I’m a little worried now.”

“About what?”


“why? You voted for him.”

“Yeah, but I’m seeing some of his choices in who he’s going to hire… and he’s staying away from the center and going way left. That’s not a good thing.”

“You’re surprised? This guy who never stood up to his party… who is pro-late term abortion, pro-letting babies die if they’re born alive after a botched abortion? A guy who is so radical he sees nothing wrong with Wright, Ayers, Kahlidi and so on? And you’re surprised he’s surrounding himself with the far left?”

“Well I didn’t expect that. He was suppose to reach over the isles and reach out to the people.”

“Well, hate to say it. You voted for the guy. You’re not getting what you want but you’re getting what you deserve. Should have thought about all the evidence I put before you long before you voted… and you wouldn’t be in this situation. You knew long before the 4th about his radical beliefs, his shady associations and his insane tax promises he’ll never make good on except the spread the wealth part… you chose to voet for him anyway. Don’t cry to me.”

You got to feel somewhat bad for people like my friend who only saw the color of his skin and thought “wow I could be part of history electing this guy.” instead of looking at what he was saying… and what he WASN’T saying. There are a lot of people on the left feeling buyer's remorse.

Obama is already double talking all the promises he’s made. Mr. I’m going to bring troops home in the next 4 months (Which turned into 16 months), and lower the taxes for 95% of the American people became “Well it could take several years, maybe well into my 2nd term.”

There’s the other issue. Instead of talking about the first steps he is going to take as President to fix our nation, he’s talking about his second term. Small businesses are already starting to cut back, whether it’s laying people off as a pre-emptive strike, or not using profits for charitable purposes as they use to. One small business owner in my area use to donate thousands of dollars a year to children and animal charities out of profits. Not only has she turned those charities away this year out of concern over Obama’s spread the wealth promise, she has also told her employees there may not be enough money in the budget for their regular raises should obama raise taxes as he has promised.

Those who voted for him elected a freakin moron.

Our DOW started dropping the day he was elected and he’s worried about his second term? How about this… DO SOMETHING and you’ll get re-elected… MAYBE. Worry about our country NOW and not about promises you can make to get you re-elected.

I still feel American made the biggest mistake. But they’ll learn their lesson soon if they’re not already learning it by how he is talking nothing is going to get done until his second term. He’s saying this before he’s officially sworn in to be president… and he’s saying this 4 years before it’s even time to campaign for his 2nd term.

It’s just too bad we’ll all have to lean their lesson for them too. Good luck America! We’re SERIOUSLY going to need it!


Carolyn said...

Ha! Well, get your bumper sticker "Don't blame me, I voted for McCain."

anne onee mus said...

Lol Already got it. heheh