Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vote early, Vote often worked. All hail the dictator

thanks to those who tried to make sure good conquered evil. We did all we could. Even though it wasn't enough to over power voter fraud, and morons... we did our best.

Shame on those who voted for a baby killing, pro-late term abortion, anti-free speech, spread the wealth socialist. You sold out our country for promises that will never even be kept.

Well, this has cinched it for me.

Instead of looking for a new job when I move out of state next month, I'm going to apply for disability or go on welfare because of my blind eye, nerve damage in my leg and back problems.

I won't pay anymore taxes, and I'll let the morons who voted for Obama carry me with the higher taxes they'll have to pay.

As for the lower than $250,000 obama said were safe...

It became $200,000

then 150,000 according to Biden (which screws my brother since he and his wife make a combind income of $160,000)

Last year it was $95,000 and before that $70,000.

It will probably be in the 40's by the time he makes his "tax cuts" if they happen. The guy I WILL NEVER call president, is already talking about running for his second term rather than discussing what we do next for our country in his first term.

So good luck with the lesson you obama backers are about to learn. Too bad everyone else has to learn your lesson with you.

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