Monday, November 17, 2008

How Obama got elected - one word - idiots

People this stupid shouldn't vote.

At the end of the video in the above link one African American woman said, "I realize now I wasn't as informed as I should have been... but I don't think I'd have changed my vote." (Gee really? like the other 98% of African Americans voting based on skin color rather than policy?)

One youtube video watcher said, "I won't lie I use the internet for stupid stuff, I don't really find the internet to be a reliable source ALL the time. I think it mostly had to do with watching my mom cuz as dumb as it is, I think parents really do influence more than we think. But still I wish I had known more about Obama b4 I voted for him. lol it seems like he was just a celebrity, not someone to fix our country."

gee, you think? isn't it a shame when idiots smarten up when it's too late???

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Yesterday, on one of the news channels, they were asking people, who has a pregnant daughter? and things like that. They all knew it was Sarah Palin, but when they asked who said there are 57 states, they still said Sarah Palin.
The mainstream media has failed us.