Thursday, November 20, 2008

anti-war activists have buyers remorse

Anti-war activists worried Obama is Betraying them with Hawkish Cabinet


Not only will he throw the activists under the bus as he did his mentor Wright, friend Ayers and beloved aunt and half brother...

but rumor is he is already thinking of pulling troops from Iraq and instead of bringing them home, putting them in Afganistan.

Have I mentioned what a great job Obama supporters did, electing him?

We have a great man of change. we're changing one war for another, we're changing from one Cabinet to a Cabinet from the 90's, we're changing from the dow being down 8,000 and some to 7,000 and some, we're changing from tax breaks to tax hikes and bailing out banks so their CEOs can spend millions in "much needed spa retreats"...

we are making some great changes aren't we?

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

He said all along that is what he'd do, but as usual, who was listening? I kept telling my daughter to explain that to the kids at school. They kept calling McCain a warmonger and she was hard pressed to find things to say. (as she is only eleven). Honestly, what did people think?