Monday, November 3, 2008

Women for McCain protest

It is a proven fact that Obama pays the women who work under him 83 cents to every dollar he pays the men. He SAYS he's for equal rights / equal pay... but like everything else (Taxes, middle class, socialism) he has a double standard for himself.

McCain on the other hand... pays the women that work under him $1.04 (at minimum) to every dollar made by a man.

These are not debatable theories... these are provable facts. Tell Obama we don't need his 2cents. Equal pay for women now!

Vote McCain

All the woman at the protest filled baggies with 83 cents... which equals the amount a woman makes to every man's $1 in Obama's nation and a small group of us took the money down to the nearest Obama headquarters.

We made our case... We told them how women made less than the men in Obama's campaign and that we wanted to give the donations to make up the difference as a point to Obama. One man who was there angrily said "Yeah? Well how much does McCain pay his women then huh?" When we told them $1.04 or more to every man's $1 and that both claims are provable facts...

he shut up pretty quick.

The Obama volunteer said she couldn't accept our "Donation" unless we filled out a donation form to which I chimmed up... "Since when has Obama turned down illegal donations? Only because the press is here?" I mean... dude, does she even know about the illegal credit card donations being taken at Obama's site... or how he took $270 from his destitute Illegal aunt?

Anyhoo. We had a blast at the protest. Afterwards, the carpool I joined to Obama's headquarters were sticking their heads out the windows and shouting "Save our country, vote McCain!" Lol. They were a fun bunch.

It was suppose to be 83 woman to represent the 83 cents, but we had at least 100+ at the rally, and only 5 were suppose to go to Obama's headquarters, and 7 of us went in while others stood outside. It was a great turnout.

We did meet one African American man walking past the Obama office and he started chanting "Obama Obama"

When he was asked by one of our protestors why he supported Obama he said "Cause that's the way it is. He be my man". Well thought out and articulate reasoning there. God help our country.

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