Friday, March 6, 2009

Brits don't like Obama - but I like Huckabee

First Obama insulted the Brits by sending back a bust of Winston Churchill, given as a gift to the Bush administration... when it was offered to stay in the white house for 4 more years, Obama sent it back.

Now, the British Prime Minister gives Obama a very respectful gift... a pen holder crafted from the wood of a british ship that served on anti-slavery missions in Africa.

In return Obama gave the Prime Minister DVDs, including ET, Starwars and the Wizard of Oz... all of which can be purchased at Walmart for under $20.

It is to be noted, the Prime Minister is not known for being a movie buff.

The Brits are insulted, which is understandable... we'd be insulted by the same treatement. The British media have called Obama arrogant and rude.

I mean seriously? DVDs you can get off of for ten bucks as a gift to the Prime Minister?

that's just plain stupid. I thought he was suppose to heal relations with other countries. Instead he goes around insulting them.

Kind of how he promised No more earmarks and that he'd go line by line to erase any wasteful spending from bills... yet we're spending over a billion dollars to study swine gas. You heard it right... we are researching pig farts.

if that isn't the very meaning of pork...

They blame republicans for all the earmarks... yet Obama is willing to sign the bill without challenging it.

I just can't find the words anymore.

however, one thing I can say is... I love Mike Huckabee! He was on Sean Hannity tonight, and guess what he said?

"Everytime Obama talks about helping our economy, the DOW crashes"

SEE? SEE? I'm not the only one who sees it after all!!

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