Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama and Biden BOTH open mouth and insert foot.

Biden offered us this wonderful quote recently when talking about how governors spend the stimulus money.

He said he and Obama can't tell governors what they can and can't do with the money, but he CAN tell them if what they're doing is stupid.

He followed it up with this remark.

"the ONLY thing Obama has gotten right is when he said, 'you don't mess with Joe'."

The ONLY thing Obama has gotten right?

Obama has taken a page out of Biden's book it seems. When talking to Jay Leno (I don't know if it was the Tonight's show, or Leno's new show...) when talking about how he bowled a 129 on the white house bowling lanes.

"That's very good Mr. President" Leno remarked.

"It's like the special olympics or something." Obama replied trying to crack a joke at the expense of the mentally handicapped.

As the LA Times' Robert Lloyd said...

Now this is the sort of remark that, sadly, has become commonplace in contemporary humor. But it's nothing you'd want your president to say, or even to think.

Mr. Obama, please stay home and work on our economy, and leave the jokes to the comedians.

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