Thursday, March 5, 2009

I shouldn't be so giddy about the DOW... BUT...

Remember since early February how I've been saying, whenever Obama stays out of sight, the dow rallies, and when he talks the DOW plummets thus meaning it's Obama, not Bush causing our economy to make poopy?

Time and time again I've proven this to be the case. I have documented every day "dow is up, no Obama." "dow's down today, Obama had a speech."

I have a lot of nay sayers who insist one isn't related to the other, that the DOW has nothing to do with Obama, the stimulus plans, the budget bill, the nationalization of banks and health care reform.


Again, the DOW was up yesterday to the joy of average joes like my mom who has 50% of her pension wrapped up in stocks...

Obama did not have any meetings/speeches, at least none that were heavily reported by the media.

Today the Dow ended almost 300pts down... Obama had a healthcare reform speech today.

THANK YOU Obama for proving my point. THANK YOU for vindicating me and proving that everytime you talk the DOW plummets, everytime you stay out of the media, the DOW Rallies or doesn't lose AS much as it would otherwise.

Now you can stop proving my point for me and do something to fix this already!

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