Monday, March 2, 2009

Oops, he did it again

Obama broke the promise to reach across the isle once again by nominating Governor Sebelius... the most radically pro-abortion politician next to Obama.

She is FOR late term abortion and she is AGAINST parental notification when a minor has an abortion.

(A parent will go to jail if a minor skips school, a parent is responsible for damage caused by a minor, yet if a minor has an abortion it's not a parent's right to know about it?)

She has received money from Tiller the Baby Killer who is currently under investigation and being tried for several counts of illegal "any term" abortion for $5000.

So much for trying to reach across the isles. His entire non-taxpaying, porno loving, baby killing cabinet are basically the most extreme of extrimist liberals.

at least they've stopped blaming Bush.

now they're blaming Rush Limbaugh.

I'm sorry, but just because conservatives love Rush, doesn't mean he's our "leader". Rush isn't telling us how to think or what to believe. He's loved by conservatives because he speaks what's on our mind, and he reaches more people than things like this little blog can. I always say, "I don't agree with Rush... Rush agrees with me!"

Hope and change sounds like the same old, 'place the blame' whining it's always been in the liberal party.

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