Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Libretards need to get over Rush Limbaugh

I laugh my ass off whenever I turn on MSNBC, CNN and such over the last few days. All they talk about is Rush Limbaugh being the head of the republican party.


ok. look.

I always say "Rush agrees with ME" not the other way around.

I can't listen to Rush every day... yet when I do listen to him, he's usually reitterating things I've already said to other people myself.

That must mean, Rush Limbaugh agrees with ME.

Look, Rush is a conservative talk show host on the radio. Occassionally he's asked to speak at Republican functions since he's one of the more popular talk icons.

People listen to Rush either because they share the same points of view, or because they're masacistic and love to be infuriated.

Not because he's "their leader" LOLOLOLOL

That does not make him the leader of the Republican party. He's just A voice of the conservative movement stating his opinions. He may be the most popular voice, but that doesn't make him THE voice... just A voice.

You put a conservative and liberal in a room and turn on Rush... the conservative will agree with him and cheer for him, the liberal won't agree with him and will jeer him.

that's how things work. A conservative has values and morals and a liberal is a liberal. It would be that way with or without Rush.

We just like having Rush around to remind Rhinos what it means to be conservative, and because its fun to listen to a like minded person talking about truths in an entertaining way.

and because he REALLY pisses liberals off. That's the best part.

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