Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stem cell ban lift now what Dems expected.

So Obama lifted the ban on Embryonic stem cell research last week. Bush's executive policy additionally had limited researchers receiving federal aid to just 21 stem cell lines created before August 2001. Obama's reversal allows them to use hundreds of other stem cell lines already in existence.

This is despite the scientific evidence that Embryonic stem cells have no more value than stem cells you can get from a living adult or from the umbilical cord of a new born... which has been proven by many treatments on adults who have used their OWN stem cells in those treatments.

However I digress.

Even though Obama lifted the ban on embryonic stem cell research... on Wednesday he signed a bill that BANS the federal funding for said embryonic stem cell research called the Dickey-Wicker ammendment.

the Dickey-Wicker provision still prevents federally backed researches from creating their own stem cell lines, blocking their access to hundreds of new embryonic stem cell lines, usually from embryos left over from fertility treatments that would otherwise be discarded.

This has left a bad taste in many democrats mouths.

This could be why Obama's approval rating has fallen to be almost even with Bush's approval rating around this time in 2001.

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