Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DOW Rallies, Obama speaks, Dow drops...

Like I said in my last blog...

Everytime Obama opens his mouth, the DOW drops... as does my mom's hopes since half of her and my late father's pension is wrapped up in stocks. (so much for hope and change, right?)

This was proven today.

Yesterday... Obama had been fairly silent on Monday... the DOW rallied almost 300 points. Obama gave a speech last night, and the DOW ended down today.

Can't blame this on Bush.

Bush didn't talk about Nationalizing banks, which is one of the reasons blamed for the DOW being down. That's Obama's big plan to let the government run privately own banks so they are completely in charge of our money.

Lack of faith in Obama's spendulus plan is also a reason for the DOW.

Also to note... the Gallop poll said Obama's one month approval is about average to other presidents, but LOWER than Jimmy Carter who was 71% by the end of the first month.


That says a lot.

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