Thursday, February 26, 2009

Showbiz tonight has to be kidding!

I love how Showbiz tonight are calling Michelle Obama a fashion Icon. Fashion icon? The ball dress with the heavy cave man sleeve? the Butcher's dress? come on. then they called her the coolest first lady in history. Seriously? She's only been in office for less than a month. Give me a break. Then of course they talk about her and Obama's love story.

No one's love story could touch Nancy and Ronald Reagan's.

Then they are gooing over how Americans NEED to see such a happy couple in the white house.


How many of you are "SO GLAD" to see a rich and happy family passing bills that cost us money when we're already broke, so many have lost jobs, the DOW drops everytime that happy family open their mouths, and we're spending a trillion dollars on things like studying swine stank?

Yeah, I feel peachy. I can't stand liberal media.

thank GOD the senate got one thing right when they backed the ban on the fairness doctrine.

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