Monday, February 23, 2009

Thank for our Economy Obama

Obama annouced the nationalization of all banks.

immediately after, the DOW plummeted almost 300pts.

Tomorrow we should be down into the 6000's, 5000 is said to not be far behind. People have no faith in the government running the banks.

there are plenty of schlubs like my mom whose pension is wrapped up in stocks. when she and my late father first started their jobs as teachers, their pensions were divided 50/50. 50% is a straight payment, and 50% is in the stock market... so when the dow drops, so does my mother's pension checks.

So much for stimulating the economy. The most he's doing is destroying it everytime he opens his mouth about a new plan he has for us.

he's going to go down in history as the first black, but WORST economical president in history, unless he does something soon! (let me clarify.) Unless he does something GOOD soon.

You CAN'T blame Bush any longer.

December 31'st 2007, under Bush, with the war going on, no stimulus plan, no talk of the Nationalization of banks and insurances...

the Dow was near 13500.00

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