Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Careful to conservative bloggers

the Fairness doctrine is starting to rear it's ugly head depsite the fact that the majority of Americans still do not favor it.

They are already trying to go after shows like Hannity and Limbaugh. They're also talking about policing the internet.

You know... you guys have PMSNBC. It's not our fault FOXnews generally gets better ratings.

You guys had Air America... it's not our fault it failed big time.

if people were interested, they'd listen. But they weren't. Who wanted to listen to washed up nobodies like Janine Garofalo and Al Franken? Al Franken can't even win an election without rigging votes. I mean... more people voted for him than exist in Minnesota? come on.

It's not conservatives faults that people don't care about hearing the same drivel of doom and gloom 24/7 in an unentertaining way.

Get over it.

again, this proves democrats are depressing people.

They won the election, they go their way with the stimulus, they're pretty much in control of the government...

yet they still have to find things to whine and bitch about.

It's pathetic.

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