Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More forces to Afghanistan

Obama is sending more troops to Afghanistan. 17,000 more troops to be exact. Where are the anti-war people who were protesting Bush now? Where's the "Bring the troops home!" People? He hasn't brought anyone back from Iraq yet... basically Obama has just been sending more troops to Afghanistan.

Libs are already defending this.

It comes down to one quote with them.

"It's Bush's fault."

How? Bush is no longer in office... and Obama promised to pull troops and bring them home. Instead he's redirecting them to Afghanistan, then ordering more troops here in the US to head out to Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was always Obama's Iraq. This was something the anti-war idiots were warned about. But they didn't listen. They just heard the promise of pulling troops out of Iraq, and that was enough for them.

I know you'll all probably ask me what my personal feeling is on the troops. I'm not going to say because how I feel about it is not the point of this blog. My point is this.

Where is the anti-war people now? Where are the "bring them Home"ers now? Where's the MSM's critical overview of the situation like they were there for Iraq?

That's my question.

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