Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ah, can you smell the hope... or is that cow poop?

The stimulus has passed the senate... pork, earmarks and all. Yay for a bunch of spending on items that will not create jobs! Yay for more spending than tax cuts.

and the stimulus is already helping our economy! the second it passed the senate, our DOW plummeted almost 400pts, ending at 7888.88.

wait... did I say help? I meant the opposite of help.

I sure hope those Rhinos who sided with the stimulus know what they're doing, however, after today's DOW, I'm starting to SERIOUSLY doubt it.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi! Couldn't get your blog for a while!

The three that voted with the Dems should have always had a (D) behind their names.

Obama admin hopes the Dow dives, then they can say Capitalism doesn't work.

See ya' in the Gulag, save me a seat!