Thursday, October 23, 2008

And so it begins

Woman allegedly beaten for supporting McCain

McCain supporter's home shot up

A McCain sign was set on fire, close to the owner's house which also could have caught on fire

A pizza place was offering free pizzas for McCain signs in Michigan, causing thefts of Mccain signs from McCain supporter's houses.

A man admitted to a plot to bomb the Xcel center in Minnesota in hopes to stop a McCain / Palin Rally

Wisconsin 8th grader textbooks reference Obama and his book "audacity of hope"

Wisconsin judge denies plea to verify identities of voters

Shortly after the above story, 800 absentee ballots go "Missing" at the same time.

GOP believes they were stolen. Liberals in Madison, WI say they will mail out new absentee ballots, and have a fail safe to make sure votes are not double counted.

What is that fail safe? The first vote received will be the only vote counted.

So if the jackass who stole the ballots in the first place fakes their signature (and remember a judge just denied a request for voter verification), as long as it gets in before the real voter sends in the replacement ballot... the real voter's ballot will be null and void, rendering their legitement vote useless.

We already have

Madonna making threats against Palin
Sandra Bernhardt making a sick "joke" about gangrape against Palin
CNN lying about a report so they could call Palin an idiot to her face
African Americans THREATENING RACIAL RIOTS if Obama loses

we also have Obama basically taking money illegally (and immorally considering he said he wouldn't until he came to an agreement with McCain, a meeting he never made.)

and yet liberals still focus on the ONE guy who supposedly shouted "kill him" at a Palin rally (Though secret service investigations have deemed this claim to be false.)

scary world huh?

this will be our world for 4 to 8 years if Obama is elected.


Carolyn said...

That babe that got beat up made that up. You can tell, the "B" is backwards, as you'd make it on yourself. That is something a liberal would do. I'm rather disgusted.
Otherwise, keep on with the good fight!

anne onee mus said...

I'm not as concerned about the "B", as I am the black eye. While I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt (And I'd be pissed if it weren't true) The black eye gives me pause. It looks to perfectly symetrical, and when I had a major eye injury, my eye looked severely bloodshot... and her eyes are clean.

However, real or not

the other reports ARE true and have been proven... so Obama still isn't the safe bet.