Thursday, October 9, 2008

McCain/Palin rally revitalized me

My brother called and told me he was called out of town for a few days, which left him with 2 VIP passes to a Wisconsin rally he couldn't use.

I packed up my dogs, picked up my mother, and drove all night to Wisconsin. We got in about Midnight.

At 8am, my mom and I left thinking we'd be early enough to be near the front of the line for the rally. I was very excited, wearing my pink McCain/Palin t-shirt. I couldn't wait to hear what McCain had to say, and see what Palin was like in person.

When we got there, the line was already stretching from the front of the building, around the parking lot, back through the parking lot back up to the building, snaking around and back through the parkinglot again. It was so winding and twisty that it was hard to figure out where to go, and we had to have someone escort us to the back of the line.

Within minutes the back of the line grew and grew and grew till you couldn't even see the parking lot any longer. The audience was beyond a sell out crowd. I was starting to wonder if there would even be room for everyone, but happily, I had my brother's VIP tickets, so no big for my mom and I.

There were a group of protesters of course. A bunch of losers in costumes chanting stupid things, holding signs that made no sense like "McCain loves NAFTA"...

um... Bill Clinton, the democratic hero was the one who signed NAFTA into existance... I bet that same protestor holding that sign was a-ok with it when it was Bill Clinton's idea. Then again, someone from the McCain line yelled at the guy about Clinton and the guy just looked completely confused, further proof Libs only spew ideas spoon fed to them by their party without actually questioning, researching and educating themselves.

The news was calling them a "large group of protestors", when actually I counted about 30 some people at most. And they lost their air when McCain supporters waiting in line started chanting "ACORN" and "STOP STEALING MY VOTES". There wasn't much they could counter with that.

The line finally started moving, and surprisingly, we seemed to be at the doors in no time at all. Cops, secret service, and sheriffs were all over the place. We had to take off our jewelry, open our purses, turn on our cameras and cell phones so they could peek at them to make sure they were really cameras and cell phones, walk through medal detectors...

it was actually kind of cool. lol. I felt like I was entering a very important, top secret place.

When we got in, we had Amazing seats, right up close and personal. It was very exciting. The first to take the stage was congressman and all around nice guy, Paul Ryan. He was the MC who quickly introduced Milwaukee county executive Scott Walker. He gave a very passionate speech, then turned it back to Paul Ryan who then introduced a very beloved icon of Wisconsin. Someone much missed under the tax tyrrany of Gov. Jim Doyle... former Gov. Tommy Thompson.

He gave a very passionate speech that had the audience standing in ovation, even more excited about McCain and Palin's appearance.

The house band played Johnny Be Good which got the audience dancing, and a rivoting performance of "God bless America" which had people in tears. Then, after the National Anthem, a Prayer, and the pledge of alliagence... It was time for McCain and Palin to come out. The audience was excited and were on their feet chanting McCain, McCain.

However, when Palin entered, you would have thought Elvis himself had just walked on stage. She was the rockstar of the moment. She was much smaller in person that I thought she'd be. Very dainty, very slendor, much prettier in person. TV does not do her proper justice.

Cindy McCain was there as well wearing the most amazing outfit! Talk about a woman with class, style and grace, Cindy McCain displayed all three.

As for the rally itself... there were a lot of moments that really struck me.

You may have seen him on National news... the yelling guy. Yeah, I wasn't sitting too far away from him. lol. He was very angry and didn't want to lose our country to socialists like Obama, Pelosi and Frank and all the corrupt bastards in the democratic party, and told McCain and Palin to get to work! lol. Good for him! Bill O'Reilly called him a patriot on his Patriot and Pinheads portion of the show.

There was also an African American man who said, for obvious reasons, he was getting his ass kicked for being a McCain supporter, and practically BEGGED McCain to start calling Obama out on corrupt and racist people like Wright and Ayers and Fannie/Freddie dems who got us into the economic situation we're in now.

McCain gave him a hug and shook his wife's hand and promised he was going to get tougher, and names were going to come out, and he finally yelled the name of Barney Frank and Franklin Raines... and he said it was time for some accountability and consequences.

but he also said we have to focus on the positives of what McCain will do for our country rather than constantly beating on the negative attacks on the competition.

McCain went into further details of his 300billion dollar plan to buy back morgages from people who couldn't afford them. This angered a lot of people because, why should we help those who decided to live beyond their means?

However McCain added a new detail I hadn't heard before.

He did not say he would buy them out so they could live morgage free and not pay the consequences of their actions.

he said they would buy the morgages out, and give them new morgages that they could afford, and pay for. This actually sounded a lot better to many worried supporters. It's not, NOT bailing them out... however it isn't giving them a free ride either.

I think one of the best quotes of the night was when McCain told the audience that America couldn't afford to elect a man because he's articulate and looks presidential... they need a man who IS presidential and hard working, that basically, the presidency is not a for goodlooking actors, its for real workers who want to get things done for the better of the people.

He of course, talked about taxes, and how he would lower them and cut wasteful government spending, and talked about ways he would do so. He emphasised helping small businesses, and making insurance competitive so you could go anywhere in the country for insurance to help stimulate the economy and make sure small businesses weren't failing because they couldn't afford to insure their workers.

Palin amazed me. Everyone down plays her, the left keep calling her stupid and uneducated, and unintelligent...

however she was the complete, exact OPPOSITE of what they say about her. Her answers were percise and clear, her answers were definative and had substance people could latch onto. They were not scripted, however each answer was well thought out.

She showed her smarts when it came to health care, foreign policy, the war in Iraq. She hit Obama hard when it came to his refusal to ever use the word victory when talking about the troops.

She and McCain had people on their feet, chanting USA, USA, USA, booing Obama.

There were no outbursts or demeaning comments about Obama other than someone calling out "he's a socialist" which basically, is true. However the audience was respectful and didn't stoop to low levels as has been reported on other rallies.

One moment that brought the audience to tears, was an Iraq vet who addressed McCain. He begged McCain to stay the course and to not let Obama cause us to lose the war in Iraq, and asked, if elected, how he planned to make sure the war was won.

He talked about the good he and other soldiers did in Iraq, and about the place where he met his son, an Iraqi disabled orphan at the Mother Theresa Orphanage, and about how he fought to protect his son who was about to get transfered to a very dangerous area, got him to America and adopted him.

The boy was revealing in the attention, and was obviously proud of his dad as his dad fought back tears while telling his story. The audience however, was not able to hold back the tears. I'm very surprised this moment didn't make national news. well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The Main stream media would prefer angry yells over touching stories form Iraq vets who are proud of what they accomplished.

Before I head home, I'm hoping the Milwaukee paper will mention something, because I did see photographers walking up to the boy to take his picture.

It was the most touching moment of the rally, and I was sad my camera was out of memory, because I would have loved to capture that moment. Of course there are liberals who claim this guy was a plant. I can say however I was sitting directy across from where he was, and he had his hand up the entire time trying to get McCain to allow him to have the mic. If he were a plant, he didn't have to work so hard to get attention.

As usual, McCain was extremely pro-troops, Pro-winning the war in Iraq so we don't have to go back, and anti-Obama saying our troops were bombing innocent civilians.

All in all, it was a lifting experience. McCain was energized and in turn energized the crowd. Palin was motivating, this was the exact lift a lot fo McCain supporters needed, and I truly hope to see THIS John McCain at the final debate next week.

This is the first political rally I've ever been to, and I have to say... I wish I could go again. It was amazing.

On a side note, watching the national news on the rally, I saw a closeup of my mom's head when they were focusing on someone asking a question. Sadly, the guy was standing in front of me. Lol. I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of myself somewhere in a wide shot of the audience. lol.

here are some pictures and videos from the rally.

Here's a view of the ever growing crowd outside. This wasn't even the half of it, just what I could capture.

Here is a McCain supporter holding a sign that says "Vote McCain, My brother did not die in vain!" - the sister of a soldier killed serving in Iraq.

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wis) introducing himself to the crowd and preparing to introduce Scott Walker.

Picture of Scott Walker

a small portion of the audience in attendance.

Former Gov. of Wi, Tommy Thompson

Sarah Palin taking a seat While McCain started his speech.

McCain talking about lowering taxes, and making sure small businesses can afford to stay in business.
Palin attacking Obama's record for towing the line with his party, even when it was against the public's best interest, while McCain took on the Dems and Republicans.

McCain/Palin Rally video 1 ...... McCain/Palin rally 2 ...... McCain/Palin Rally 3

Another video of the Rally

I have more, but for some reason, when I try to upload anything over 50mb, the internet disconnects on me. lol. But anyhoo. hope you enjoyed my rally experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent report! Thanks for taking the time to post these pictures and writing about the rally. I am jealous some though. Living in Central CA, I doubt I'll ever get the chance to see Gov. Palin up close. Then again, maybe when she RUNS FOR PRESIDENT in a few years, I'll be able to attend a local rally. :)
