Sunday, October 12, 2008

Radio show host threatened after McCain Rally

Liberals are all up in arms about a handful of McCain supporters yelling "Terrorist" at Obama's name. One allegedly yelled Kill him.

they denounced McCain and Palin for not being tough on these supporters. the MSM has been calling McCain rallies "Hate rallies full of angry hateful people."

Yet, even when it is brought up that the Obama campaign is full of the most vile hateful people... they just ignore those accusations and continue to cry about what the McCain supports have said.

An Obama supporter/comedianne told a crowd if Palin came to New York she'd have her "Black Brutha's gang rape her."
An Obama supporter/volunteer who was angry at the rude way a woman said she would never vote for a baby killer, lied about this woman threatening Obama's life so she'd be investigated.
An Obama supporter said in response to a McCain youtube video that he "wished all republicans would get cancer and die." One on the same video suggested they should be lined up against a wall and killed.

Yet no one ever takes issue with this, on either side.... Yet the republicans are rolling over to appease the left who cry when they hear someone call Obama a socialist or a terrorist.

in my McCain Rally blog, I told you about an African American man in the audience who said he was getting his ass kicked for being a McCain supporter for obvious reasons, and begged McCain to take it to Obama for his shady associations with white haters like Wright, America haters like Ayers and Jew haters like Farrahkan.

Turns out, he is an extremely popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, James T Harris. (Which I wish I would have known cause I'd have gotten his autograph. I use to listen to James when I lived in Wisconsin, and still catch his show on podcast once in a while.)

He said in a recent article you can read HERE, that he has been bombarded with hate mail since what he said went national, from Obama supporters. On a weekend TV show he was asked to be a guest on locally, he said some of the obama supporters hate mail was just plain cruel and uncalled for.

Others are other African Americans who call him a sell out for not voting for Obama since Obama is black. But his box is so full he can't get any legit email messages.

Its reasons like this that have been the CAUSE of the republicans to become angry people. Because libs can get away with threats, hate speech, violence and voter fraud... and NO ONE will do ANYTHING about it!!! We have the right to be angry!!

Its time for the republican party to stop being wussies who cow down to libretards ever time they cry foul, becuase the libearl party is the party of hate, and anger.

Roseanne Bar
Sandra Bernhardt
Alec Baldwin
Margaret Chow

these are all hateful people who say hateful things, not only about those who do not share the same life view, but of America herself. They can "joke" about having voilent acts committed against someone simply because of a difference of Opinion... and the secret service are never brought to their houses... they're never investigated...

In fact, when I've brought up what Bernhardt said about the "Gang rape" threat on Palin, it's brushed under the rug and no one talks about it. They're so focused on one guy in a large audience who may or may not have said "Kill him" (and according to secret service... they didn't hear any threats against Obama at that particular rally... and those who said they heard it didn't know for sure if it was Kill and Him, and if it was even directed at Obama.)

But suddenly the McCain rallies are hate rallies. No one talks about the boos at the Obama Rallies.

This is why Republicans are angry. They're sick and tired of getting kicked in the rear by the Libs, and the Republicans allowing it to happen.

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