Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe the Plumber, Ray of hope and Powell

Let's start with Colin Powell. He's an idiot.

To tell you the honest truth, He's an idiot plain and simple. He is starting to speak like a typical liberal which makes me think he's gone senile in his steadily getting older age.

1. He claims Obama is a good choice because he'll surround himself with well versed, experts (like him maybe?)

However he doesn't think Palin is ready to lead the country and that's what the vice president's job is... to step in should something happen to the president.

So Obama who has no experience, no resume, no track record of doing anything worth mentioning, no accomplishments... yet as long as he surrounds himself with knowledgable people (like him maybe?) he'll be fine.

Yet Palin, who has a better resume of experience, and has accomplishments that actually MEAN something under her belt... she wouldn't make a good president even if she surrounds herself with experts?

COME ON! (Yes, it IS a black thing. That's why Powell is doing it. He doesn't want to be called a sell out like James T. Harris has been nationally.)

Speaking of James T. Harris...

Poor guy has been bombarded with hate mail. HIS OWN "brothers" and "sisters" are calling him a "house N*gger", "a loving to be a slave negro", a sell out, an Uncle Tom...

I mean, all because the guy won't vote for "the brother". (I thought this wasn't about race...)

I emailed him a letter of support and told him to remind his "brothers" and "sisters" that Obama is half black and half white and that he may personally like the black side, but he's voting politically against the white side.

For people who always cry racism and equality and crap... they're sure not helping their cause by getting down on a hard working black man who made something of himself simply because he won't vote for the guy who has the same skin color.


Onto Joe the plumber. He's been getting a lot of slack himself lately. Left wingers are digging through his garbage, camping outside of his house, doing back ground checks on him... All the left are already talking about how McCain's John the plumber story failed.

here's why it didn't fire.

Small business owners were listening and feel the same way I do.

If you work your butt off to make it where you are... why would you want to help others live off the dime you made with your blood sweat and tears, so they don't have to put in the equal amount of work to succeed that you did?

I was listening to an investment talk show where they had on people from McCain and Obama's side who were small business owners to argue for each side. (Generally this show isn't political so it doesn't lean left or right.)

The majority of small business owners at the end of the show that were polled said Obama's comments and unashamed admittion that he's "Spread the wealth" concerned them deeply.

Screw if Joe the Plumber is really a plumber or not... the truth is now out there and those who really do have small businesses are worried.

Today's Zobgy poll reflects that.

Zogby, who I tend to trust more than other polls, has Obama on a 3 point decline from his latest 49% and has McCain up on a 3 point incline from his usual 43%

So it's now 47 to 45... a 2pt spread.

Before Joe the plumber that spread was 4 to 5 points on Zogby... at one point I believe there was a 7 point lead for Obama several weeks ago.

And that's the ray of hope.

Ever since Joe, the gap started closing fast.

Here's another ray of hope. Around this time last election... Kerry had a 10pt lead over Bush.

Guess who won... even after democratic voter fraud??

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