Sunday, October 12, 2008

Obama Implicated Directly in Voter Fraud

Israpundit article

More on ACORN Voter Fraud

Of course a lawyer for ACORN says this is just an attempt by the Right to keep disenfranchised poor people from voting.

Cause, you know... A John Jimmy at Jimmy Johns, a person who has been dead for 20 years, and a 7 year old, really need to have their say this election.

While nothing will be done about these provable allegations... there is a plus side.

as of now, 20% of Hillary Supporters are voting McCain, and there is most likely an undisclosed number of additional Hillary supporters who are voting McCain, but are saying to pollsters they are voting Obama out of fear of the same type of reaction Conservative, African American talk show host James T. Harris received.

There's the silent majority which has almost always voted republican because the majority of the majority are conservative Christians (Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans) who are pro-life.

So while nothing legally will be done about this... I'm hopeful if the news is spread around, this will just get out to those on the fence leaning McCain, to the silent Majority, and other Clinton supporters Obama screwed.

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