Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Explaining spread the wealth in elementary terms

A caller from Michigan called into the Rush Limbaugh show today to discuss his elementary aged daughter and her school vote. she said she was probably going to vote for Obama. When he asked why, she really didn't know... so he told Rush how he explained Obama to his daughter. He explained what Obama wants to do with our money in a way she could understand.

It's like Halloween. his daughter is going to go trick-or-treating to as many houses as possible between 6pm and 8pm, and get as much candy as she possibly can. (A lot of hard work.)

Then when they get home... dad is going to divide the candy up, then give a portion of it to the neighbor girl.

the daughter didn't think that sounded fair... and dad said "exactly". That is Obama means by spread the wealth.

Now, for those of you not that concerned with spread the wealth... here's the problem.

1st it was for those making $250,000 or more annually.

Recently Obama dropped that down $50,000 to $200,000.

Even more recently, Biden dropped it down another $50,000 making it $150,000, a hundred THOUSAND dollars LESS than the original $250,000.

Pretty soon it will be 100,000, then $95,000, then take from anyone who is working and spread it to those welfare lovers who are able bodied but refuse to work or pay taxes. The ones who claim "I have ADHD so I can't work." If you're a minority... don't worry. Because affirmative action didn't do enough for you... we'll take from any able bodied, working person and take care of you. This is seriously why Obama wants to spread the wealth. Listen to his 2001 audio.

Let's face it. There are only 2 ways to survive an Obama presidency.

Quit your jobs and stop paying taxes


Move to Canada. (I am SERIOUSLY considering the latter)

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