Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money Money Money....MONEY

Everyone in the MSM is complaining about how Palin spent over $100,000 of campaign money on clothing for rallies, debates and public appearances.


1. it is legal and the campaign funds are obtained legally
2. looking the part is important to playing the part
3. she gives the clothing away to charity

why do people have such a hard time with this, when Obama is raising millions of dollars in questionable manners

So we have possibly illegally or immorally obtained funds, which he used to buy airtime on several stations at a million dollars a pop, he used it it again to buy more airtime at a million dollars a pop, he uses it on false and misleading commercials, he bought his own station on a satelite company for a few million a pop...

yet that's supposedly ok because it's in the "realm of what the money is for"

Are you freakin serious?!

like I said before.... there will be no way to survive an Obamanation unless you quit you job and stop paying taxes, because under Obama, the money taken from everyone else will go to benefit those people, if you're a minority (because Obama says Affirmative action didn't do ENOUGH) or if you move to Canada.

Basically white, hard working, tax paying Americans are screwed.

He's a liar
He's a theif
He's a socialist
He's misled even his supporters
He has absolutely NO experience
He has absolutely NO accomplisments that make him presidential

yet because he's black and has possibly illegal money to spend... they want to make him president?

Pray for our country, God help us all.

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