Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Conservative for Obama???

There is a guy named Wick Allison who claims to be a conservative voting for Obama. Either Wick done lost his mind or...

A. He is a closet democrat trying to make it LOOK like he's deflecting
B. He isn't a true conservative and never was or
C. He done lost his mind. lol

(I say all of the above.)

Not that I care if he really is a conservative voting Obama, because for every republican that says they are Obama backers, there is a Hillary Supporter voting McCain. In fact, There is a rally coming up for "Women for McCain" led by Lady Lynn De Rothschild, an extreme clinton supporter since the Clinton administration, who raised millions of dollars for the democrats.

I seriously say you can't call yourself a true conservative if you vote democrat. Maybe if you're a Reagan democrat, or a "republican" you could say that, but not a conservative.

the way I looked at it, A Republican is a party affiliation... a conservative is a value and belief system.

You can't be a conservative and vote for a man who

1. Has ties to unrepentant terrorists
2. wouldn't denounce his pastor of 20 years after the hateful, racists speeches he was giving.
3. Has no accomplishments to speak of. I'm still waiting to hear from someone as to what he has done since 1997 that makes him presidential? He's made a hell of a lot of promises to get in office, he hasn't kept a single one!
4. Has no experience
5. Is not only pro-abortion, but pro-letting babies die in hospital closets because he fears giving them after birth medical care could overturn Roe V Wade. He voted against medical care not once, not twice, not three times... FOUR TIMES he voted against medical care, even with stipulations that would guarantee Roe V Wade would remain in tact.
6. A man who has voted 2x this year alone on a resolution that would raise middle class taxes
7. A man who ran for the senate on the promise of helping to lower taxes and not only NEVER ONCE brought it to the table... voted AGAINST tax cuts. (You can look these votes up. Public record.)

If you seriously think this man who has done nothing more in his entire career other than name a day after someone in chicago, voted "no Opinion" nearly half of his state senate life and missed more votes in 4 years than McCain missed in 22....

then you my friend, were never conservative.

All Politicians can talk a good talk.

If I were running to be president of a theater company... I could promise to help raise funds to better promote local shows, I could promise that I would take every avenue to get different venues into the theater, I could promise a bigger budget, I could promise to use our company to promote the arts in schools and help with fundraisers to keep the arts programs in local schools.

The difference between Me and Obama...

I have a TRACK RECORD that people can actually say... "She's used her theater career to help raise funds for local schools, She has experience in promotions, she helped make that concert a sell out through her promotions... she was able to get a band from Japan to play for a small community in America."

Obama has no track record except promises he would bring things to the table as a senator, and never did a one. Not even his supporters can name his accomplishments.

That's what gets me. He promises pretty things in pretty packages... but has no proven track record that he would do any of it...

all he has is more missed votes in 4 short years than McCain missed in 22 years... He voted "No opinion" more than half of his career in Illinois... He's voted with his party more than 90% of the time, never once stood up to them when they were wrong. (which was a lot), He benefitted greatly from Fannie and Freddie, only second to Dodd, and followed by Kerry, both Democrats. He sided with his democratic buddies when they said Fannie and Freddie were fine a few years ago, even though there was proof they weren't, then takes credit for "trying to warn everyone."

Give me a break. A true conservative would never vote for a guy like this.

Promises are one thing, Actions are another.

Obama's actions prove he can't keep promises. Why anyone would vote for him at all is beyond me...

But there is no way you're a conservative if you're voting for Obama. You'd have to let go of all of your morals and beliefs in order to vote for him.

It's kind of like saying you're catholic, but pro-abortion. You CAN'T be Catholic and pro-abortion because the catholic church regaurds abortion as a mortal sin, citing the Apocalypse of Peter: "And near that place I saw another strait place . . . and there sat women. . . . And over against them many children who were born to them out of due time sat crying. And there came forth from them rays of fire and smote the women in the eyes. And these were the accursed who conceived and caused abortion"

So you can't be Catholic if you are pro-abortion
You can't be conservative if you vote Obama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the best explanation as to why people like Wick Allison supports Obama comes from a poster on

Wow! Where do I begin? First of all, this man is correct about the sorry state of the Republican party. Only a few real conservatives remain wandering the halls of Congress. The rest of the party suffers from being pulled to the left for decades by the media and popular culture. George Bush has decided to take on some very tough issues without being able to tell the truth about what we are actually doing and why we are doing it. He never defends himself and poorly explains himself when called upon to do so.
However, to embrace Obama is not the answer. This man's perception of Obama as a thoughtful pragmatist is a frightening spectacle and to me shows how utterly empty Obama is. He is functioning as a mirror, somehow reflecting the desires and thoughts of way more people than I thought possible.

The device used here is the CHANGE mantra and Obama does not need to make these radical claims himself as these groups just ASSIGN values and positions as they all see fit depending on the changes they want. Just imagine what you want, and Obama fits the bill. He is a master of the wink and the nod, and therefore people do not believe him when he says things that are against what they believe. They think he is “just saying those things” to get elected and that once he is safely in office he will fullfill thier secret desires. Even his former church mates, whom he threw under a bus and denounced publically, will all be voting for him and they probably expect that a President Obama will carry out payback for all thier greivances against the USA.

And now I see, to at least some conservatives, he is the new Ronald Reagan. If Obama wins and it is looking more and more like he will, there are either going to be legions of disappointed groups out there or Obama is a supernatural being who can change the perception of reality depending who he is talking to. There are simply no policies that will placate all sides of every issue, and Obama is building up huge expectations. I fear his strategy after the election will be the Third-World strategy (Chavez anyone?)of claiming that "enemies" are stopping him from saving the world and that more power will be needed in the executive branch. The end result may be that all the power that people believe that Bush/Cheney have usurped will be freely given under Obama.

I think a McCain ad called “Mirror Man” could be produced and quote what all these differing groups believe about Obama and just troll their respective websites for what members have assigned for Obama. I think it will be an easy task to find supporters on many sides of almost every major issue. It would not even have to be opposing views; the idea is to expose the technique and its impact on the voters. Then people can ask themselves if they are projecting their own desires onto Obama or if there is actually a substantive rational, basis for thier selection.