Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't panic about the polls

October 5th 2000 -

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Thursday's CNN/USA Today/Gallup tracking poll indicates that Vice President Al Gore may be opening a solid lead over Texas Gov. George W. Bush, after nearly two weeks of neck-and-neck competition. Today's figures -- 51 percent for Gore to 40 percent for Bush -- represents a significant margin for the vice president.

March 2004 -

John Kerry 48%
George Bush 44%
Ralph Nader 3%

Bush won both terms despite both Kerry and Gore leading in the polls, voter fraud on behalf of the democratic party. (Illegals voting, people who have been dead for decades voting, convicts inelligable to vote voting, people voting 2x, using fake names, so on.)

Polls are very fickle.

On one end you have liberal leaning polls... they poll an equal number of republicans to democrats to get a fair look, then they reduce the number of republicans to democrats to make it look as though Obama is riding a wave.

some will guestimate how many people are LIKELY to vote this year (rather than taking into account past year turn outs) and weighting the polls with those numbers.

More valid polls (like Zogby) will tell you like it is, and admit nothing is over till the last vote is cast.

They even admit a lot of times the silent majority will come out and decide the fate of an election, resulting in a win for the person whose campaign was thought to have been long since finished.

They have been used to explain many republican wins when it was thought they didn't stand a chance. Most liberals believe the silent majority are Christians who follow the ideology of the Republican party more than the Free sex, love and abortion views of the left.

There are also those who have said they are voting for Obama out of fear of being deemed a racist by not supporting him which would hurt their career and/or reputation... So they just telle veryone they are voting for Obama, but are secretly planning to vote against him.

The silent majority and the "closet McCain" voters will not reflect in current polls.

While that does not mean we can rest easy... we should also not lose hope.

Always remember it's not over till that last vote is in. So keep your chin up... keep spreading the word to get out and vote for McCain, and make sure you remember to vote yourself. Don't sit home assuming there are enough people doing the work that you're not needed. EVERY vote counts, especially in such an important election as this one.

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