Thursday, October 30, 2008

You get what you deserve. Nobama supporters can't cry

1. Obama has proven he breaks promises. When he ran for senate, he said he would help lower taxes, he did not once even try, in fact, he did the opposite, voting to RAISE taxes on more than one occassion.

2. He's so extreme, he's not only pro-abortion, he's pro-infanticide. How can you expect him to help educate and protect our children when he allows the most frail and neediest to die in laundry rooms, lonely and suffering deaths simply because they were born alive after a botched abortion attempt?

3. If you are a hard working, tax paying, honest white person voting for Obama, I hope you remember how he promised to screw you out of your hard earned money to give it to those who live off of welfare even though they are able bodied, who never pay taxes or hold employment.

4. Obama's mentors are a white and America hating racist, 2 Jew haters, and a domestic terrorist.

5. Obama did not know Wright was a racist, Ayers was a terrorist, or that Farrakhan and Khalidi were such avid Jew haters. If he doesn't even know the deep rooted hate of the pastor he went to for 20 years, was married by and had his kids baptised by... how can you trust him with our country?

6. Biden warned if Obama is elected, he'd be tested by a crisis. Obama is inexperienced and Biden has been quoted as saying "I have forgotten a lot of my foriegn policy"

7. Obama first said the taxed "rich" would stop at $250,000... then $200,000... then Biden said $150,000. We're getting closer and closer to the $42,000 Obama voted to raise the taxes of, then claims it wasn't really a vote to raise the taxes because it wasn't a vote on a law or some crap.

8. Obama has something serious to hide. Why else would the L.A. Times not release that video tape of Obama toasting Jew Hater Khalidi? If there is nothing on it, why are they waiting till AFTER the elections supposedly? L.A. Times is a major Obama backer... so it must be bad if they want to protect him by not releasing the tape.

9. Obama's aunt lives in the slums of Boston, it is said she walks with a metal pipe, not even a proper cane. She has said she was asked to not talk about him till after the election. In fact, he has taken her donations to his campaign of $250. His half brother George in Kenya who lived in a hut all of his life... His half-brother lives in a hut... his aunt in a slum... he lives in a million dollar mansion... taking his poor aunt's money for his campaign. He can't even care for his family, yet he's going to keep his promise to care for our's?

We're in for trouble. Mark my words, if you don't remember anything else I say, remember this... gird your loins. If Obama gets in office, there will be hell for us all to pay.

If you are a Jew voting for Obama
If you are a hard working small business owner voting for Obama
If you're a hard working white man or woman voting for Obama
If you're a hard working Black man or woman who have fought to rise above the color of your skin and do for yourself to make something of yourself voting for Obama...

Shame on all of you.

You've just screwed this country. our safety, our pocketbooks, privacy, freedoms and rights. Those who fight for equal treatment have just taken a big step back because Obama doesn't want you to succeed or better yourselves, he wants to you leech off the system, to take without giving, to be immoral, lazy and incompetent so he can take care of you, look like a Robin Hood taking from the rich to give to the poor, then sweep you under the rug when you're not needed and leave you to fend for yourselves.

So shame on anyone voting for Obama. You'll see the grass is not greener on Obama's side, but you only have yourselves to blame when he proves he is not a man of his word, and starts blaming previous administrations for breaking his promises.

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