Monday, October 13, 2008

African Americans ARE Racist. Proof here.

Here's what we know.

1. Obama has no accomplishments to speak of.
2. Obama's campaign has connections to voter fraud
3. Obama has connections to ACORN who has committed voter registration fraud
4. Obama has connections to scum like Ayers, Rezko, farrahkan and Wright
5. Obama voted "no opinion" nearly half of his state senate career
6. Obama promised to get tax cuts when he was running for state senate, and never once brought it to the table.
7. Obama voted 2x in march and June on a resolution that would have raised taxes
8. Obama has voted several times against tax cuts.
9. Obama promises a lot of pretty things wrapped in pretty packages... but has no track record of ever following through with promises.
10. Obama missed more votes in 4 short years than mcCain missed in 22 years.

But still the African American community are voting for Obama and claim anyone who doesn't is racist.

However, I propose that African Americans are racist against whites.

why would I say this?

Because they don't even know or understand what Obama stands for... yet they're going to vote for him soley because he's black. Isn't that racist? vote for someone based on the color of their skin even if it's to the detrament of the country??

here's proof. Theses are sound bites of African Americans in harlem being interviewed about who they're voting for. What they decide to do is ask these people, what they like about Obama more... the fact that he's pro life or the fact that he wants to keep the troops in Iraq till we win the war... followed by what they think of Obama's choice of Palin as VP.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wow, next time a pollster asks you why you are voting McCain, tell him "Cuz' he's white!" See how that goes over!