Monday, October 20, 2008

An urgent message to the Silent Majority

For years the Silent Majority have been credited with putting a republican in office, who would otherwise have lost. Mostly this is because the majority of you majority are either small business owners, families already tired of higher taxes, or Christians.

This is more urgent than ever.

Who is Obama?

His "Spread the wealth" system is socialist. Take from those who succeed and give it to others so they don't have to try as hard. This way, no one succeeds and the Government holds all the cards.

He's pro-infanticide. In his own words when he voted down the infant protection act, he basically said he could not call a child born alive after a botched abortion attempt a child, because there would be the possibility of overturning Roe V Wade. 4 times he voted against a bill that would protect a child, born ALIVE after a botched abortion attempt, viable outside of the womb (when all agree a life is a life.) This means he is for the practices of putting these babies in laundry closets to die slow and lonely deaths. All in the name of not overturning Roe V Wade.

He's pro-choice. If you are christian, you can not vote for Obama. It is a conflict of what Christians believe. It says in the bible that life starts at conception, and Abortion is looked upon as a great evil. In the Apocolypes of Peter which I quote frequently... "And near that place I saw another strait place, and there sat women, And over against them many children who were born to them out of due time sat crying. And there came forth from them rays of fire and smote the women in the eyes. And these were the accursed who conceived and caused abortion" (The Apocalypse of Peter 25 [A.D. 137]).

In the letter of Barnabas - "Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born" (Letter of Barnabas 19 [A.D. 74]).

If you are Christian, you can not vote for a man who is pro-choice and votes against saving the life of a viable child born ALIVE out of fear of overturning Roe V Wade. Keep in mind, Roe of Roe V Wade is now Pro-LIFE!!

Obama is a tax raiser - Tax cuts for 95% of the population is an impossibility. You are either naive or brainwashed if you truly believe he can accomplish this. When Obama ran for Senate, he promised taxcuts... he NEVER ONCE brought tax cuts to the table. He voted down tax cuts several times... and voted on a measure in March and June that would have raised taxes, no matter how he spins it to make it sound.

Obama is pro-Fairness doctrine - While he claims he's not for the fairness doctrine of th 1950's... he has...

1. hired a "truth" squad to threaten lawsuits on anyone who speaks negatively about Obama, citing "spreading POTENTIAL untruths." (This coming from the guy who made a 100% untrue commercial about Rush Limbaugh.)

2. Is for keeping tabs on conservative radio to make sure they are "fair and balanced". In otherwords, keep their mouths shut unless making nice with liberals.

3. Obama, out of fear of having a link between ACORN found, is sending investigators to investigate the GOP's investigation into ACORN. He isn't going to investigate voter fraud rumors... he's investigating the investigations INTO voter fraud. Sound fishy to you? What is he trying to hide?


Cindy McCain - Humanitarian... Drug problem / Got help. (Barack claims he only did cocain recreationally... never got help)

Cindy McCain has traveled the world helping children in need. It is how she met the daughter she adopted. She even started charities to get children around the world medical attention their parents couldn't afford. She's won several humanitarian awards.

Michelle Obama was never proud of America "until now".


Tax raises, spreading the wealth, Pro-infanticide, Pro-abortion, he wants to silent freedom of speech

We can not have a man this dangerous in office. Please, to the silent majority, win one for the Gipper again! Protect America and our freedoms.

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