Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is what the black community are threatening if Obama's not elected.

This was after the cops in the Rodney King beating were found innocent by an all white jury. They said it was about racial injustice.

Yet black people were beating black people. Black people were looting shops owned by blacks, whites, hispanics and asians.

An asian man who didn't agree with the verdict said he was beaten and had TVs robbed from his electronics store. They didn't care that he was on their side about the verdict.

You know, TVs and Radios really help the plight of racial injustice.

This wasn't about race, nor will Obama's loss be about race. It's all about having an excuse to act like the animals they are. Thugs are thugs. These are the same people who would attack, threaten or hurt their own race for bettering themselves and rising above the inner city violence, for educating themselves.

Some say, "I'm scared if Obama doesn't win this will happen... 4 years is not as bad as living in fear."

If Obama wins... this is what it will be like everyday. It will be living in fear for your safety, your freedom of speech, your checkbooks, your health, your livelyhood, your ability to suceed. And you will have no protection and no way to defend yourself.

This is why Obama CAN'T win.

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